University of Bologna: foundation, history and location. Faculties and studies at one of the oldest universities in Italy

University of Bologna: foundation, history and location. Faculties and studies at one of the oldest universities in Italy
University of Bologna: foundation, history and location. Faculties and studies at one of the oldest universities in Italy

The University of Bologna began to emerge at the end of the 21st century, when teachers of logic, rhetoric, and grammar turned to law. The year 1088 is considered the beginning of independent and church-free teaching in Bologna. During that period, Irnerius became a significant figure. His activity in systematizing legal Roman materials crossed the borders of the city.

University of Bologna, Italy
University of Bologna, Italy

Interesting facts

At first, university education in Italy was paid for by students. They collected money to compensate teachers for their work. The collection was carried out on a voluntary basis, because the science given by God could not be sold. Gradually, the University of Bologna turned into a center of science, and teachers began to receive real salaries.

Features of occurrence

EmergingUniversity in the Italian city of Bologna was helped by a tense and serious "struggle for investiture", which was fought between the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII. At that time, the sovereigns of Christian countries appointed priests and bishops at will, and Pope Gregory VII decided to proclaim the supremacy of the church over secular power, and he looked for evidence to justify his decision in the history of Christianity. In Bologna, by that time, there was already a school of "liberal arts", which was popular in the 10th and 11th centuries. Pupils studied Roman law and rhetoric as additional classes. In the writings of the 13th-century Bolognese lawyer Godefroy, there is historical information about the opening of a special legal school at the personal request of Countess Matilda, who was the ruler of Tuscany and Lombardy, a supporter of the Pope.

First university in Bologna
First university in Bologna

Struggle for influence

In the 11th-12th centuries, a turning point was observed in European politics. It was then that the relationship between church and state was established. In the struggle, legal issues were the basis, so the study of Justinian law became the basis for the self-consciousness of the Empire.

In 1158, Martino, Bulgaro, Ugo, Jacopo invited Federico I Barbaross to his meeting. The experts had to demonstrate the observance of political freedoms in the empire. Three of them (besides Martino) supported the Empire, expressed their recognition of the Roman law. Federico I Barbaross passed a law according to which the school becamea group of students led by a teacher. The empire promised such institutions, the teacher, protection from political claims.

The University of Bologna has become a place that is absolutely free from the influence of the authorities. This educational institution has outlived its defender. There were attempts by the Commune to control this educational institution, but the students, in order to resist such pressure, united in one team.

The thirteenth century was a time of contrasts. The University of Bologna has managed to overcome thousands of difficulties, it has always fought for autonomy, resisted the political authorities, which regarded it as a symbol of prestige. At that time, there were about two thousand students in Bologna.

In the 14th century, philosophy, medicine, arithmetic, astronomy, logic, grammar, rhetoric, theology began to be studied within its walls.

Features of Bologna
Features of Bologna

Talented students and teachers

The first university in Bologna is proud that such famous personalities as Francesco Petrarca, Chino Pistoia, Dante Alighieri, Cecco d'Ascoli, Enzo, Guido Guinidzelli, Coluccio Salutati, Salimbene of Parma and others have come out of its walls.

From the fifteenth century, teaching has been in Hebrew and Greek, and a century later, in Bologna, students are engaged in experimental sciences. The laws of nature were taught by the philosopher Pietro Pomponazzi.

The philosopher taught the laws of nature, despite his beliefs in theology and philosophy. A significant contribution to the pharmacopoeia was made by Ulisse Aldrovandi, who studies fossils. It was he who created their detailed classification.

In the 16th century, Gaspare Tagliacozzi was the first to study plastic surgery. He owns serious research in this area, which became the basis for the development of medicine.

The University of Bologna gradually developed. Even in the Middle Ages, Italy was proud of such eminent personalities as Paracelsus, Thomas Beckett, Albrecht Dürer, Raimund de Peñafort, Carlo Borromeo, Carlo Goldoni, Torquato Tasso. It was here that Leon Baptiste Alberti and Pico Mirandola studied canon law. Nicolaus Copernicus studied papal law in Bologna even before he began his fundamental research in the field of astronomy. During the industrial revolution, the university has a beneficial effect on the development of technology and science. During this period, the works of Luigi Galvani appeared, who, along with Alexander Volt, Henry Cavendish, Benjamin Franklin, became the founder of modern electrochemistry.

