Disputes about whether it is possible to restore the monarchy in Russia are relevant to this day. The history of the end of the reign of the last Russian dynasty in many compatriots leaves a ragged trace. In the Russian Empire at the time of the execution of the royal family, the highest rate of economic development was noted. The country was about to win the First World War, and then everything collapsed completely and irrevocably.
About the prophecies
Predictions about the restoration of the monarchy in Russia have been preserved. The royal dynasty had many supporters. The dynamics are noteworthy: when conducting a VTsIOM poll in 2013 on the introduction of a monarchy in Russia, 28% of the population said that they did not protest against this. And when the same survey was conducted in 2006, only 9% of the population gave a similar answer.

History has preserved many prophecies about the restoration of the monarchy in Russia. For example, St. John of Kronstadt proclaimed that he foresaw “the restoration of a powerful Russia… on the bones of the martyrs… according to the old model.”
Another prophecy aboutThe restoration of the Russian monarchy was given by Lavrenty of Chernigov, the elder, who proclaimed that “The Kingdom… will be nourished by the Orthodox Tsar.”
Theophan of Poltava foretold Russia that she would “rise from the dead”, and “the people would restore the Orthodox monarchy.”
Modern Events
In the summer of 2015, official information appeared that Vladimir Petrov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, proposed to the surviving descendants of the Romanovs to return to Russia. They agreed, but it did not end with anything. However, the topic of the possibility of restoring the monarchy in Russia continues to excite many public figures and politicians.
According to official statements, Vladimir Putin himself believes that ideas of this kind are hopeless. He spoke in an interview that he considers the restoration of the monarchy in Russia impossible. He does not welcome such discussions.
About the good sovereign
The infamous deputy Milonov expressed his opinion about the restoration of the monarchy in Russia as well. He considers "every Russian at heart a monarchist." He believes that a republican form of government in this state is impossible.
LDPR leader Sergei Shuvainikov notes that it was the last Russian tsar who turned the history of the state without thinking about the real consequences. At the same time, a huge responsibility was entrusted to him. Shuvainikov considers discussions about the restoration of the monarchy in Russia useless.
About the constitutional king
It is important to note that at the time of the overthrow of Nicholas II, autocracy in the country was actuallyhas already been eliminated - there was freedom of conscience, assembly, parliament was introduced. Someone, discussing how Russia can restore the monarchy, refers to the experience of the United States. For example, in this country, the judge of the Supreme Court is elected for life. And the Russian monarch could be the head of the Constitutional Court.

A number of politicians note that modern monarchists do not actually offer projects in accordance with which the restoration of the monarchy in Russia would take place. Most of the research involves looking for those of the remaining Romanovs who have more rights to the throne, rather than identifying exactly how the monarchy will be organized in the Russian future.
Who needs it?
Exploring the possibility of restoring the monarchy in Russia, it is worth listening not only to the opinion of politicians. After all, monarchical power is worthwhile only in cases where it has enlisted the support of the population. However, official studies show that, despite the fact that the number of supporters of the monarchy in the Russian Federation is growing, their number is still small. During the long Soviet period, the idea of hereditary power managed to fade from the mass consciousness.
Turnover of power attracts most segments of the population, while its heredity is objectionable in modern society. The possibility of introducing a monarchical system through a revolution is excluded. The Russian people do not want shocks.
About nostalgia
As noted by the leadership of the IS RAS Vladimir Petukhov, Russian society is dominated bynostalgia for the zero years, and not for imperial times. Few have forgotten the school curriculum, which included Bloody Sunday, Khodynka, and the First World War. Russia was drawn into it with the direct participation of the ruling dynasty. All this makes the figure of the last Russian tsar very contradictory in the minds of the masses.

Vladimir Petukhov notes that, according to official studies, few Russians understand why and how to establish a monarchical structure of society in the country, which will manifest a fundamental difference in replacing the president with a tsar.
On the nature of the Russian people
For a thousand years of Russian history, this state has had a monarchical structure. And while revolutions were raging in European countries, in Russia every leader of a popular uprising declared himself heir to the throne. The spirit of monarchism has always been characteristic of a Russian person who needs a tsar. And any changes in the political course have been associated with a certain leader since ancient times. Western countries and Stalin were called the "Red Monarch". In fact, he was. No matter what the Russian people tried to build throughout history, the result was still a monarchy.
Who has the rights to the throne?
The main law, according to which the succession to the Russian throne takes place, is the act of Paul I. Alexander I made additions, deciding that his descendants, who entered into a morganatic marriage, no longer had the right to the throne.

