Modern information technologies in education. Innovative technologies in education according to GEF

Modern information technologies in education. Innovative technologies in education according to GEF
Modern information technologies in education. Innovative technologies in education according to GEF

Modern information technologies in education make it possible to increase the efficiency of pedagogical activity. Currently, such concepts as "interactive methods and technologies", "educational multimedia materials", "innovations" are heard more and more often.

innovative technologies in education according to the Federal State Educational Standard
innovative technologies in education according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Modern realities

There is a lot in common between these terms, since all these are new technologies in the education system. At the present stage of development in domestic educational institutions there are computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards. These information resources allow teachers to increase interest in the subject taught.

Educational Innovation Options

ICT in elementary grades
ICT in elementary grades

What modern information technologies in education have taken root the most? specialplace is occupied by their gaming options. They are used by teachers not only at the initial stage of education, but also at the senior level.

With the help of student-centered learning at school, conditions are created that allow students to self-determine in choosing their future profession. This approach is implemented in various elective courses.

The educational process in modern education is hard to imagine without project and research activities. Within the framework of the new federal educational standards, work on your own projects is an indispensable element of any academic discipline.

At each lesson, teachers will use he alth-saving technologies, the essence of which is to preserve the physical and mental he alth of a person.

Block-modular technology is focused on different types of student activities, for example, creating visual aids, writing creative works, performing exercises. This technology is aimed at self-learning and self-education of schoolchildren.

At school, the educational process is aimed at a systematic change in the mental activity of students, the introduction of telecommunication and automatic systems into it for the rapid search, processing, and transmission of information over a distance. All this is facilitated by the achievements of innovative educational technologies.

ICT in primary school

Modern information technologies in education are used from the first grade. With their help, the teacher can diversify the didactic material, achieve the full attention of the class, regardless of academic performance.schoolboy. For example, the tasks that the teacher displays on the monitor screen help to focus the child's attention on those details that are not in the school textbook.

Modern information technologies in education play an important role for children who have serious problems with physical he alth. They got the opportunity to study various academic disciplines through distance learning.

distance learning center
distance learning center

Benefits of ICT

Let's list the positive aspects that are associated with the introduction of ICT into the educational process. Modern innovative technologies in education allow:

  • increase students' motivation for cognitive activity (project work);
  • create a favorable psychological climate for each child, relieve tension when children communicate with a teacher;
  • open a creative space for schoolchildren, improve the quality of ZUN;
  • encourage teachers to self-development and self-learning.

Innovative activities of the teacher

The Russian teacher, in particular the class teacher, is entrusted with a significant amount of educational and educational work. Innovative technologies in education according to the Federal State Educational Standard oblige the teacher to carry out his professional activities in a more versatile and high-quality manner.

A good teacher always tries to keep up with the times. Information technology in the system of modern education is an excellent assistant for teachers. They need themfor the implementation of documentary work, holding parent meetings, class hours. ICT is necessary for the generalization of professional experience, preparation for speaking at methodological and pedagogical councils.

information technologies in the system of modern education
information technologies in the system of modern education

Working with gifted children

She has a special place in national education. Each region has a special distance learning center that diagnoses and supports talented students.

Monitoring is also carried out within a separate educational organization. For gifted students, teachers organize individual consultations, build developmental trajectories for them, and act as consultants. Thanks to ICT, systematic work is being carried out to prepare ninth-graders for the OGE, and high school graduates for the unified state exam.

ICT is also needed by the director of an educational organization. He has the right to decide which pedagogical technologies are best used in a particular educational institution in order to improve the quality of the educational and educational process.

As a result, a system of scientific research, translation of pedagogical experience, increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to acquire UUN.

Comprehensive school

FGOS of the second generation involves a transition to a paradigm based on a system-activity method. The introduction of information and communication technologies allows expanding the educational framework in all academic disciplines inschool, including math.

Thanks to the new approach, the teacher moves away from the monotonous educational environment and the monotony of the educational process, he creates conditions for students to change activities, implements he alth-saving technologies in educational and extracurricular activities.

how to use ICT
how to use ICT

Project activity

Among the requirements for a graduate of primary, secondary, secondary school, a special place is occupied by the creation of a project (collective or individual). It would be difficult to imagine such an activity if information technologies did not exist. The teacher gets the opportunity to work with the child via the Internet: Skype, social networks - directing and correcting his individual research.

Information technology can be imagined:

  • as the sum of techniques - a field of knowledge that reflects the characteristics of the deep processes of pedagogical work, the management of which gives the desired effectiveness and efficiency of the educational and educational process;
  • the sum of methods, forms, means of transferring social experience, the technical equipment of the process;
  • sequence of operations, actions that are associated with certain activities of the teacher, aimed at achieving the teacher's goals

In the context of the implementation of new generation educational standards in domestic education, the most relevant are:

  • ICT;
  • technology critic althinking;
  • project technology;
  • developing education;
  • problem-based learning;
  • gaming technology;
  • subject cases;
  • integrated learning;
  • level differentiation;
  • group technology.
modern innovative technologies in education
modern innovative technologies in education


Innovative technologies in education according to the Federal State Educational Standards allow achieving the main goals of education modernization: to improve the quality of education and training, to ensure the formation of a harmoniously developed personality who is well versed in the information space, attached to the Internet and communication capabilities of innovative technologies.

Thanks to ICT, the teacher solves several important tasks at once. It forms in schoolchildren a stable interest in the process of obtaining knowledge, seeks to push them to self-education. It does not just give children knowledge, but creates conditions for self-improvement of their educational level.

Recently, the question of the use of information technology in high school has been increasingly raised. They mean not only new methods and forms of teaching, but also the use of innovative technical means. The self-esteem of the teacher also increases, who develops his own professional competencies.

ICT in domestic education
ICT in domestic education

Pedagogical excellence is based on a combination of skills andknowledge that correspond to the modern level of development of technology and science. Only on condition that the teacher himself will be interested in raising his professional level, studying modern innovative educational methods, he will be of interest to schoolchildren. In this case, he will become a real mentor for students, will be able to fully fulfill the social order, the goals set for domestic educational institutions.
