Ancient Greek philosopher Democritus was born around 460 BC. e. in Thrace, in the city of Abdera. There used to be a Phoenician colony there. The ancient Greeks associated the appearance of the city with Hercules, who erected it in honor of Abder's best friend, who was torn to pieces by the mares of Diomedes.

Unfortunately, the biography of Democritus has many white spots. It is known that his father was a high-ranking official who was famous for his services to the Persian king Xerxes. For this, the ruler gave the nobleman several magicians and scientists. It was they who were involved in the education of Democritus. As a child, he studied astrology and theology. Dying, the father bequeathed the fortune to his three sons. Democritus was the youngest of them and took the smallest share.
The young man became interested in science and was focused only on his studies, practically not paying attention to everyday problems or expenses. The biography of Democritus consists entirely of various studies and travels intended for them. Often he sat for days on end in his arbor, in which he was completelyisolated from what is happening outside. Democritus was a long-liver. He died around 370 BC. e. a deep old man. The ancient Greek writer Lucian (also interested in cosmology) wrote that the thinker lived for more than a hundred years.

Teaching about atoms
Most of all, the biography of Democritus is known for the fact that it was this ancient researcher who developed the doctrine of the smallest particle - the atom. This theory was laid down by his teacher Leucippus. Democritus continued the research of the ancient Greek philosopher and came to the conclusion that the whole world consists of microscopic atoms. These particles do not arise and are not destroyed, they have a certain shape and are impenetrable. In addition to atoms, there is also emptiness, which is completely opposite to them. These two matters were the main objects of study of Democritus. The ancient Greek scientist concluded that all whole things are composed of countless small particles, which, in addition, also determine the properties of the whole. Depending on the interaction of atoms and their impact on the human senses, the qualities of objects and things also change. Concepts such as color or taste exist only in our minds, but in reality there are only tiny particles and emptiness.

Atoms cannot touch each other - there is always space between them. And this means that there is also emptiness. The atomistic doctrine of Democritus included the concepts of repulsion and attraction of particles that approached each other too much.close quarters. All these conclusions he made only as assumptions. Subsequently, science confirmed his theses.
Disputes with Eleatics
The philosopher Democritus became an opponent of the Eleatic school. They declared that the world is still. Democritus put forward the opposite thesis. It can be voiced in the form of a question: "If the world is motionless, then how can one explain all the changes that occur around?" Atomism had both opponents and ardent supporters. For example, this teaching was supported by Plato and Epicurus in the future.
The biography of Democritus and his theses caused a new wave of interest during the European Renaissance of the 16th century, when numerous scientists tried to explain the world around. Atomism was supported by Galileo, Giordano Bruno, Pierre Gassenly, Isaac Beckmann and other famous thinkers of the era. The doctrine of the microscopic particles of everything that exists has become a reliable tool for chemists, for example, for John D alton.
Inosomia principle
The atomistic doctrine of Democritus gave philosophy the principle of inosomia. This rule was derived by the ancient researcher himself. It can be formulated as follows: if any phenomenon does not contradict the principles and laws of nature, then sooner or later it will happen or has already taken place.
The principle of isonomy allowed us to draw several conclusions that Democritus adhered to. The main ideas of this theory consist in several theses. First, atoms can be of any size and shape. Second, there is the Great Void. Thirdly, a great many atoms move along it, differing in speed and direction. AtThere are no rules for this process. Everything moves in chaos and disorder. It was from this position that the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus concluded that each phenomenon or object is unique. Already in modern times, the great scientist Galileo formulated the principle of inertia. It was largely based on knowledge of isonomy.

Great Void
The concept of the Great Void had a great influence on the development of cosmology. The biography of the thinker Democritus inspired many philosophers who tried to explain the place of our world in the Cosmos (this term also has Greek roots).
According to the atomic teaching, at the very beginning of time, there was primordial chaos in the Great Void. A whirlwind formed in it, which carried heavy and light bodies, which occupied different positions. The Earth formed in the center. It was composed of heavy bodies that rushed into the core of the vortex. The remaining substance formed a protective film separating the cosmos from the Great Void.
Thesis about the universe
Democritus (physics and natural sciences were founded by him) was a supporter of the theory that there are many different universes and worlds. They are infinite and radically different from each other. In other worlds, there are several suns and moons. Somewhere they do not exist at all, but there is only an analogue of the Earth in a lonely space. Some worlds collide and collapse. Their multiplicity follows from the principle of isonomy. All these theses were formulated and expounded by the philosopher Democritus. The biography of the thinker includes a variety of research in the natural sciences.

Some of his thesis was wrong. For example, Democritus believed that the Earth is motionless (since it is in the center of the world). In addition, the thinker believed that our planet cannot be round. He explained this by the fact that in this case the Sun would set differently (in a circular arc, and not in a continuous straight line).
Biography (many monographs have been written about Democritus) contains amazing conclusions of the scientist. So, he came to the conclusion that the Milky Way in the sky is nothing but a colossal cluster of stars. Due to the fact that at a great distance the distance between them merges into one spot, an amazing picture is obtained over the head of the Greeks. Democritus devoted much time to the study of centrifugal force. In his works, one can find the thesis that it is thanks to this phenomenon that meteorites and other celestial bodies do not fall to Earth.

Reflection in sources
Most of all, the biography of the physicist Democritus is surprising in that none of his written works have survived to this day. This can be explained by several reasons. First of all, this was due to the negligent attitude towards the monuments of antiquity during the early Middle Ages. Treatises and books of Democritus were deliberately destroyed with the sanction of the Church or kept in the terrible conditions of the then libraries.
That is why modern science and philosophy can operate only with those facts that were reflected in the works of other scientists who argued with the ancient Greek thinker. Mentions of Democritusfound in Aristotle, Cicero, Sextus, Epicurus, Plato, etc.
Most often the name "Great Worldbuilding" appears in the sources. This work of Democritus was devoted to cosmology. In it, he tried to summarize the results of all his scientific activities. In addition, Democritus is known as the creator of one of the first ancient Greek calendars. He did not shy away from geometry, about which he left several works. In particular, he was the first to formulate some theorems and rules for determining the area of figures.