The Bauman Moscow State Technical University became an independent educational institution long before people began lovingly calling this university "Baumanka". The reviews were first recorded in 1826, when workshops were opened to teach children from the "educational home" various crafts - it was already a kind of vocational school. And in 1830, Nicholas the First approved it by a special decree.

Before the revolution
Students studied and lived on the territory of the school at public expense. In 1868, this educational institution became the highest - the Imperial Moscow Technical School. The quality of education was extremely high even then, and now the Baumanka trains the most highly qualified specialists of almost two hundred years of age.
Reviews in the documents of the century before last indicate that process engineers, mechanical engineers and civil mechanics who left the walls of the school actively promoted technical progressin Russia and achieved outstanding success in the chemical, textile, food industries, new technologies, mechanics and woodworking.
Soviet times
By the Soviet time, IMTU had already become widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. The Russian teaching method was literally praised after demonstration exhibitions (the first was in 1873 in Vienna, from where the Big Gold Medal was immediately brought). Even then, the future "Baumanka" became the best polytechnic school in the country and the world. Reviews were published in the press of almost all major newspapers in Europe. It would be strange if this educational institution did not have success with such teachers. At IMTU, students were taught by such authorities as Mendeleev, Chebyshev, Zhukovsky, Ershov, Chaplygin, Dmitriev, Sovetkin, Gavrilenko, Letnikov. People are not just authoritative - brilliant. Under Soviet rule, little has changed here. Only the name was changed to MVTU (not the word "university" means the last letter, but for now - until 1989 - the school, but the Higher).
Even now this fact is played up with humor by teachers of other universities: "This is for you, my friend, MEPhI, and not Bauman State Technical University!". However, even before this was nothing more than a joke, and there was not a person left in the country who would not imagine that enormous authority that the name "Baumanka" always carried in itself. Reviews about this university are written either with delight or with envy.
But back to the distant 1938. It was a turning point, and we are not talking about repressions. MVTU opens new faculties related todefense of the country: artillery, tank and ammunition. Ten years later, MVTU grew with another faculty, which confirmed the glory of the leading domestic educational institution - the faculty of rocketry. No wonder there is a real rocket at the entrance, and today the real "Baumanka" starts from this place.

Alumni reviews
It is unlikely that there is such an educational institution in the country, about which the best memories were written by such famous scientists and specialists of such a rank as S. P. Korolev and A. N. Tupolev. And there are so many famous designers that such a long list of names will not fit in a small article. The "father" of the first nuclear reactor, the author of the project - N. A. Dollezhal, the "father" of the first domestic computer, the author of the project - S. A. Lebedev, the famous metallurgist A. I. Tselikov studied here. It's just impossible to list everyone. Therefore, it was not surprising that the first technical university was the higher technical school - "Baumanka". The graduates' reviews even today say that this educational institution has no equal in the country in terms of training specialized specialists.
In total, more than two hundred thousand high-class engineers came out of the university, these are well-known civil servants of the highest rank, these are outstanding chief and general designers, these are the most famous scientists, leaders. There are also many among our cosmonauts for whom the "Baumanka" has become one of the warmest memories of their youth. Reviews about the faculty that helpedfulfill the most unrealizable dreams, wrote almost everyone.
And today nineteen thousand students study at nineteen faculties of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Doctoral and postgraduate studies function here, there are two lyceums, both specialized, and it is from them that most of the admission to Baumanka takes place. The reviews say that the same professors teach in lyceums, and the training takes place according to the university schedule. And therefore, freshmen do not have to readjust and get used to a new way of life.

Structural features
The university trains specialists in the entire spectrum of the most modern instrument making and mechanical engineering. Academic and scientific work here is carried out by world-class scientists, among the teachers there are only two thousand candidates of sciences and significantly more than three hundred doctors. Structurally, the university is divided into eight scientific and educational complexes, each of which contains a faculty and research institutes.
Professional students are trained at specially created branch faculties, the base for which are the largest enterprises, institutions and organizations (mainly the military-industrial complex), they are located in the capital itself and in the nearest cities - Korolev, Krasnogorsk, Reutov. In addition, there is a branch in Kaluga. That is why it is not difficult to find employment after Baumanka. There are a wide variety of reviews on the location of graduates, but they almost do not differ in information - everything and everyone turned out great.
And more interesting information: since 1934, the highest class specialists have been trained here from students who are hearing impaired, and the most unique teaching experience has been accumulated. Among the three universities of the country - also Moscow State University and St. Petersburg Polytechnic - since 1926, the military training of its students and "Bauman" began. The responses of the applicants say that it is difficult to get into the number of students, it is even more difficult to study, but no one will ever change this university for any other.
All efforts in preparation, diligence in training are like bricks lined up in the steps of a future career. At the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, there is a Military Institute, which trains reserve and personnel officers (twenty-one military registration speci alties!) For the RF Armed Forces. There are five military departments here (one of them is in Kaluga), there is also a civil defense department and a military training center. Students practice in the Dmitrovsky branch, there is a training ground with military equipment.

