Occupy is synonymous with seize

Occupy is synonymous with seize
Occupy is synonymous with seize

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History books contain a lot of material on the development of mankind, the transition to new tools, the development of science and the formation of society. But in addition to things that were peaceful and useful for people, there were also unfortunate mistakes in the past. In particular, these include war.

Fighting and the seizure of the territories of some states by others happened all the time. There are theories that say that it was military conflicts that gave impetus to the development of various branches of science and the improvement of the technical base of states. Today, we can say that there is some truth in this. The leading powers during the Cold War made colossal discoveries in all fields of science.

Occupation - capture during the war
Occupation - capture during the war

To occupy is to conquer

In all military conflicts there is a side that attacks and a side that defends its sovereignty and territories. Movement of forces and changing situations on the military field are inevitable. For example, during the Second World War until 1943, Germany won the victory, later the situation changed radically. Another example would be the situation of the First World War, Napoleon's military confrontation with Russia and other countries.


To seize other people's lands and establish power over them is to occupy. Territories under the control of the attackers are usually called occupied. Whereas pushing the invader to its borders is called liberation.


The word "occupy" has the same meaning, such as:

  • conquer;
  • grab;
  • pick up;
  • occupy;
  • take over.

All these words carry a single semantic load, appropriation or annexation of territories through aggression and conflicts.

To "occupy" can also be synonymous with the expression to occupy.

Today, the negative connotation of the word and its meaning has been shaped in public opinion by its definition associated with illegal actions and death of people.
