Humanity is inventive, including in the choice of corporal punishment. They are often quite brutal. Being lashed for "indecent" clothes or being sent to a clinic where they are treated with electric shocks for excessive use of the Internet is an example of the boundless human … fantasy. And to this day there are countries where a hand is cut off for theft. Where is such a cruel punishment used?
Muslim countries
In the modern world, a cruel custom has been preserved in Muslim countries. Such a punishment is connected with faith. At the dawn of the appearance of religion, this kind of torture fit perfectly into the era, but in the modern world it looks wild. That, however, does not negate the effectiveness of punishment. In 2013, a special device was solemnly presented in Iran - a guillotine on an electric motor, which is suitable for chopping off various limbs, depending on the punishment. In the modern world, punishment has become a little more humane, since the process itself lasts aboutseconds. The offender is blindfolded, and the process is controlled by a doctor. At the same time, the punishment is public, which makes it more effective.

What is the punishment for stealing? In Iran, for the first theft they cut off 4 fingers of the hand, and for the second one (do repeated crimes exist?) - they cut off half the foot of the left leg. In Saudi Arabia, where a hand is cut off for theft, the first crime is punished in this way, the leg is cut off for the next. At the same time, in the country, people with such an injury may not be hired, even if the person has never stolen, but, for example, received an industrial injury. Such employees harm the image of the company.
Such a custom is cruel, but there are almost no thefts in the country.
There is an opinion that the country where the hand was cut off for stealing was China. The Celestial Empire is really inventive for various executions, and such a method of punishment could really exist. Therefore, China may be a country where a hand was cut off for theft. The main feature of the empire back in the not so distant XIX century was that the judge himself could come up with a punishment for the criminal: chopping off limbs, cutting off parts of the body. It would be better not to break the laws in China. Criminals were not kept in prisons - too expensive. But demonstrative public executions - please.

Now, of course, there is no such cruelty in China. But corrupt officials are treated harshly. Yes, they will not be shredded with axes or other piercing and cutting objects, but neverthelesswill be shot.

At the same time, the executions are shown on television. And the criminal's family will also receive a bill - for the bullets. Cruel but effective: China's economy is one of the most developed in the world.
Rus and Russia
There was a similar punishment in Russia. Yes, an incredulous question arises: in what country do they cut off a hand for theft, is it really in ours? It can't be, because many people steal from us. Now, of course, there is no such punishment in the country, but at other times there were punishments with self-mutilation. Similar laws appeared under Ivan IV the Terrible.

In 1549, the young king ordered the hand of a thief caught in the act to be cut off. Therefore, Russia can also be included in the list of countries where a hand was cut off for theft. Since 1649, punishments have been applied for other reasons:
- For swinging a weapon in the presence of the Sovereign.
- For injuring someone in the public yard.
- For entering someone else's yard without the permission of the owners.
Petty theft could have a finger cut off, and there were many other severe corporal punishments.
Other countries
Some other countries also occasionally exhibit similar cruelty. You can see it on the news bulletins. As a rule, these are lynchings, which are arranged by "particularly caring residents." Such was the case in Mexico. Sometimes punishments are applied in Pakistan, Africa, but these are isolated cases, not systematic.
Other brutal punishments
Besides chopping offhands, there are many other rather cruel punishments that do not quite fit into modernity. One can only be surprised that such punishments exist in the 21st century… And sometimes the laws can be just strange:
- If you overstay your visa in Singapore, you will be beaten with rods. In addition, the fines for everything in the country are simply huge: for the transport of durian (an exotic fruit) in public transport, you will have to pay $ 3,500!
- You can get up to three years in prison in Bhutan for smoking or growing tobacco.
- In Malawi, you can get punished for passing gases in public places. Of course, this is the most terrible crime that will ruin a person's life forever.
- In Sudan, for "indecent" clothes, you can get a few dozen lashes. One 16-year-old girl was sentenced to 50 lashes for wearing a skirt that was too short to cover her knees.
- And in Afghanistan, a finger is cut off even for using nail polish. To some extent, this is logical: no fingers - no nails - nothing to paint. The only question is, who gets in the way of painted nails?
- In Kansas, for the usual screeching of tires on the pavement, you can go in silence to serve a sentence for a whole month.
- Be careful about postage stamps in the UK. For a "queen" pasted upside down, you can get charged with treason and go to jail.
- For the import of pork into Yemen, the punishment is severe - the death pen alty. Taking a product from this meat on the road is a bad idea.
- 600 dollars worth of chewing gum inThailand.