As you know, Ancient Greece became the parent of the current concepts of philosophy and some other sciences. It was from this country that the teachings of ancient Greek philosophers and scientists about being, various processes that take place in the world, including mental ones, came to us.
Aristotle, Plato, Archimedes, Diogenes, Socrates, Democritus, Leucippus, Epicurus and many others became the founders of the great science of philosophy. It was on their teachings that new, improved, or opposite ideas were based.

In this article we will talk in more detail about who Democritus is. Personalities such as Aristotle and Socrates are most likely known even to children. In modern schools, these people are always mentioned in history lessons. But the names of Democritus, Epicurus, Leucippus are known in narrower circles among people who have chosen philosophy as the basis of their profession. The teachings of these philosophers are much more complex and deeper to understand.
Who is Democritus
Democritus (lat. Demokritos) is an ancient Greek philosopher. Born about 460 BC and lived until360 BC. The main merit of Democritus is the atomistic doctrine, of which he became the founder.
No one knows the exact date of birth of this philosopher. Some scientists of those times claimed that he was born in 460 BC. e., others - in 470 BC. e. In this case, it is impossible to say exactly who is right.

Of course, the biography of Democritus cannot be fully described. There are many inaccurate facts. However, one can speak with confidence about the origin of this philosopher from a we althy family.
Diogenes Laertius passed on the legend that this philosopher studied with magicians and Chaldeans, who were a gift from the Persian king for his father. Legend has it that the gift was given in gratitude for the fact that the army of Xerxes was fed lunch when they passed through Thrace, the hometown of Democritus.
Democritus was very fond of traveling. Therefore, his rich inheritance was spent on this. During his life, Democritus visited at least 4 states - Egypt, Persia, India and Babylon.
There was a period in the life of a philosopher when he lived in Athens and studied from the works of Socrates. There are also facts that Democritus met Anaxagoras at that time.
"Laughing" Philosopher
Many contemporaries did not understand who Democritus was. He often left his city for the purpose of solitude. To escape from the bustle, he visited the cemetery. Often the behavior of Democritus was strange: he could burst out laughing for no apparent reason, simply because human problems seemed to himfunny. Due to this peculiarity of his behavior, he began to be called the “laughing philosopher.”
Many considered the philosopher a little crazy. At that time, Hippocrates, the most famous doctor of those times, who also left his mark on modernity, was invited specifically for the diagnosis. The result of the meeting with the philosopher was evidence that Democritus is absolutely he althy both mentally and physically. The doctor also noted the subtle mind of this philosopher.

Works of Democritus
The name of Democritus is associated with the emergence of one of the fundamental theories of philosophy - atomism. This theory combines such sciences as physics, cosmology, epistemology, psychology and ethics. It is generally accepted that this theory also united the problems of the three main ancient Greek philosophical schools: Pythagorean, Elean and Milesian.
Scientists claim that Democritus once became the author of more than 70 different treatises. The titles of these works are given in the writings of Diogenes Laertius - he wrote more than other scientists about who Democritus was. As a rule, treatises were tetralogy on various sciences - mathematics, physics, ethics, literature, language, applied sciences and even medicine.
It is worth noting separately that Democritus was considered the author of the "Chaldean Book" and "On Sacred Inscriptions in Babylon". This is due to the legend that was created about the teaching and travels of the philosopher.
Materialism of Democritus
This philosopher is the most prominent representative of atomistic materialism. Democritus argued that the entire surrounding world, according to sensory perception, is changeable, diverse. Everything is made up of matter and void. It was then that the term "atom" was first introduced as the smallest indivisible component of everything that exists. The teaching of Democritus says that the whole world consists of atoms that move in the void.

This philosopher had his own theory of the origin of the Earth in the center of a vortex, which was formed from the collisions of atoms, different in weight, size and shape. Since the atom is a material, indivisible and eternal quantity, there are a large number of atoms, different in weight and shape. By themselves they are devoid of content, but together they form changeable things due to the constant movement in the void.
The postulates of atomism Democritus applied to the doctrine of life and soul. According to his writings, any living being has a soul, but each to a different degree. Life and death are the result of the combination or decomposition of atoms. Democritus said that the soul is an association of special “fiery” atoms, which, in its essence, is also temporary. Based on these arguments, he rejected the theory of the immortality of the soul.