What is a complex sentence: explanation, types and examples

What is a complex sentence: explanation, types and examples
What is a complex sentence: explanation, types and examples

What is a complex sentence? Every student asked this question. How easy is it to determine which sentence is in front of you: simple or complex? It's pretty easy, the main thing is to know a few tricky features.

what is a complex sentence
what is a complex sentence

What is a complex sentence: definition, types and examples

A complex sentence is a sentence that has more than one stem in its composition, they are interconnected by subordinating unions. Also, parts of such a sentence can be connected by allied words. It is worth noting that, along with complex sentences, there are also compound ones, in which the parts are connected by the unions “and”, “but”, “a”, in some cases there is a union “yes”. So, before determining which sentence is in front of you, you need to note the grammatical foundations, if there are two or more of them, then you need to ask a question from one of them. The part from which the question is asked is called the main part, and to which the question is asked is called the subordinate.

complex sentence with a subordinate clause
complex sentence with a subordinate clause

A complex sentence, examples of which will be given below, may include several types of connection of parts, for example, parallel, serial. With a parallel question, the question is asked from the main part to the rest, with a sequential one - from each to the next. This suggests that in a complex sentence, dependent parts are always unequal.

What is a complex sentence? Now there is an answer to this question: this is a sentence with unequal dependent parts that are connected by a subordinating union. Now we need to move on to classification. Complex sentences are attributive, adverbial, which, in turn, have about 7 more subspecies, as well as explanatory. The first type is the type of sentence, when the dependent part answers the questions of adjectives, that is, it creates an emotional coloring of the sentence. For example: "The garden, because of which the house was not visible, was a famous place in the city." A complex sentence with an explanatory clause answers the questions of all cases except the nominative. This can easily be confused with the attributive, so it is very important to ask the right question. For example: “Nikita was thinking the same thing his sister was talking about earlier.”

complex sentence examples
complex sentence examples

The largest group is complex sentences with adverbial clauses, there are about 7 additional subclauses: clauses, causes, goals, conditions, places, consequences, and others. They are quite easy to distinguish: all questions that can be asked toadverbs will be given in this case as well. Therefore, as a rule, determining the adverbial clause is simple and easy.

What is a complex sentence? The answer to this question can be found in the article. In addition to the definition, the article presents all classifications of types of subordination, as well as types of subordinate parts. With such information, you can safely go to the unified state exam, because some of the questions aimed at an advanced level are connected precisely with the task-determining the type or type of subordination of parts in the sentence.
