The Golden Age is a whole era in art, which differs from others in its images and stylistic manners. Let's take a look at the features that distinguish this era of art from all others. Why did the golden age become the main and fundamental in the development of Russian culture? Let's try to figure it out.
The main elements of this era
The expression "golden age" appeared when all art began to be divided into time periods. It was then that the golden and silver ages began to be distinguished. The Golden Age is the nineteenth century, when Russian art began to flourish and include artistic elements that were already known and actively used in Western Europe.

In the literature of this time, elements of the Enlightenment style, which were most popular in Europe, began to dominate. In addition, it is important to say that the golden age is the period when the Russian language began its development, thanks to which it became much more beautiful and extensive. New words, phrases, means of expression and poetic images appear.
The meaning of this era
AfterAfter the meaning of the golden age was revealed, a few words must be said about what directions were open to Russian art in this era. The Golden Age contributed to the development of the Russian language, during which important features of Russian national culture began to be revealed. Several main currents of the golden age began to be distinguished - this is humanism, sociality and citizenship.
The nineteenth century becomes very important in shaping social life, where literature comes first and plays a central role in the activities of the public.
Since it was the nineteenth century that became exactly the time that the Civil War of 1812 fell on, this era became key in creating the Russian patriotic spirit. It was in the same era that the Decembrist uprising (1825) began, and soon the abolition of serfdom. All this had a very great influence on the spirit of the Russian people, changed their whole life in all areas, created a new idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and life.

In addition, it is important to say that the golden age is the time when people became more interested in history. This was due to the victory in the Civil War of 1812. National identity has become much more developed. N. Karamzin's work "History of the Russian State" has become a huge cultural monument. This creation was the first in the genre of history, which was read by the whole country, looking for an answer to the question of what place Russia occupies in the history of the whole world.
Literature of this era
Gold in literaturecentury - this is exactly the era when the very dawn of all artistic creativity begins. New literary trends, for example, the same romanticism, new poetic images, new forms of versification. All this begins to develop in the era of Elizabeth - the golden age of Russian literature.
Alexander Pushkin
The most famous poet who made a huge contribution to the development of the literature of the Golden Age is considered to be Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It was thanks to the poet that the Russian language began to develop. A huge number of new, previously unused figurative and expressive means have appeared, which are beginning to be found in every work of Pushkin.

One of the central characters of the golden age, which characterizes this era in the best possible way, was Eugene Onegin, the main character of the novel of the same name by Alexander Sergeevich. Onegin supports all the views that were characteristic of people living in this era.
Mikhail Lermontov
The works of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "Mtsyri" and "Demon" became creations emphasizing the level of literary development in the nineteenth century. Like Alexander Pushkin, the main characters have become the image of an "extra person" who cannot find his place in the world, wandering alone and overcoming life's difficulties, sometimes going in a dishonest way.
Anton Chekhov
The satirical works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov also belong to the Russian classics of the golden age. Reflecting the true human essence, many plays by Anton Pavlovich are still staged intheaters around the world. In his works, Anton Chekhov always touched on very important problems of modern man. Moreover, it is important to say that the way the author presents these human shortcomings causes both laughter and pity at the same time. Chekhov's work has always been referred to as "laughter through tears".

Fyodor Dostoevsky
The work of Fyodor Mikhailovich also became very important for the golden age. New views, which were based on the freedom of the individual, turned the entire perception of the world upside down. It is this problem that Fyodor Dostoevsky raises in a number of his works. For example, "The Gambler" even utters such a phrase that makes one think: "If ten years ago it was shameful, and today it is on display, then what can be expected from subsequent generations?.." In his other work, "Crime and Punishment", Dostoevsky through his main character - Raskolnikov shows that a person is subject to everything, he is free and has the right to do whatever he pleases. However, conscience and moral principles should keep a person from committing very big and irreparable mistakes.
Ivan Turgenev
The work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev also clearly emphasizes all aspects of the new everyday order in society. His work "Fathers and Sons" describes a period when new views are just beginning to emerge among young people. The older generation, who grew up in a completely different period, cannot understand and support the newly introduced public opinions. This rejection perfectly characterizes the whole upbringing of a more adultgenerations. The works of Ivan Turgenev can help those who are trying to figure out how and why a person today thinks this way and not otherwise.
Leo Tolstoy
The works of Leo Tolstoy, an equally famous representative of the Golden Age, are creations that are able to show readers all those norms and principles of morality that have been maintained for very long centuries. Numerous works that tell about the loneliness of immoral people, about their torments and experiences, carry a special morality for all readers.

"War and Peace" is an epic novel that, in addition to the problem of human immorality, reveals all the horrors of military art. The Civil War of 1812 described by the writer has a central place in the work. The main characters understand all the cruelty and stupidity of war, the meaninglessness of sacrificed lives.
Fyodor Tyutchev
The work of Fyodor Ivanovich was the final one. It was the works of Ivan Tyutchev that concluded the golden age in literature, thus separating them from all subsequent eras. The lyrical works that came out of the hands of the writer are already more reminiscent of the Silver Age in their images, but still do not have the features inherent in the next era.

General conclusion
The nineteenth century, or golden age, became very important in the development of the Russian language, literature and culture in general. The meaning of the expression "golden age" is analyzed in detailhigher. It is hard to imagine what would have happened to Russian culture if there had not been all those wonderful writers, thanks to whom there was such a quick and rapid upheaval of all views, both political and public.