The Aircraft Designers College in St. Petersburg is better known as the Polytechnic College of Municipal Economy. The educational institution is located in the Primorsky district. It is a modern educational complex, which is equipped with all necessary equipment, including multimedia, educational and laboratory facilities, laboratories, production workshops with modern technology.
About the school

College for Aircraft Designers is a state professional budgetary institution, which was originally formed as a result of the merger of the four oldest institutions of secondary vocational education in the city. This happened in 2006. It was then that the Polytechnic College of Urban Economy (PKGH) united the radio engineering college, the collegeof radio-electronic instrumentation, college of book business, mechanical and instrument-making college.
Currently, there are trainings in 15 speci alties related to various areas of the modern economy and industry. The main feature of the Polytechnic College of Municipal Economy on Aviakonstruktorov Ave. is that students are mainly trained in production and enterprises, maximum attention is paid to practice. This is also ensured by the powerful equipment of laboratories, good material and technical base of classrooms and workshops.
In 2010, the Aircraft Designers College moved to a new building located near the Komendantsky Prospekt station. The total area of the building is about 20 thousand square meters. There is a swimming pool for students, a spacious gym. In the surrounding area nearby there is a volleyball and football field, a library with a reading room, a canteen and a buffet for a hundred seats with hot and cold shops.
It is separately noted that the building was built in full compliance with the standards and norms for educational institutions. Students study in bright and spacious classrooms. Due to the large number of various sports and leisure facilities, active extracurricular activities are provided, the he alth of students improves.
How to get there?

The college is located near the metro station "Komendantsky Prospekt". The exact address is Aviakonstruktorov Avenue, house 28, letter A. This is in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg at the intersection of Shuvalovsky Avenue with Planernaya Street and Aviakonstruktorov Avenue.
The work schedule of the educational institution is five days a week on weekdays. From Monday to Thursday, the college is open from 9 am to 5:50 pm, on Friday the educational institution closes an hour earlier.
Now we will tell you how to get to the college on Aircraft Designers. There are many options for getting here by public transport. From the metro station "Komendantsky Prospekt" or "Pionerskaya" you need to take bus number 127, 171 or tram number 47, 55. From the metro station "Staraya Derevnya" tram number 18 follows, from the station "Udelnaya" bus number 85, from the station " Chernaya Rechka" bus 79.
Features of admission

The Admission Committee of the SCGH is headed by Natalya Ivanovna Guseva. She accepts applicants in office No. 117 from Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm, on Fridays work ends one hour earlier. It should also be borne in mind that there is a technical break in the commission's work schedule daily from 12:50 to 13:30.
Open days and special courses are organized for future potential college students. For example, courses in the Russian language, mathematics, physics and computer science. At them, applicants will immediately be told in detail what requirements will be imposed on them at the exam, they will describe in detail how the entrance test will be held.
Wishing to enter the Polytechnic College of the cityfarms (PCH) must provide a list of certain documents. The main list includes:
- original passport with photocopies of all pages with entries;
- if a passport is missing for some reason, a birth certificate along with a document of citizenship and a certificate of permanent or temporary registration can become an alternative;
- document of education with attachment;
- four photos in 3x4 format (they must be signed on the back);
- applicants entering the speci alty "Law Enforcement" are also required to provide a medical certificate.
Additional documents. The college for Aircraft Designers is required to provide copies of them:
- certificate of registration of an individual with the tax authority (TIN);
- insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
- certificate or military ID for male applicants.
If a potential student has any benefits when entering a university, they should also be provided. Preferential categories include:
- Disabled people - they include in the list of documents when submitting to the selection committee a certificate of disability and a corresponding conclusion on the absence of contraindications to college education.
- Persons with disabilities must submit the conclusion of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission.
- Orphans - copies of the court decision and guardianshipidentities.
- Persons from poor families - copies of the certificate officially confirming their status.
- Persons from large families - copies of certificates of large families.
There is also a list of medical documents that applicants are required to submit to the selection committee when entering college at 28 Aircraft Designers. In addition to a photocopy of the passport and a medical certificate in form No. 86u, this is also:
- fluorography results made no earlier than a year ago;
- vaccination certificate;
- copy of new medical insurance policy;
- certificate from a phthisiatrician from a tuberculosis dispensary;
- certificate from a psychiatrist from the neuropsychiatric dispensary at the place of residence.
When studying at the speci alties of the PKGH "Radio Appliance Engineering", "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" and "Instrument and Radioelectronic Equipment Installer", you should undergo a medical examination by an otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist. When entering the speci alty "Heat engineering equipment and heat supply", in addition to these doctors, you should also visit a dentist and a dermatovenereologist.
Teaching staff

