The two main concepts of social science - man and society, have always been inseparable, and not only for this discipline. They historically arose simultaneously, giving birth to each other. In other words, people got the right to be called that when they consciously began to live together. At the moment, the subject of the study of anthropogenesis (part of evolution, which concerns the formation of a person as a species) are both biological factors and social prerequisites and the process of the emergence and development of society - sociogenesis.

Biosocial human nature
A person lives in society - this is one of the key features of his biosocial nature, a fundamental difference from animals, in addition to walking upright, consciousness and, as a result, speech, and, most importantly, labor. It was from the consideration of the phenomenon of labor that philosophers of the century before last, for example, F. Engels and K. Marx, began to say that human nature is biosocial. They laid down a whole scientific concept that combines two concepts - the biological species of man and the society that he builds with his labor.
Babies are borncompletely dependent on their parents in all areas of their lives. And in this, people are not much different from animals. Although the period of growing up of children in humans is the longest among any biological species, not a single cub survives without older individuals. But the adult continues to strive to be part of the community. First, to jointly meet their physiological needs. But most importantly, social science unites a person and society because the company of their own kind is important for people in spiritual terms. At all times, one of the worst tortures was solitary confinement, driving anyone crazy. And the suffering of people lost on uninhabited islands - beloved heroes of adventure novels - is by no means fiction.

Public Institutions
These are occupational communities that respond to specific social and physiological needs of individuals. And again there is a synergy of man and society. Social science identifies five areas of activity of such institutions.
- Spiritual-religious.
- Political.
- Economic.
- Cultural, which includes education and science.
- Social (including family and marriage).
They meet the diverse needs of each individual, from the basic (food, sleep, safety) to the spiritual. But we can only take care of these needs together.
What society expects from a person
Social science operates with a basic unit -man, and their totality - the social system. As in any system, it has its own laws of interaction between parts and levels. And never society can not consist of one person. And he, in turn, cannot live alone as he pleases.

Any interaction of elements and levels of any system obeys certain rules, otherwise destruction and chaos await it. Social norms of behavior are divided into:
- Legal.
- Spiritual and moral.
- Religious.
- Traditional.
Every person must abide by these rules, for the sake of freedom to create and choose their own destiny, based on the joint satisfaction of basic needs. After all, humanity has long realized that together in any field people can achieve more.
Post-industrial society
At the moment, humanity is building a post-industrial society:
- The main direction of work is services and sales.
- Most of the production is computer-aided.
Information is the main value, so the tools for its transmission affect society to a large extent: social networks, the media, the Internet.
- Human personality and happiness are given paramount importance. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in general, the very life of every citizen is the main value.
- Social mobility of members of society. Everyonea person can change his social position at any time.
Scientists continue to study the biosocial phenomenon of the synergy of man and society, and the world they created together.