Do you know how to write correctly: "dig" or "drip"? Do I need to use the vowel "o" or "a"? Immediately it is worth mentioning that both of these words exist in Russian. They are endowed with lexical meanings. Used in completely different communicative situations.
Interpretation of the first word
If you need to figure out what to write: "dig" or "drip", you need to find out the meaning of these words. You can find it in the explanatory dictionary. Let's deal with "dig" first. This is a verb. It belongs to the imperfect form.
Its interpretation is as follows: loosen the soil, raise it. The figurative meaning is to prepare trouble for someone. Here are some usage examples:
- While grandfather was digging potatoes, we were picking tomatoes, providing at least some help.
- To dig the ground, we need a shovel, which, unfortunately, we do not have.

- It seems to me that someone is digging under us, another spy game is being started, which will end badly.
- If you decide to dig under your enemy, thenthen take the trouble to cover your tracks so that you do not inadvertently set yourself up.
Interpretation of the second word
To find out how to correctly: "dripped" or "copal" (verbs in the past tense), it is also worth understanding the definition of the second verb. The following options are indicated in the explanatory dictionary: fall in the form of drops, measure with drops (for example, medicine), stipulate someone (colloquial meaning). Consider the use of the verb "drip" on the example of sentences:
- Rain sadly dripped on the ground, he reluctantly washed away the summer heat that reigned in our area for two weeks now.
- You need to drip the medicine into a glass of clean water, otherwise you won't have to wait for the healing effect.

- And tears quietly dripped, the smile was bitter.
- The scammer got into the habit of dripping on us, but we quickly found justice for him.
Feel the difference
Now you can clearly see that the word "dig" has one lexical meaning, while "drip" has a completely different one. You will need an explanatory dictionary, with which you will choose the correct option.
For example, you have sentences with action in the past tense. You need to choose how the word is spelled: "dug" or "drip", choose the correct option. To do this, we study the context:
- He was digging (dripping) a hole. Here the action describes working with the soil, so you should choose the option "digging".
- The doctor dug (dripped) the medicine very carefully. That is, dosedwith drops. Here we unconditionally use the verb "to drip".
Now you can easily choose the correct spelling. Remember that "drip" and "dig" are verbs that are used in different situations. It is recommended to simply carefully analyze each specific case.