How to start an essay? How to write the beginning of an essay

How to start an essay? How to write the beginning of an essay
How to start an essay? How to write the beginning of an essay

There's a lot to be said for how to start an essay. However, as everyone knows, in order to solve a problem, it is necessary to understand its essence. So if a student has questions about how to start writing, it's best to talk about what the overall process of writing a text looks like.

how to start writing
how to start writing

Structure and its features

An essay is written by all schoolchildren - regardless of their passions or preferences in relation to the sciences and disciplines. In general, every person must be able to correctly express their thoughts. Perfectly develops speech (both oral and written) writing essays.

Any essay consists of an introduction, a part in which the topic is revealed, and a conclusion. This is a common structure that is familiar to everyone. Sometimes there is an epigraph before the introduction - a phrase, a quote or a famous saying, chosen according to the topic. In general, the design requirements are different - they don’t impose high on high school students, but high school students must compose more complex texts (and both in structure,and in meaning).

how to write the beginning of an essay
how to write the beginning of an essay

How should the beginning be?

Depending on how long the essay should be, its introduction takes about 10-15 percent of the entire text. Before writing the beginning of an essay, the student should think carefully about what words are best to choose. After all, the purpose of the introduction is to bring the reader to the main idea, dedicate him to the topic and make it clear that this needs to be discussed.

It is also important to remember what the essay should be. This refers to its direction: there may be a description or reasoning, sometimes even a simple narrative. But one thing needs to be remembered. There is very little time to write (especially if this is an essay for the exam), and you should not think too long. You need to concentrate, focus and choose one of the most common ways to write the beginning of an essay on literature.

Essay on Literature

Very often, students are asked to write an essay on some work. How to start writing in this case? The first step is to say a few words about the author of this work. It is safe to say that this is the most popular (if not universal) technique used by students. But here it is important not to get carried away and not oversaturate the introduction with biographical information. It is worth leaving room for a few more suggestions regarding the work. For example: "What can be said about the work" The Little Prince "? Perhaps, the fact that it was in it that Antoine de Saint-Exupery managed to embody such concepts assincerity, honesty and, of course, the rich inner world of a person". Such a beginning is good because it specifically designates the theme of the essay - it immediately becomes clear what will be discussed later.

Rhetorical questions are also a good way to start a story. Moreover, it is suitable for almost all cases. You can write something like: "Why do people lie to themselves more often? Why are there so few people who are honest with themselves?" Such an introduction will be a good start to an essay-reasoning on some moral or moral topic.

how to start an essay essay
how to start an essay essay

Author's word

Before starting an essay-reasoning with questions or quotes, it is worth remembering that no one forbade making an author's introduction. After all, the essay is a free genre. And that's just a huge plus. You can start with the phrase "I often thought that …" or "Watching people, I often thought that …". Firstly, it shows that the author is an attentive person and interested in the issue, which will be discussed later. This is important - it means that the essay will be exciting and useful. An author who is not shy about expressing his own opinion can teach something, perhaps even change the reader's worldview.

In general, we must remember that an essay is very similar to an essay. That's just the last - this is a journalistic genre. And its purpose is to convince its reader of personal rightness. This move can also be used in a school essay. The main thing is not to overdo itwith this in the introduction. It shouldn't be too busy. To present the main idea, there is the main part - it is better to invest in it in this regard.

the beginning of an essay on literature
the beginning of an essay on literature

Introduction Plan

Many students, worried about how to start a reasoning essay, decide to make a plan. Well, this is not a bad idea, especially if the work will be final or attestation. However, it is better to plan for the entire essay. And for the introduction, a memo will suffice.

So, the first thing to remember is that the topic of the reviewed text is best summed up in two or three sentences. Then you should highlight the problem that is raised in the essay. Then it does not hurt to comment on this matter - it is best if it is the opinion of some great person (some even quote their statements in this part). And finally - the author's position. The student can write why the chosen topic seems relevant to him, what prerequisites he has for this, and what he thinks about it in general. The essay was created to express one's position. But many people forget about it.

How to reason intelligently?

How to start an essay in which the author plans to reason? Well, firstly, we must remember that a reasonable essay has a goal - to convince the reader of something. It is possible to change or consolidate an opinion regarding a particular issue. So that is why the basis of reasoning is a clearly formulated thought. This step must be taken responsibly. Forto check whether a thought is well stated, it is worth expressing it to several people. In the event that they have no questions left about the essence that it contains, then everything worked out, and you can develop it further.

how best to start writing
how best to start writing

Theme options

To write a good essay on a topic given by a teacher, you need to understand it. Otherwise, how can you talk about what you yourself do not know? Often this is a problem, since not all topics are close to the students. Much better if they choose what they write about.

Although in fact, not everything is so difficult - most often the subject belongs to the category of moral and ethical or moral. Love, relationships, friendship, betrayal, courage, kindness - this is what schoolchildren most often need to talk about. And if any of the above topics or a similar one comes across, it will be good.

To understand how best to start an essay, you can look at this example of the introduction of an essay on the topic "Love". It may look like this: "Love - how often do we hear this word? Almost every day. Do we think about what it means? Does any of us know what is the meaning of this word? What feelings are hidden in it "Surely everyone has thought about it at least once. And they understood how difficult it is to explain all this. Especially their feelings." You can see that there are a lot of questions in such a short introduction. And often the answers to them are given in the main part. Plus, this kind of opening makes readers think.

write an essay on the topic
write an essay on the topic

General rules

So, we can talk for a long time about how best to start an essay. But the most interesting thing is that everything here depends on the author. After all, this is creative work. Here, inspiration and your own desire to express your thoughts on a given topic are important. The most important thing is to remember that the text should be specific and meaningful. Therefore, before writing the beginning of the essay, you need to focus on the topic - this way you can avoid "water" in the text. And one more thing to remember is that the introduction should not be too long. Quite often, inexperienced authors get carried away, and the beginning turns into the main part.
