In order for a student to develop the ability to write correctly, experienced teachers use such a teaching method as spelling analysis of a word, despite the fact that not all modern textbooks provide for this analysis in their program. In the process of executing this algorithm, the child consolidates knowledge about the morphemic composition of parts of speech. In addition, in this way it is easier for a student to remember many rules and principles of spelling.
To conduct a spelling analysis of a word in a lesson, the teacher is recommended to select words for already studied spellings. The parsing algorithm can be something like this.
For starters, the selected word is written out separately. If a letter is missing, it is inserted. Next, the part of speech is determined and all the morphemes that are present here are highlighted. After that, the student must indicate all the spellings he noticed. If the child missed something, it is advisable for the teacher to point it out to him before moving on tonext step.

The next step is a brief analysis of each spelling. To do this, the student needs to designate its type, give a brief description of the identification feature, and justify the choice of writing it. In high school, it is recommended to name the spelling principle that this rule corresponds to.
To show the spelling of a word in practice, the following example can be given. The adjective "shameless" contains 4 spellings. The first of them in the prefix (bes-), refers to the spelling rule for vowels in this part of the word. The rule says that in this case -e- is written regardless of pronunciation. The prefix bis- does not exist in Russian.

Further, the spelling analysis of the word provides an explanation of the spelling of the deaf -s. In this case, this letter is written due to the fact that it is followed by another deaf letter. Both spellings correspond to the phonetic principle.
Spelling analysis of a word can be included at any stage of the lesson, but such exercises will give the maximum effect when fixing the material. In the above example, "unscrupulous" also has a "weak" sound in the root -conscience-. Here the spelling is not checked, this unstressed vowel must be remembered. This orthogram refers to the traditional principle of the Russian language. The last spelling explained in this word is the unpronounceable consonant -t-. In order to check it,it is enough to choose a single-root noun in which the sound is in a strong position (conscience).

In some cases, it is appropriate to invite students to give test or similar words for this rule. This can be done both verbally and in writing.
Including spelling analysis of the word in the Russian language classes since elementary school, the teacher contributes to the formation of competent conscious writing skills in children. And by saying aloud the rules of writing, students reinforce them. In addition, these exercises are the best suited for learning to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.