Fate has prepared for this man such a huge number of trials that they would be enough for several. An ardent Bolshevik, a morally stable revolutionary, a labor leader - Artem Sergeev, for his political convictions, was repeatedly sent to the "tsarist" prison. But the gendarmes were often unable to get on the trail of the enemy of tsarism: the status of “elusive” was firmly entrenched behind him. Even after going abroad, a supporter of Lenin actively joined in the struggle against exploitation, despotism and arbitrariness, which, according to the ideologists of communism, were implanted precisely by the bourgeois system. What exactly did Artem Sergeev do for the revolutionary movement, how did his life end? Let's take a closer look at these questions.

Fyodor Andreevich Sergeev - a native of the village. Glebovo (Milenkovskaya region, Fatezhsky district), territorially located in the Kursk province. He was born on March 19, 1883 in the family of an ordinary builder-contractor. Upon reaching the age of 9, the boy began to comprehend the basics of school science in a real school. He absorbed knowledge like a sponge,therefore, he excelled in subjects, and in his free time he preferred to be in public places. In particular, the future revolutionary liked to spend his leisure time among the workers who worked at one of the brick factories.
Even then, Artem Sergeev wondered why blast furnace workers and seasonal builders work almost day and night as slaves. And the boy learned about the origins of social inequality from people with "leftist" views. Communication with the Social Democrats largely determined his political convictions. After some time, the future fighter for justice will begin an active struggle against the tsarist regime in order to level everyone in rights. But before that, he will enter the capital's Imperial Technical School (now Bauman Moscow State Technical University), choosing the Faculty of Mechanics.

First arrest
After studying a little time, the young man joins the ranks of the RSDLP(b). His party organizes a student demonstration against the existing government. Of course, Artem Sergeev is directly involved in it. Naturally, such an act could not go unnoticed. The young man is expelled from the university, moreover, he is escorted to the Yauza police house. Russian Themis was not supportive of the rebels: six of them went to hard labor, and the rest were put behind bars. The above member of the RSDLP(b), Artyom, was transferred to the Voronezh prison.

Trip abroad
After serving his term, the young revolutionary decided to continue his studies abroad, because to behe was already forbidden to be a student in his homeland. In 1902, Fedor Andreevich Sergeev went to the capital of France, where he entered the Russian Higher School of Social Sciences M. Kovalevsky. In parallel with this, he studies and analyzes the Leninist theory of state improvement, becoming more and more convinced of its correctness.
Return Home
After studying abroad, Artem Sergeev, whose biography contains many interesting and remarkable things, is going back to Russia. In the spring of 1903, a young man on the territory of the Donbass unfolds an active revolutionary activity. In one of the settlements of the Yekaterinoslav province, he organizes a large cell of the Social Democratic Party of regional significance, which will include about four hundred people. Soon the Russian revolutionary, together with his offspring, will take part in the May Day strike. After a short time, Sergeev will begin to actively agitate for the Soviet government the workers of the railway, the miners at the Berestovo-Bogodukhovsky mine, located not far from Yuzovka. It is in this social environment that he will be given a nickname - Comrade Artem.

Revolutionary rebellion in Kharkov
At the beginning of 1905, a young Leninist went to Kharkov. Here he creates a revolutionary structure called "Forward". In this city, he carefully prepared an armed uprising. And a few months later he almost did it. It was planned that the action would begin at the Gelferich-Sade factory on December 12, 1905. However, the gendarmerie knew about the rebellion in advance. ATas a result, about 30 leaders of the conspiracy were taken into custody, and the entire territory of the enterprise was surrounded by police.
Second arrest
After the failed uprising, Comrade Artem first goes to St. Petersburg, and then to the Urals. Soon he becomes a delegate to the IV Congress of the RSDLP, which is held in the Swedish capital. Subsequently, he will be appointed to party work in the Perm Committee of the RSDLP (b). Again, Artem Sergeyev falls into the clutches of the "tsarist secret police", which will hide him in prison. At the end of 1909, the revolutionary will be assigned a link to Eastern Siberia (Irkutsk province), which he must serve for life.

Again abroad
Soon he will escape from hard labor. First it will end up in Japan, then in Korea, then in China and, finally, in Australia. Far from the motherland, the exile had to work as a loader and laborer. However, he continued his revolutionary activities abroad. It is known that Sergeev became the head of the Union of Russian Emigrant Workers. He also created and edited the Australian Echo print edition, thereby promoting communist ideas.
Russia again
After the February events of 1917, Fedor Andreevich returned to his homeland. Some time later, he was already "at the helm" of the Bolshevik committee of the Kharkov Soviet. At the next congress of the party, Sergeev was elected a member of the Central Committee. In October, he will take an active part in overthrowing the old regime. After the revolutionary will begin work to establish a new government on the territory of Ukraine. He approved the conclusion of the Brest peace. After graduationDuring the Civil War, he made every effort to restore the mines of Donbass.
Supporting Lenin's line in every possible way, Comrade Artem in the early 1920s began to criticize the policies of Leon Trotsky and supporters of the workers' opposition. Subsequently, he began to lead the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Miners. Sergeev died when the air car was being tested, which, for some unknown reason, derailed. Fedor Andreevich Sergeev was buried in a mass grave on Red Square.

Private life
The revolutionary was married to Elizaveta Lvovna. After her death, she was left alone with her son, who was barely four months old. Subsequently, in Nalchik, she will head the anti-tuberculosis sanatorium, which will be her brainchild. She will also be entrusted with the most responsible posts in the country: the chairman of the regional he alth department, the head of a textile factory, the head of the medical department of hospitals. The son of Fyodor Andreevich - Artyom - after some time will be given up for education in the family of I. Stalin. He will rise to the rank of general, will participate in the Second World War, supporting the partisan movement with all his might.