Our country is the largest in the world in terms of territory. And how big and huge was the Soviet Union! On its truly gigantic - there is no other word for it - the area there were many various enterprises, organizations, educational institutions, including military schools. We invite you to learn more about the military schools of the former USSR (number, specialization, location, etc.).
Features of such establishments and a brief historical excursion
Before listing the cities and villages where military schools were located during the Soviet Union, it is necessary to deal with this phrase properly. It is clear that military schools train and educate future soldiers, but what are the features and characteristics of these educational institutions?
Let's plunge a little into history first. It is logical to assume that the formation of the current military institutions is rooted deep in the past. At the same time, it is interesting that reliable information about the existence in antiquitythere are no military schools and / or the like. On the other hand, it is undeniable and indisputable that the armed forces, whether it be an army or a navy, were superbly organized among the ancients, which means that even at that distant time there was at least something similar to an institution where future warriors are drilled. Ancient Rome, for example, boasted such institutions.
The Middle Ages were marked by the popularization of chivalry. In special "knight's schools" future warriors were taught fencing and horseback riding. The first institutions of this profile appeared for the first time in the Italian Naples and spread from there throughout the world. In addition, some more experienced knight could teach the necessary manners. Often they received at their full disposal a young page, whom they taught in practice all the intricacies of the service. This order of things persisted until the advent of firearms. After its invention, there was a need for a truly qualified military education. Measures have begun to improve it. More skills were required from the nobles. Becoming an officer was not easy at all. The future warrior had to demonstrate the skills of using a musket, attacking various fortifications and the like.
In the fifteenth century, the first general schools appeared, and not just anywhere, but again in Italy. After that, the idea was picked up in other countries of the world. Adopted and developed. So, the knightly academies of Scandinavia were very famous, where, along with military disciplines - fencing, horseback riding, etc. - future knights for the first time began to teach mathematics, drawingand other sciences. Also for the first time there began to conduct training in artillery art. Soon there were popular and still cadet corps. The palm this time belonged to Prussia, it happened in the mid-seventies of the seventeenth century.

The first higher educational institutions, whether schools or academies, began to appear in the eighteenth century both in Europe and in Russia, which, of course, owes Peter the Great the establishment and further popularization of these institutions.
Even at the very beginning of the century, he founded a navigational school in St. Petersburg. However, it taught not only maritime affairs, but also mathematics and military wisdom. Since then, everything has gone on as usual: military schools were opened and closed, developed, improved, divided into different profiles and categories. At present, military educational institutions in our country include military schools, military academies, and even specialized departments in institutes, and the institutes themselves, military, of course. Cadets, Suvorovites, Nakhimovites are all students of the country's best military educational institutions.
Types of military schools
Currently, all military educational institutions in Russia are supervised by the Ministry of Defense. These include military academies, higher schools, military departments at the country's universities, military institutes, cadet schools and corps, Nakhimov and Suvorov schools, military training centers at civilian universities, such as medical ones, advanced training and retraining courses for officers.
How to entermilitary school
To begin with, it should be clarified what is the difference between a military school and a military academy or institute. In a military school, as in any other, you can enter on the basis of nine classes and receive a secondary specialized education. There is a direct road to academies and institutes for obtaining a diploma of higher education. It is necessary, however, to make a reservation that after graduating from the eleventh grade, one can go not only to higher educational institutions. They will take everyone who wants to go to schools.
How to get there? Everything is very simple, despite the fact that entrance examinations to any military institution are much stricter and more difficult than to an ordinary university. A potential military school applicant is subject to special requirements, for example, the indispensable presence of citizenship of our country, passing mandatory standards, excellent he alth, and so on. It is also necessary to have a certain list of documents: an application addressed to the management of the institution, a reference from the place of study / work, autobiographical information, photographs, and the like. Children entering after the ninth grade must also have the written consent of their parents. It is also very important to be the owner of high marks in physical education.
Military schools of the USSR: list
With the military institutions of our time, everything is clear. But what about the higher military schools of the USSR? How many were there, where were they located, who was trained in them? We will try to tell you more about this later.

The list of military schools in the USSR included such institutions asThe Engineering School of Radio Electronics in Voronezh and a similar one in Cherepovets, the Red Banner School of Special Communications in Krasnodar, the Topographic Command School of Leningrad, the Air Defense Command Engineering School in Odessa, the Automobile Command School in Samarkand, etc. In total, there are more than a hundred names in the list of military schools of the USSR, including Nakhimov and Suvorov. It is impossible to list them all, but it is quite possible to talk about some of them.
USSR Naval Schools
Among the naval educational institutions of the Soviet Union, the choice was small: there were only three of them: in St. Petersburg (Leningrad), Tbilisi and Riga. All of them bore the proud title of Nakhimov.
St. Petersburg
The school in St. Petersburg was founded in the middle of the last century, in 1944. In the first year of work, there were not so many future naval commanders: just over four hundred people, the youngest of them were ten years old, and the oldest fourteen. Despite such a young age, these guys have already taken a sip of the hardships of the war, and someone even distinguished himself at the front and was presented for an award. At that time in this military school of the USSR (in the photo you can see the glorious city in which it is located) they drilled for four years, now it is seven years.

