Bourgeois monarchy is the form of government that has not passed by Russia. It has become a whole historical stage for national history. Let's take a closer look at this type of government.
General definition
To understand what a monarchy is, you need to know its definition. If a monarchy is that form of government where only one ruler is in power, who received his power by inheritance and exercises it for life, then what is a “bourgeois monarchy”? The definition is not too different and sounds like this: this is the form of government where all power is in the same hands, who inherited it, exercise it for life and rely on such a class system as the bourgeoisie.

The main features of the bourgeois monarchy
There are only a few features that distinguish this type of monarchy from others. First of all, this is the participation of representatives of the estate class in the management of the entire state. In addition, it is important to say that this segment of the population is also involved in the drafting of various legislative acts.
The second distinguishing feature was that thisbourgeois monarchy takes shape under conditions that imply the centralization of all political power. All estates were represented differently in the state system - they were at different levels, due to which they carried different significance. Surprisingly, some legislative and deliberative bodies of that time have survived to this day and are parliaments.

The third distinctive feature of the bourgeois monarchy is the limited powers of the monarch. This can be explained by the fact that there was a very rapid development of monetary and commodity relations. This greatly undermined all the fundamental foundations on which the subsistence economy of the state rested. This was precisely the prerequisite for the rise of the bourgeois monarchy. This gave impetus to political centralization, after which the power of the monarch was limited by representative-estate bodies.
All this in combination is the main features of the bourgeois monarchy.
The bourgeoisie as a separate layer of society
Bourgeois monarchy in Russia had its place. It was characterized by the presence of a bourgeois class in the social and economic composition of society. The bourgeoisie is the we althy section of the population in the state.

The bourgeois monarchy relied precisely on this segment of the population. Representatives of the then bourgeoisie are precisely those persons who were members of the legislative bodies.
Russian state
In 1861, when thecarrying out the peasant reform, the development of the capitalist system in Russia began. The rapid growth of the entire domestic industry began. In addition, the bourgeois monarchy contributed to a very rapid and strong stratification of the entire social structure. The entire landlord economy was turned into a capitalist economy, market relations intensified, which became the impetus for the construction of railways - new trade routes.

After the death of Nicholas I, his son Alexander II was forced to carry out a peasant reform. Following it, it was necessary to carry out many other reforms that were directly related to the bourgeois system in the state.
Changing the state apparatus
New state organizations have appeared in Russia. Their activities differed little from previous departments and ministries, but they began to include representatives of the we althy stratum, that is, the bourgeoisie, much more often. The authorities have expanded the scope of their powers. Ministers, as a rule, began to be appointed noble officials. Meanwhile, bourgeois entrepreneurship began to play an ever greater role in the life of the state. The autocratic government apparatus increasingly took into account the opinions of the nobility and representatives of the bourgeoisie.
The overthrow of the bourgeois monarchy
The overthrow of this type of monarchy occurred during the period when Vladimir Lenin came to power. Everyone knows that he created the necessary methods of getting rid of the "kulaks" - the prosperous stratum of the population. When the entire population lost their personal economy, having unitedinto collective and Soviet farms, the prosperous, that is, the bourgeois layer of the population simply disappeared.

In addition, it is worth noting such a historical fact as the implementation of a huge number of various reforms that were supposed to completely eradicate the bourgeoisie. Lenin fought for the equality of all people, both socially and economically. Vladimir Ilyich believed that the main task was to make all property and land property state-owned. When all the benefits of people were divided equally, and most of the rest of the benefits belonged to the state, then the bourgeoisie was completely eradicated in Russia.
French Republic
The fight against feudalism did not pass by France either.
The bourgeois monarchy in France dates back to the Middle Ages, when the division of the urban population and peasants began to occur. Then the rich, or prosperous stratum of the population had much more rights and opportunities than the poor. In the Middle Ages, all townspeople were considered bourgeois, who were in their mass much smaller than the inhabitants of villages and villages.
After a while, the bourgeoisie in France began to be called absolutely all segments of the population, except for the privileged.
After a while
Very soon this term began to have a slightly different meaning, defining a narrower meaning. He began to relate more to the terminology of the "third estate". This class was different in that they had to pay all taxes.

The more leftfeudalism, the more secure was considered the bourgeois layer in France. After the bourgeois revolution in the Netherlands, the bourgeoisie began to act throughout Europe as an ardent supporter of revolutionary movements that supported the overthrow of the feudal elite of the state.
The main difference between the European bourgeoisie was that it was clearly differentiated. Her class included both rich craftsmen and poor artisans. This was due to the fact that all of them had income not from their hired labor, but from the payment of other townspeople who purchased various goods and services, giving their money for it.
The bourgeoisie as the cause of the class struggle
The more capitalism developed, the more the bourgeoisie stratified. The big proprietors were the top of this class, but this top was very small. People increasingly sought to cities, science and art developed, the service sector expanded. All this became the prerequisites for the emergence of a poorer bourgeoisie, which was dissatisfied with its position and strongly supported capitalist views.
In 1789, the division into estates in France ceased. Now there were only two social classes: the bourgeoisie and the working people. The revolution that took place in France was able to bring these two classes to the same legal level, that is, at the end of it, both classes had the same number of rights and freedoms. However, such a coup still entailed a division on economic grounds. This is what served as the class struggle in the nineteenth century.
General conclusion on this topic
Based on all of the above, we can give a clear definition of this form of government. A bourgeois monarchy is that monarchy which relies on the bourgeoisie, in the state apparatus of which the bourgeois stratum of the population takes part. The entire backbone of the state consists of a we althy we althy stratum of the population, which receives its income from the townspeople and villagers for the sale or provision of their goods and services.
What is the essence of the bourgeois monarchy? Why was she needed? We can say that the bourgeoisie has become more of a side effect of the rapid development of economic and trade relations. This is quite predictable, because not all the population had time to raise their incomes and reduce expenses under certain conditions.

Concluding, it can be noted that the division of the whole society into two classes - the bourgeoisie and the poor - was inevitable. Since the emergence of the state as a legal institution, the entire population has always consisted of poor and rich people. However, it is important to understand that the bourgeoisie received its income precisely from the fact that it sold its goods and services, due to which it had a solid financial basis.
In addition, it should be remembered that it was thanks to the representatives of the bourgeois class that entrepreneurship began to develop in the world. It has already been said above that not only large businessmen were considered bourgeois, but also small artisans selling their own products.
Despite the fact that today it is not customary to single out the bourgeoisie as a separate class, it still takes placebe. This includes absolutely all large entrepreneurs and businessmen who have huge income from their firms, corporations and other enterprises. To date, the bourgeoisie allegedly does not exist, but this economic class of the population is simply called differently. In fact, this is the same bourgeoisie, leading a prosperous lifestyle, having a huge amount of benefits for their life, provided with all means in order to embody any of their desires.