Andrey Turkin became one of the heroes of Beslan, when he closed a grenade with his body, which could take many lives in the explosion. It happened in the fall of 2004 during the seizure of the school building by militants.

Years of study
In October 1975, a boy was born in the city of Orsk. He had to grow up without a father, but he was very inquisitive and hardworking. He helped his mother by learning to do men's work. But he paid due attention to his studies at school. He managed to attend classes in the choir and the hand-to-hand combat section. After graduating from 8 classes, he entered vocational school No. 63 in order to quickly get a profession and start working. In this way, he wanted to help his mother, who raised him alone. In addition, he studied at the school of bodyguards. After graduating from college, he received the speci alty "driver-mechanic" and was drafted into the army. He served in the Trans-Baikal border district at the outpost of the Priargunsky border detachment.
A dream come true
Also Andrey Turkin, whose photo can be seen in this article, served on a contract basis in Tajikistan, where he took part in military operations. After the army, he entered the Krasnodar Institute of Marketing and ITS at the correspondence department, but still continued to dream ofmilitary service. Therefore, having abandoned his studies, he went to work in the FSB of Russia. He was accepted into the Vympel management. Having been trained by special forces, he began to take part in various operations, including the release of hostages at Dubrovka. I was on a business trip in Chechnya.
Andrey was warmly spoken about by his first commander Sergei Shavrin, who also bears the title of Hero of Russia. He noted such qualities of Turkin as sociability, thriftiness and reliability. Sociable and generous Andrei always gathered around him many friends who sincerely loved him. He was interested in other people's problems in detail, he always tried to help. Turkin was ready to risk his life for the sake of others, once he carried a comrade in his arms who was blown up in a minefield.
Over the years of work, he received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree. Also, Andrey Turkin, whose biography is described in this article, was presented to the Order of Courage, but did not manage to receive it during his lifetime. His death left behind his mother, wife and two sons. The youngest was born just 5 months after his father finished his earthly journey, and was named after him.

Tragic day
Terrorists held hostages for several days, including children. That they were not going to release them became clear on September 3, when the militants opened furious fire on those people who tried to escape through the collapsed walls of the sports hall where they were being held. Then it was decided to start the assault. Several of our soldierswere sent to cover the evacuation of the hostages. Andrey Turkin was among them. However, the people, distraught with horror, among whom were the wounded, separated him and his partner from the general group of special forces. The lieutenant and his comrade were already wounded, but continued to participate in the assault. Advancing under a hail of shots, they headed for the canteen where the terrorists were holding the remaining hostages. After destroying one militant, Andrey Turkin noticed that another had thrown a grenade directly into the crowd of people. He not only covered her with his body, but also managed to keep the terrorist, dying with him. Thanks to these actions, many lives were saved, including those of children.

After death
Such a feat, of course, did not go unnoticed. The President, by his Decree of 2004-06-09, awarded Andrey Turkin the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. He was also posthumously awarded the Suvorov medal and the Order For Courage. Andrey Turkin was buried, as well as other dead commandos from Vympel, at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow.
The memory of the hero is honored in his native land in Orsk. In the Square of Heroes on the Walk of Fame, his bust was installed. Also, the class of the cadet school No. 53 in Orsk bears his name, as well as the secondary school No. 1 in the village of Dinskaya, Krasnodar Territory, and a memorial plaque was installed in front of the entrance to the building of this educational institution. The same plaque is on the building of the Academy of Marketing in Krasnodar, where Turkin studied.

Eternal memory
In the border Priargunskythe detachment still has his bunk. He is still listed in the detachment, and his name is pronounced when he enters the service. Andrey also has his own stand in the museum of the heroes of Beslan in the Education Center of the city of Moscow. Interestingly, this center presents not photographs of the heroes who died in Beslan, but their portraits, painted by a volunteer artist. Schoolchildren and youth visit this place during the "Lessons of Courage" to honor the memory of the courageous warriors who gave their lives to save others. Andrey Turkin is among them. Many have tears in their eyes as they stand in front of his booth.
The biography described in this article makes you think about many things. Turkin Andrey Alekseevich will never be forgotten, as well as his courageous act.