Do you know why people go to the market early in the morning? There can certainly be many reasons, but one of them is connected with an interesting expression - with "initiative". Thanks to him, the first buyers can count on concessions from the seller. "With the initiative of you!" - so they say, smiling at each other. So, next we will look at what it means - "initially".

Meaning of the word
I would like to note that the word "initiation" is used in two cases. Firstly, back in ancient times, it was customary for the common people during trade, when the first sale took place, to mark this moment with the words “with initiative”. They expressed both support and approval. Secondly, an initiative is a kind of undertaking, an initiative in the development of something new. The word is outdated. So, in ancient times they said: "On their own initiative", which in modern language means "on their own initiative." In addition, we can say that an initiative is a business that was started on someone's initiative.
Meaning of phrase
The addition of the preposition "with" makes this word a stable phrase. Its meaning is identical to the interpretation of the word "initiative". This expression was popular in the days of the Komsomol, so they talked about a bright manifestation of initiative, new beginnings. Currently, the phrase can only be heard when trading, and usually when buying food products. It's already a tradition. But the indispensable condition remained, as before, however, the beginning of something that brings the first result. We also note that there is such an expression as “for an initiative”, which implied a certain discount to the buyer. It was believed that if a start has been made, that is, there is already an initiative, this is a sure sign that the trade will be good and profitable, so the seller always made a "gift" to the first buyer.

Support and a couple of kind words
Of course, an initiative is an undertaking, but do not forget that people need praise and support, which they are waiting for and highly appreciate. Remember that a couple of warm and kind words inspire people to new actions. After all, it is not at all difficult to tell people something that will give them support and approval. Even our ancestors understood that a person needs to be reassured and cheered up.
And if something not very good happened, sometimes in this case one could hear: "With the initiative of you." And it was not a mockery, but rather support, sympathy, understanding. This is an alternative to the expressions "The first pancake is lumpy", "Dashing trouble is the beginning." A person who starts doing something for the first time always makes mistakes. This is the normal partlearning. Which means you don't need to worry. You just need to strive for better results.