Becausealmost all the current Romanovs entered into an unequal marriage, few have direct rights to the throne of the country. They can be on it only by decision of the Zemsky Sobor. In addition, marriage only with a representative of the Orthodox faith is considered a requirement for the heir. According to tradition, the king did not have the right to marry several times, have concubines, marry widows, enter into marital relations with close relatives.
The Romanovs today
When Nicholas II was assassinated, Grand Duke Kirill became the owner of the Russian throne. And at the moment there are two main branches of the Romanovs. Part of the Romanovs lives in countries around the world, believing that the past will never return, and the country should live its own life.
One line goes back to Vladimir, brother of Alexander III. In 1953, Maria Vladimirovna Romanova was born; in 1981, her son was born in Madrid. The problem is that once Cyril, the son of Vladimir, married his cousin, Princess Victoria-Melite, who by that time had divorced the Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt. Similar events continued in the further history of this branch. But supporters of predictions of the restoration of the monarchy in Russia associate such a possibility with Maria Vladimirovna and her descendants.

Also in 1923, Andrei Romanov, great-great-grandson of Nicholas I, was born. He has three sons. This branch has no direct right to the throne, but it can be considered as contenders for the Russian throne at the Zemsky Sobor.
Monarchists show great interest inRostislav Romanov, who was born in 1985. He returned to Moscow and became the representative of the House of Romanov officially. His descendants show great interest in Russia.
In theory, Michael, Prince of Kent, has the rights to the throne of Russia. He is a member of the royal family of Britain, a descendant of Nicholas I. This is the second cousin of Maria Vladimirovna.
Also, a descendant of the Romanovs living in Moscow is Rostislav Rostislavovich. He is a descendant of Nicholas I, worked as a tour guide of the Tretyakov Gallery, was a rock musician.
The opinion of the Romanovs
It is noteworthy that while some representatives of the royal dynasty consider the restoration of the monarchical system the country's past, some of the Romanovs hold a different opinion. For example, at a press conference of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency, to the expression that “monarchy is impossible” in a modern country, the representative of the House of Romanov replied: “This is your opinion.”
At the same time, the monarchy does not contradict democracy. According to the latest research, about 30% of the population expressed sympathy for the monarchy.
But it must be taken into account that many people do not realize what exactly the monarchical system of the state will manifest itself in.
Also, many modern Romanovs are very loyal to the current Constitution, support the current government. The Imperial House of Romanov made statements several times, according to which he could return to live in Russian territories. Princess Maria Vladimirovna has the opportunity to return as a private person. But she is responsible to her ancestors, and the return mustto deserve. She does not make claims to property, political powers, but advocates for the Imperial House to become a historical institution, the heritage of the country. It is important that this recognition be culturological, expressed in a legal act. Sympathizes with the murdered royal family, the descendants of the Romanov family, indeed, a large part of the country's population. Their rehabilitation is evidenced by the canonization of the last reigning Romanovs.

Discussion progress
Discussions about the need to restore the monarchy in Russia, however, continue to be very active. The presence of 30% of the population that is not against the monarchy suggests that at least about half of Russians sympathize with the monarchical state system.
Some of the patriots express the point of view that for the effective further development of the country it is important to return to the point of 1917, and then follow the historical path that the country followed. After all, the empire of those times was considered one of the most powerful in the world. And hardly anyone needed a strong Russia. The monarchy throughout history has been the foundation of Russia. At the moment, the struggle between whites and reds is still going on in the public mind, according to experts. It is worth noting the events of recent years, for example, the release of the film "Matilda", which brightly highlighted this contradiction that prevails in Russian society by causing the widest resonance and open conflict of people of different views.

Some of the adherents of monarchist traditions, however,notes that in the 21st century it is pointless to return to the monarchy when it collapsed in 1917. It should be noted that, despite the formal differences in the various state systems in the country, the essence of power remained approximately the same - the Russian people always got a kind of monarchy, headed by a tsar who was good, and he was surrounded by bad boyars. It is noteworthy that this view of the statehood of the country continues to this day.
There are opinions that a new dynasty may be established in Russia. Supporters of this approach propose to choose a monarch from an ordinary Russian family, which is connected by family ties with the Rurikovichs or the Romanovs. It is important that there are teachers, priests, doctors, military personnel in it, which will be evidence that the family served the Motherland at all times and went through trials with it. And there are many such applicants in the country. Kingship is service first.
There is one more point of view in the discussions: it is necessary to crown the incumbent president, Vladimir Putin. But hardly anyone will explain why.