In addition, now the educational institution has branches in Sevastopol, Murmansk and Vladivostok. The founding date of the school and, accordingly, the day of the big celebration is June 23.
Tbilisi and Riga
Tbilisi Nakhimov School appeared a year earlier, in 1943. Howeverit did not last long, only twelve years, and was disbanded in 1955.
Their B altic counterpart, the Riga Nakhimov Naval School, opened in 1945, did not stay afloat for long. It was disbanded in 1953 after only eight years. All employees and students were transferred to Leningrad.
Aviation establishments
And how was the situation with aviation military schools in the USSR? There were many more. One of the oldest educational institutions is the Kachinsky Red Banner Pilot School. In November 2010, the Sevastopol Officer Aviation School was opened. First, the place of its deployment was Sevastopol, then - Kacha, a small village in the vicinity of the city, after which the school was named. Volgograd became its last location - it was in this glorious city that the educational institution was based from 1954 until its closure in 1998.

This military school of the USSR had insignia. One of them, like the institution itself, bore the name of Alexander Myasnikov, a revolutionary named Martuni. This school has seen a lot in its lifetime and could rightly be proud of a lot, in particular, its graduates: more than sixteen thousand pilots came out of its walls. Among them are the heroes of the Soviet Union (more than three hundred) and the heroes of Russia. By the way, an interesting fact: it was at the Kachinsky School that the youngest son of Joseph Stalin, Vasily, studied.
Disbanded the oldest aviation because it was necessary to reduce the number of schools in the country, and choosing betweenVolgograd, where the institution was then located, and Armavir, they chose the first one. The second aviation military school of the USSR was opened in Tambov nine years later than the one described above. It is not just aviation, but also engineering. It existed a little longer than Kachinsky: it was closed nine years ago.
Among the aviation schools, one cannot fail to single out the Orenburg one, which rightfully occupies an honorable third place in the list of aviation schools of the Union. The year of its foundation is considered to be 1921, the year of disbandment is 1993. It is curious that initially it was not a school, let alone an aviation school, but a school of air combat and bombing. She got to Orenburg by a difficult roundabout route from Moscow, after visiting Serpukhov in transit. The school is famous for the fact that it is in front of its entrance that the only surviving aircraft in the world, on which Yuri Gagarin flew, flaunts. The legendary Soviet pilot and cosmonaut was a graduate of this institution, as was Valery Chkalov. In addition, the school was recognized as the best in the country for several years.

In 1993, the aviation school in Orenburg was disbanded, on its basis a cadet corps was created, which provides initial training in helicopter, fire, flight, missile, aviation engineering, anti-aircraft missile business. In the same year, the Berlin Order of Kutuzov Military Transport Aviation Regiment, which was withdrawn from the B altic states, was placed on the territory of the educational institution.
It is impossible not to say a few words and moreabout one military school for pilots of the USSR - Daugavpils Higher Military Engineering. Founded in 1948, it lasted exactly forty-five years. It was located on the territory of the Daugavpils fortress, erected under Alexander I. This school was one of the largest in the Union and had very valuable teaching staff.

