Audience - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

Audience - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms
Audience - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

Audience is a noun. It belongs to the feminine gender. You can ask him the question "What?". Do you know what this word means? It flashes in speech, but not everyone is able to indicate its interpretation. The article will focus on the lexical meaning of the noun "audience". We will not do without the selection of synonyms.

Etymology of the noun audience

This word is not originally Russian. It came from abroad.

It first appeared in Latin. It looked like this - audientia. It translates as "hearing". Interestingly, this noun comes from the verb audire.

Later, the "audience" migrated to the Polish language. There the word looks like this - audiencja.

Solemn audience
Solemn audience

Lexical meaning

We can begin to define the lexical meaning of the noun "audience". This word refers to a solemn reception held by the head of state or other high-ranking person.

Thisa formal meeting held by an official. They can receive, for example, an ambassador or a delegation. Previously, audiences were accompanied by various ceremonies.

Audience is needed to establish business contacts, resolve issues of concern. It is worth remembering that the vowel "a" is written in the first syllable.

Examples of use in sentences

Now we can move on to making sentences with the noun "audience" without delay.

  • It was not easy for me to get an audience with the king himself, but as it turned out, nothing is impossible.
  • This audience has been somewhat delayed.
  • In order to adequately organize an audience, you need to calculate every detail.
  • Please note that time is limited. At the audience, you should have time to discuss all the key issues.
  • Unfortunately, the audience with the distinguished ambassador will end in five minutes.
  • Audience with the Ambassador
    Audience with the Ambassador

Synonym selection

Audience is a word that can be replaced in a sentence with other speech units. Here are some synonyms that you can use in various communication situations.

  • Meeting. Suddenly, the meeting was canceled, the ambassadors were told that the monarch could not receive them right now, they would have to wait a couple of days.
  • Reception. We have to admit that the reception was truly chic, the tables were bursting with delicious food, and unprecedented exotic flowers flaunted in vases.
  • Durbar. No one could imagine that a durbar under the king could be so modest and without excessive pathos.

Regarding the last word, it is worth noting that it is used to describe a reception with the participation of dignitaries in Muslim countries, India.
