It is impossible to answer the question of what a regulation is in one sentence. This concept is very broad, it is used in areas of very different directions. If, in general terms, then this word is called a legal document, within which the activity of an object, its position, value, and compliance with a certain standard are determined. In the article we will define the concept and consider each case separately.

What is regulation in politics and business?
Tying this concept to the description of business processes, we can interpret it as follows. A regulation is a document that describes and lists step by step the steps that participants (or one person) must take to implement a specific business plan. As a rule, this document defines the required time frame for the implementation of each stage. It also outlines the requirements and prescribes the necessary standards. In simple terms, this document is a kind of instruction for doing the job with a clear description of the scope of duties.
In a political context, a regulation means a set of rules (permanent or temporary) thatregulate the forms of activity and the internal organization of a unicameral parliament or chamber, as well as the legal status of deputies. The rules are designated by the chambers according to the principles and prescriptions contained in the constitution and legislation. Therefore, the regulation can be canceled by the bodies of constitutional supervision. This concept also means a set of rules that determines the procedure for the activities of state bodies, organizations and institutions.

What is the regulation in the workflow?
In this context, this word means the order in which meetings, meetings, congresses and sessions of organizations or authorities are conducted. For example, the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Rules of Procedure for the Session of the Chambers of the USSR Armed Forces, and so on. To standardize the procedure in some countries, there are special collections that contain a list of possible situations and rules for their resolution.
In addition to the above, this term refers to some international acts of conferences and congresses - for example, the Brussels Regulation.
Other species
Now let's consider what a technological regulation is. This concept is defined by a regulatory legal act (or other similar document), which establishes a list of requirements for the objects of technological regulation that are mandatory for application and execution. Objects mean products, buildings and structures, processes of production, storage, transportation, operation, sale, disposal.

History of technical regulations in Russia
This type of document was supposed to replace the previous standardization system and regulate security issues. The GOST system was outdated and did not meet modern conditions, besides, it was very confusing. As a result, mandatory certification of all products has become a formality. The state bodies involved in this procedure were able to find any inconsistencies. And, as a rule, products were certified for a bribe.
The concept of "technical regulations" was introduced in Russia in 1996. According to this change, it was defined as the established characteristics of a service or product, the processes and methods of production associated with them. And in 2003, a new law came into force, which replaced tens of thousands of obsolete GOSTs with a number of regulations that generalize and simplify the solution of a number of issues. This document also includes requirements for symbols, terminology, packaging, labeling, or is entirely devoted to these issues.
The general answer to the question of what a regulation is (work, general, etc.) is as follows: it is a document that is adopted by the relevant authorities and contains mandatory legal norms.

Special Features
The answer to the question of what the official regulations are differs in various sources, this is due to the specifics of the organization where this document is approved. Below we give a general definition of the concept. officiala regulation is a regulatory document that defines the following points for an employee:
- requirements for qualification of knowledge and skills corresponding to the level and nature of the position held, it also includes a description of the required education and work experience;
- official rights and obligations, the level of responsibility for improper performance (non-performance) of assigned tasks;
- a list of issues that the employee has the right to decide independently;
- a list of issues that an employee is required to perform;
- procedures and deadlines for considering projects, the procedure for approving and implementing the tasks;
- order of service interactions;
- an indicator of the effectiveness and efficiency of the professional activities of a certain employee.
This type of regulation helps to perform the correct selection, placement and retention of personnel, to ensure their professional development. It also contributes to the improvement of the technological and functional division of labor between subordinates and the leader. Used to evaluate employee performance.

General Regulations
Now consider what the General Regulations are. This is a kind of civil service charter for civilians. It was first published in 1720. This document introduced a system of office work in institutions of a new type - colleges. According to the general regulations, the procedure for discussing issues in the boards, the organization of workflow, relationships withlocal governments and the Senate. This document lost its meaning after the publication in 1833 of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire.
In this article, we answered the question of what a regulation is and examined each type of this regulatory document.