University of Bologna, Italy
University of Bologna, Italy

Rising Age

During the creation of the Italian state, the University of Bologna is actively developing. Italy acquires such important figures as Giovanni Pascoli, Giacomo Chamichan, Giovanni Capellini, Augusto Murri, Augusto Riga, Federigo Enriquez, Giosue Carducci. At the end of the nineteenth century, the university retains its importance on the world cultural scene. He holds this position until the interval between the two wars, rightfully included in the oldest universities in Italy. Time has no power over this Italian talent pool.

Oldest UniversitiesItaly
Oldest UniversitiesItaly


In 1988, the University of Bologna celebrated its 900th anniversary. On this occasion, the faculties received 430 rectors from different parts of our planet. The alma mater of all universities and is currently considered the main scientific center of international scale, retains the primacy in the implementation of research projects.

According to the QS World University Rankings, the University of Bologna is ranked 182nd in the world. Such a position of an educational institution in the ranking indicates a high level of teaching. Bologna is a city in Italy that is rightfully proud of this temple of science.

Bologna is a city in Italy
Bologna is a city in Italy

University structure

Currently, there are about 85,000 students at the University of Bologna. This educational institution has an unusual structure - a "multicampus", which includes five institutions in cities:

  • Bologna;
  • Forli;
  • Cesene;
  • Ravenna;
  • Rimini.

What else is Bologna proud of? The Italian region became the first in the country to open a branch of the university outside the country - postgraduate courses began to be taught in Buenos Aires, contributing to the deepening of various aspects of relations between the European Union and Latin America.

Educational programs of this institution of higher education are related to research in various fields of knowledge. The courses are designed in such a way that they fully meet all the demands of the labor market. Particular attention at the University of Bologna is given tointernational relations.

The activity of laboratories and research centers, the high level of results obtained allow this educational institution to take an active part in prestigious scientific competitions and conferences every year.

Applicants who enter the University of Bologna can count on scholarships and contracts for living and studying abroad.

Ancient university in Italy
Ancient university in Italy

University departments

Currently, this prestigious educational institution in Italy includes several faculties in the structure:

  • architectural;
  • agricultural;
  • economic (in Bologna, Forli, Rimini);
  • industrial chemical;
  • Department of Cultural Heritage Preservation;
  • legal;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • engineering (Bologna, Cesena);
  • foreign languages and literature;
  • veterinary;
  • foreign languages and literature;
  • psychological;
  • veterinary;
  • medical-surgical;
  • communications;
  • physical education;
  • science and mathematics;
  • political science;
  • high school of modern languages;
  • statistical sciences.

Contacts and addresses

This educational institution is located in Bologna on Jamboni Street, through which thousands of students pass every day. In this area there are many places that are associated with the university: stands, cafes, auditoriums. A visit to this street allows you to understandthe historical value of the city.

13 number has a central building, which houses the administration. It is located opposite the Poggi Palace. There is an auditorium in this building that is dedicated to Carducci, who once listened to lectures on Italian literature here.

The building of the First University rises on Galvani Square. Since 1838, the Commune's library has been located in the palace, but the main treasure is located in the anatomical theater. Today it is the main proof of the university tradition in Bologna.

University specifics

Due to the fact that this institution of higher education was founded in the twelfth century, it is rightfully called one of the oldest in Europe. The University of Bologna is characterized by two distinctive features:

  • he was not an association of a professor to whom the students who came to lectures had to obey;
  • the students' association had the right to choose the leaders to whom the professors reported.

Bologna students were divided into two groups:

  • Ultramontanes who arrived in Italy from other countries;
  • "Citramontanes", who were the inhabitants of Italy.

Each group elected annually a rector and a multi-ethnic council that ran the university jurisdiction.

Professors were chosen by students for a certain period, they received a certain fee, they taught only in Bologna.

According to their status, they were free only in classes with students. During lectures and seminars, professors coulddemonstrate your teaching talent and personal qualities.

Another feature of the University of Bologna was that it became a law school. In addition to Roman and canon law, medicine and liberal arts were taught within the walls of this Italian educational institution.


During the period of its existence, the Bologna school managed to have a significant impact not only on Italy, but on the whole of Western Europe.

The positive reputation of the professors of Bologna made it possible to consider this educational institution as a place of concentration of Roman law.

Currently, the University of Bologna is considered the oldest educational institution in the world, whose history has not been interrupted from the period of its foundation to the present. Every year, thousands of students from all over the world flock to Bologna in the hope of becoming students of this elite educational institution.