The educational institution is famous for its highly qualified teachers. SCCH employs experienced teachers with extensive experience. The college is headed by Vladimir Mikhailovich Malinovsky. He is assisted by four deputies, each of whom oversees his own area of work. For educationalSvetlana Vladimirovna Barsukova is responsible for work, Nadezhda Anatolyevna Karlik is responsible for distance learning and additional education, Natalya Vladimirovna Shumakevich is responsible for educational work, Evgeny Vladimirovich Burdin is responsible for industrial training.
Among the teachers it is worth noting Associate Professor Viktor Stepanovich Dudkin. He teaches "Theory of Algorithms" and "Fundamentals of Programming", is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Also working at the university:
- candidates of economic sciences Anna Petrovna Belova, Olga Mikhailovna Kosterina, Evgeny Nikolaevna Fomenkova;
- PhDs Sergey Trofimovich Vigranenko, Leonid Vladimirovich Ilyushenkov, Alexander Grigoryevich Kravtsov, Sergey Sergeyevich Mikheykin, Evgenia Gennadievna Novikova, Arsen Nikolaevich Khalatov;
- PhD in Chemistry Igor Ivanovich Gapon;
- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ekaterina Evgenievna Zherebchevskaya;
- Candidate of Biological Sciences Yaroslavna Grigoryevna Zelenskaya;
- PhD in Political Science Natalya Nikolaevna Kudrina;
- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Elena Yurievna Simonenko.
Speci alties

In total, students receive education in 15 speci alties on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Medical University. Here is a list of them:
- "Computer systems and complexes";
- "Programming in computer systems";
- "Managing the quality of products, services and processes";
- "Heat engineeringequipment and heat supply";
- "Social work";
- "Operating activities in logistics";
- "Radio Appliance Engineering";
- "Engineering technology";
- "Supervisory control systems and means";
- "Organization and law of social security";
- "Law Enforcement";
- "Monitoring the operation of measuring instruments";
- "Installer of radio-electronic devices and equipment".
Also training is provided for the speci alty "Control of the operation of measuring instruments" on the basis of 11 classes and "Installer of radio-electronic devices and equipment" on the basis of 9 classes.
This article highlights some of the college's most noteworthy majors in high demand.
Managing the quality of products, services and processes

The term of study in this speci alty is three years and 10 months. After completing the training, the graduate is assigned the speci alty "Technician". His main areas of professional activity are cross-cutting professional activities in industry.
Among the main skills that a graduate receives is the ability to professionally evaluate the quality of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products and components so that they fully comply with technical specifications and regulatory documents, andalso determining the technical condition of equipment, equipment and tools. Those trained in this speci alty are able to assess the compliance of finished products with all stated requirements, the quality of technological processes and systems, analyze and control technological processes, and prepare all the necessary technical documentation.
Social work
On a full-time basis, the period of study of this speci alty is two years and 10 months, on a correspondence course - two and a half years. Based on the results, the student receives the qualification of a specialist in social work. His professional interests include carrying out and organizing work in various spheres of life aimed at social assistance to all categories of those in need.
Graduates will have to work with primary labor collectives, population groups in difficult life situations. It provides training for work with the disabled and the elderly, with families and children, with people at risk who find themselves in a difficult life situation.
Law Enforcement
In this speci alty, the term of study is three and a half years, and in correspondence form, two years and 10 months. After completing the training, the graduate is awarded the qualification of a lawyer.
His professional interests include ensuring law and order and the rule of law, the security of society, the individual and the state, protecting public order, suppressing, preventing, detecting, investigating and solving crimes andother offenses, implementation of legal norms.
Among the objects of professional activity are public relations in the field of law enforcement, actions and events of legal significance. The direct activities for which graduates are trained include organizational and managerial and operational activities.
Based on the results of training, graduates are able from a legal point of view to qualify the events, facts and circumstances of the crimes committed, to carry out appropriate actions within the framework of the law. And also to ensure compliance with the law by objects of law, to carry out operational and official activities, special technical support for operational and official activities, first aid.
Law and organization of social security

In this speci alty, full-time and part-time students study for two years and 10 months. In the sphere of their professional activity is the implementation of state powers on pension provision, the implementation of legal norms in the social sphere.
In their work they will have to directly deal with legal documents, databases of recipients of benefits, pensions and social support measures, municipal and state services, for citizens in need of social protection and support.
In particular, they are trained to ensure the realization of the rights of citizens in the field of social protection and pensions, to engage inorganizational support for the work of institutions of social protection of the population, as well as bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Reviews about PCGH come in a variety of ways. Students note that some teachers are sincerely interested in giving them as much knowledge as possible, while others are frankly serving their number, trying to read their lectures and take tests as soon as possible.
Some students complain about the heavy workload. They admit that it is difficult for them to do a large amount of homework after five classes during the day.
Often you have to face everyday difficulties and troubles while studying. For example, the food in the dining room is often spoiled, someone's hair is regularly found in it. Many teachers are rude and even rude towards students. Many criticize the head of the humanities department, with whom almost all students have problems.
Leaves much to be desired and production practice. Students at enterprises are not given any permissions, as a result, any meaning in such training completely disappears.