A step into the future
This is one of the most famous Olympiads that determine the future composition of university freshmen. It was founded in 1991 as part of the implementation of a program for youth by order of the government of the Russian Federation, and therefore is one of the components of the policy pursued by the state to provide scientific personnel for the country's leading enterprises. The Olympics was named after the entire program - "Step into the Future".
The organizing committee is dominated by the rector of MSTU, doctors of technical sciences, academicians. This program is the best way to ensure the succession of professional and scientific personnel in literally all sectors of the country's economy, since its basic requirements are fully consistent with the development programs of all national universities, among which Baumanka is the leader in the field of engineering and technology. Innovation reviews in the scientific community receive the most numerous, and the team of creators of the program, in which the Moscow State Technical University Olympiad is the most important link, was awarded the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of education.

Conducting system
Children with disabilities, for whom appropriate conditions have been created, can also be included in the number of students of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University thanks to the "Step into the Future" program. The winners and prize-winners get access to study at Baumanka. Students' comments say that many came here only thanks to participation and victories in this Olympiad, where some participants even received an award on the recommendation of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation - "The Talent of Overcoming". The Olympiad pursues the most noble goals: it reveals and develops profiled creative abilities, interest in scientific and research activities, forms key competencies, the most significant professional qualities, motivates to apply the acquired subject knowledge.
Reviews of students about "Baumanka" note that it is thanks to the Olympiads that the composition of a highly gifted contingent is formed, which is most capable ofovercoming difficulties, to the development of programs of the highest complexity. "Step into the Future" - these are two competitive tests: an academic competition and a scientific and educational one. Each of them has two stages. The first is full-time or part-time (with information technology and remote access), and the second is only full-time. The network is very extensive - more than three hundred organizations and one hundred and two coordinating centers take part in the Olympiad. These are schools and universities, CNT, research institutes, various enterprises.

Open Days
In 2017, Open Days were held on Cosmonautics Day on April 12 and the following day on April 13. There were consulting points where everyone could get answers to the most burning questions regarding the rules for admission to the first year or master's program. Future applicants were helped to choose the right faculty, speci alty, field of study. Many people were interested to know the details about the competition for admission, about the targeted admission. Someone was interested in innovation, someone was interested in linguistics at Baumanka. Reviews about the military training center are especially numerous, because many school graduates dream of becoming an officer of the RF Armed Forces after studying at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Of course, almost everyone was interested in training on a contractual basis, that is, on a paid basis.
For applicants, a lot of things were opened that you can’t get even on the Internet. Everyone knows that at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University there is a technical school where they study space instrumentation, but Daysopen doors give essential details regarding admission and training there. It also became known about many other forms of preparation for admission directly to MSTU. It is truly impossible to enumerate everything, such a wide flow of information was revealed to visitors. Excursions were made to laboratories and scientific educational centers, where one could see firsthand the quality of higher education provided by the university. Parents attended meetings with deans of faculties, with honored workers in education, where they received answers to all questions regarding admission, education, accommodation and many other topics.
Competitions in areas of training do not depend on the number of those who need or do not need subsequent accommodation in a hostel. It has always been held and will be held as a unified one. Then, when the number of first-year students is determined, a second competition is held - for the provision of university housing. Usually this is done by faculties: a score is set that is sufficient to get a place in a hostel. And not everyone gets it.
Has a "Baumanka" hostel, reviews indicate very good, but they are not enough for everyone. Those who have not scored a high enough score will have to live in the capital for a fee. A number of faculties have their own buildings for student accommodation - BMT, RL, IU, E, RK, SM, MT, Mytishchensky and Kaluga branches. But the faculties of OEM, RT, RKT, PS, AK, SGN, L, FN, IBM and the department of jurisprudence do not have hostels at all. Closely in the capital.
The hostels are located in differentdistricts of Moscow and the region. Few will live very close to the place of study - in the Izmailovsky campus, but even those who settle in the most distant place - in Ilyinka will be lucky. Yes, and those who managed to enter the Bauman Moscow State Technical University without the right to settle in a hostel are still probably happy. Such is this legendary university - "Baumanka". Hostel reviews are mentioned often. Many people have to deal with the bustle of the capital in the subway and other transport, since the journey from the hostel to the university can take even more than an hour. Studying fills almost all student time, but even a little leisure time in a hostel can be spent with benefit and pleasure. There are events, sports competitions, including football.
Life is quite well established: good kitchens, laundries, gyms. The canteen, which is on the territory of each campus, is not used by everyone, they love cooking here, even the corresponding competitions are held periodically.

International activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University are very extensive. Cooperation is carried out in the multilateral exchange of students, doctoral students, graduate students, research and teaching staff with leading universities in different countries, foreign students are accepted for study under a contract. Various and numerous joint studies are being carried out, educational and methodological developments are being created, students and teachers participate in international congresses, seminars, conferences. More than seventy universities in Asia, America and Europecooperate with Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Both the scientific and pedagogical activities of the university are always aimed at the future. This is participation in many conversion programs, research into the latest trends in technology and reassessment of priorities in the development of science. It is here that the conceptual basis of the state personnel system has been developed, the training of specialists for the technological base of the entire country has been organized, and graduates of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University are able to realize the replenishment of intellectual potential in all the most high-tech sectors of Russian industry. Stabilization of the domestic economy, national security and sustainable development of the country depend on them.