The Rwanda genocide is one of the worst crimes of the 20th century

The Rwanda genocide is one of the worst crimes of the 20th century
The Rwanda genocide is one of the worst crimes of the 20th century

There is hardly anything more cruel and senseless than genocide. The most surprising thing is that this phenomenon arose not in the gloomy and fanatical Middle Ages, but in the progressive 20th century. One of the most heinous massacres was the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. According to various sources, from 500 thousand to 1 million people were killed in that country in 100 days. The question immediately arises: “In the name of what?”.

genocide in Rwanda
genocide in Rwanda

Causes and participants

The Rwandan genocide is the result of a century of conflict between the region's two socio-ethnic groups, the Hutu and the Tutsi. The Hutus made up about 85% of the inhabitants of Rwanda, and the Tutsis - 14%. The latter ethnic group, being in the minority, has long been considered the ruling elite. During 1990-1993. A civil war was raging on the territory of this African country. In April 1994, a military coup d'état came to power with an interim government composed of representatives of the Hutu people. With the help of the army and the Impuzamugambi and Interahamwe militias, the government began the extermination of the Tutsi, as well as moderate Hutus. From the sideTutsi in the conflict was attended by the Rwandan Patriotic Front, aimed at the destruction of the Hutus. On July 18, 1994, relative peace was restored in the country. But 2 million Hutus emigrated from Rwanda fearing retribution. Thus, it is not surprising that when the word "genocide" is mentioned, Rwanda immediately springs to mind.

Rwandan genocide
Rwandan genocide

Rwandan Genocide: Horrifying Facts

The state radio, which was controlled by the Hutus, promoted hatred against the Tutsis. It was through him that the actions of the rioters were often coordinated, for example, information was transmitted about the hiding places of potential victims.

Nothing breaks the way of human life like genocide. Rwanda is a clear proof of this statement. So, at this time, about 20 thousand children were conceived, most of which were the fruits of violence. Modern Rwandan single mothers are persecuted by society with its traditional perception of rape victims, moreover, they often have HIV.

genocide Rwanda
genocide Rwanda

11 days after the start of the genocide, 15,000 Tutsis were gathered at the Gatvaro stadium. This was only done to kill more people at the same time. The organizers of this massacre released tear gas into the crowd, and then began shooting at people and throwing grenades at them. Although it seems impossible, a girl named Albertine survived this horror. Seriously wounded, she hid under a pile of dead, among whom were her parents, brothers and sisters. Only the next day was Albertina able to get to the hospital,where raids of "cleansing" Tutsis also took place.

The genocide in Rwanda forced representatives of the Catholic clergy to forget their vows. Thus, quite recently, the case of the Catholic clergyman Atanaz Seromba was considered within the framework of the UN International Tribunal. He was accused of participating in a conspiracy, which resulted in the extermination of 2,000 Tutsi refugees. According to eyewitnesses, the priest gathered the refugees in the church, where they were attacked by the Hutus. He then ordered the church to be destroyed with a bulldozer.