He also had a chic technical base: the latest laboratories equipped with modern equipment, his own airfield, hospital and so on. And in 1993, the school was merged with the Stavropol educational institution, and its history as a separate independent unit ended.
For thirty years and three years there was an aviation school in Siberia, in the Altai, in the beautiful city of Barnaul, established in 1966. It trained front-line aviation specialists. The school was disbanded in April 1999. The cadets were transferred to Armavir, and the service and teaching staff were fired into the reserve. All educational and auxiliary premises, as well as the territory of the school, were transferred to the Barnaul Law Institute. By the way, the pilot Konstantin Pavlyukov, who died heroically in Afghanistan, graduated from the Barnaul school.
About military-political
This category of schools also existed in the Union. Thus, the list included educational institutions located in Leningrad, Kurgan, Kyiv, Minsk, Lvov, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Riga and other cities.
Minsk, Novosibirsk and Leningrad
Minsk school was combined arms and existed onlyonly eleven years, from 1980 to 1991, having released, however, during this relatively short period, almost two thousand officers. Among them, about 900 representatives of foreign countries.
Among the military-political schools of the USSR, an educational institution in St. Petersburg, which was named after Yuri Andropov. It also existed for a short time, from 1967 to 1992, and trained air defense specialists for four years. Disbanded because the Soviet Union ceased to exist.
A school in the Siberian capital, Novosibirsk, has been named in honor of the sixtieth anniversary of October. It functions successfully even now, however, it is now called a little differently - the Higher Military Command School. This reorganization took place fourteen years ago. This school differs in that many of its graduates participated in hostilities at different sites and received awards, including the title of Hero of Russia. The notorious now Oleg Kukhta graduated from this school, now an actor, and earlier a special forces officer.
One of the military schools of the USSR was located in Tallinn - this educational institution was not just a military-political, but also a construction one. Over the entire period of its existence (13 years), it has released more than one thousand eight hundred people, preparing them for political work in the construction, road and railway parts. This institution had not only the sign of the military school of the USSR, but also the Battle Banner received in 1980.
Schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Separately, it is worth mentioning the military schools of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. They only existedfour: in Saratov, Novosibirsk, Perm and Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz).
Ordzhonikidze Higher Military Command School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR has existed since the thirty-eighth year, then, of course, the name did not appear in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but in the NKVD, and it bore the name of S. M. Kirov. It still exists, but is now the Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (renamed in the last year of the last century).

During the war, students of the Ordzhonikidze Higher Military Command School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs distinguished themselves at the front, many had state awards, the educational institution itself received the Order of the Red Banner.
Novosibirsk Military Institute - this is how the former Higher Military Command School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in this city is now proudly called. Established in 1971, according to the original idea, it was supposed to train cadets for three years, but two years later the training became four years, and the institution itself received the status of the highest command. Later, the training period was extended by another year, and in 1999 the school became an institute. It functions even now and can be proud of its graduates, among whom there are enough heroes, including those who were awarded posthumously.
Other establishments
Let's briefly say a few words about a few more schools. For example, about the Higher Red Banner School named after Dzerzhinsky - the military school of the KGB of the USSR. In addition to this educational institution, numerous higher courses appear in this industry.in various cities of the former Union: Alma-Ata, Minsk, Kyiv, Leningrad, Tashkent, Sverdlovsk, etc. The aforementioned Dzerzhinsky school now bears the name of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (since 1992), and its very first name was the Central School of the OGPU (back in the thirties of the last century). As you might guess, Chekists were trained in this military school of the USSR.
On the territory of Ukraine is the city of Kharkov, which was previously part of the Soviet settlements. There are places of interest to us in it. So, among the Kharkov military schools of the USSR, one can name the Higher Tank Command School. It was founded during the war, in 1944. At first, they taught there for three years, and from 1966 the training period was increased to four years. Since that time, graduates receive an engineering degree. Having the Order of the Red Banner, this military school of the USSR was renamed the institute in 1997.
And since 1918, the Guards Higher Airborne School has been successfully operating in Ryazan, which was named after General of the Army Vasily Filippovich Margelov, the founder of modern airborne troops. First, infantry courses were organized in this town, and an educational institution was subsequently formed on their basis. His cadets especially distinguished themselves on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The school itself has two Orders of the Red Banner of War and the Order of Suvorov. Since 1962, the school has paid special attention to the study of foreign languages, from the same period the school began to accept cadets from abroad. And already in the new century, a decade ago, for the first timegirls crossed the threshold of the Ryazan airborne school as cadets.

What else distinguishes this institution is the fact that special intelligence and special forces officers are trained here. By the way, the honorary word "Guards" in the name of the school appeared only in February of this year. It was a kind of gift for the centenary of the institution.
A little older, but the military engineering school in Tyumen is still functioning. The date of its foundation is 1957. Throughout its existence, the school has undergone many reorganizations and changes. At the moment, it is the main center of Tyumen for the training of engineering and technical specialists in the military direction. You can study there for five years and get a higher education, or you can stop at secondary specialized education and then spend only two years and ten months studying.
The post-war "child" is an institution in Ulyanovsk - Higher military-technical. They trained professionals in two engineering areas: technologists and mechanics. Of course, both were military men. The school, which existed until 2011, included cadet battalions, a school of ensigns, training companies, and so on, and also bore the name of Bogdan Khmelnitsky.
But the Stavropol School was named in honor of the sixtieth anniversary of October and trained signalmen for the missile forces. It did not exist for a very long time - from 1962 to 2010, but during this time it managed to train a lot of valuable personnel. Now onthe territory of the former educational institution is the headquarters of the army.
This is not a complete list of military educational institutions of the former Soviet Union. However, this information gives at least a small idea of the geography and activities of military schools in the USSR.