Rurik (r. 862–879) is a famous Slavic prince with Varangian roots. The founder of the Rurik dynasty, who ruled Russia for many centuries. One of the most mysterious historical figures: many facts from his biography still remain a mystery with seven seals.
Childhood and youth
The exact date of the prince's birth is unknown. Many historians suggest that this happened between 806 and 808 in the B altic city of Rarog. The Danish king Gottfried, who attacked these lands, hanged Rurik's father, Prince Godolub. His mother Umila, the daughter of Gostomysl, left her home with her young children and fled to a foreign land. When the future prince grew up, he, along with his brother, was baptized at the court of the Frankish king, received titles and lands from him as a reward. In fact, he became the ruler of the territories along the Elbe, which still belonged to his father, but only as a vassal.

The Frankish Empire at that time was tormented by civil strife. As a result of regular militaryconflicts Rurik lost his lands. Offended by the king, he joined the Varangian squad. Since then, he hated everything that was connected with this man and the state that he ruled. Even the religion professed by the Franks was in disfavor with the prince. Being baptized, Rurik trampled on the shrines of faith in every possible way, so the people called him the "ulcer of Christianity".
Rurik (r. 862–879) left a noticeable mark on history. But even those who consider him a real person are not really aware of the origin of this person. Historians who support the Norman theory say: Rurik and his wife are purebred Vikings who arrived from Scandinavia. As proof of their correctness, they pay attention to the etymology of the name of the prince, linking it with the Latin "rex" - king, ruler. And, perhaps, this is true, because today the name Rurik is widespread precisely in the Scandinavian countries: Sweden and Finland.

Adherents of the West Slavic theory are sure that the roots of Rurik originate from the Obodrite tribe, who called themselves reregs - falcons. And they refer to the Tale of Bygone Years, which says: in 862, the Krivichi and Ilmen Slavs failed to agree among themselves and choose a single ruler. To avoid unnecessary bloodshed, they turned to their Slavic brother Rurik. He, along with his brothers, arrived in Novgorod and ascended the throne: Rurik's foreign and domestic policy was of a military nature. Some historians claim thatthe prince began to rule from Staraya Ladoga, and Novgorod was built by him only a few years later. This theory is confirmed by the archaeological find "Rurik's Settlement".
Rurik's domestic policy (briefly)
In such a difficult matter as the management of a great power, the main focus of the prince was on strengthening his lands, gaining authority and respect. He was really feared and revered, since in the view of ordinary people he was a formidable and strict prince, the same was the internal policy of Rurik. The table below shows the main directions of Rurik's government.
Field of activity | Date | Essence |
Land Expansion | 862–864 | Accession to the Principality of Murom, Smolensk and Rostov |
Fight against internal enemies | 864 | Suppression of the rebellion organized by Vadim the Brave |
The uninvited guest in the face of Rurik caused dissatisfaction with the local boyars and nobility, who themselves wanted to take the throne. Therefore, outbreaks of uprisings now and then arose in different parts of the principality, but the ruler instantly suppressed the rebellions of the indignant with his mighty hand. He also continued to capture new Russian cities and neighboring tribes: in this way, Rurik got all the way to Kyiv, where Dir and Askold ruled.
Foreign policy
Once in the capital city of Kyiv, the prince was fascinated by its beauty and power. He laid eyes on the capital of Russia, so the whole foreign policy was subsequently directed to the capture of this tidbit. Rurik. The table shows us how the so-called personal relations developed between the prince and Kyiv.
Field of activity | Date | Essence |
Peace treaty between Rurik, Dir and Askold | 864 | The prince tried to secure the southern borders of the state, as this was required at that time by his foreign policy |
War with Askold | 866–870 | The world did not last long. Askold began a campaign to the north and encroached on the lands that belonged to Novgorod. In a protracted war, Rurik defeated Askold's army, but did not capture Kyiv |
Forging an alliance with Western tribes | 873–879 | The main goal of the truce is to unite efforts to capture Kyiv |
Rurik's foreign and domestic policy was justified. He was one of the first to announce Russia on the world stage.

Unfortunately, the story of Rurik ends in 879. Then the baton is picked up by Prince Oleg, nicknamed by the people of the Prophet, who actively inherits the rule of Rurik and implements all the bold plans of his predecessor.
Rurik's foreign and domestic policy was aimed at strengthening the power of all Russian lands included in the principality. Already by 870, two unions had been created: the Southern one, headed by Kyiv, and the Northern one, with the center in Novgorod. In the first city, Askold and Dir ruled, in the second - Rurik. Dying, he gave the reins of government into the hands of a distantOleg's relative He also entrusted him with the custody of his young son Igor, who later became the Grand Duke.

Oleg managed to conquer the tribes of streets and drevlyans. He annexed Kyiv to Russia, establishing a pagan cult there. Then he went to Byzantium and signed a lucrative agreement that expanded the sphere of influence and opened up new opportunities for Russian merchants. Russia became a full partner of the Empire. After Oleg, the son of Rurik, Igor, came to the throne. This period of time was turbulent: rebellions and uprisings arose. But the prince acted much tougher than his predecessor: he constantly crushed popular uprisings, thereby strengthening the centralized power.
Rurik: role in history
During his reign, the Russian lands expanded significantly due to the conquered Finnish territories. The composition of Russia also included the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Now all these peoples had a common religion, language and culture, traditions and customs. This was the first impetus to unite these communities into a single state with a full ruler and a clear hierarchy. Rurik did not become such a ruler. But he created all the conditions for making this dream a reality. It was with him that the creation of Kievan Rus began, the construction of large cities within its borders, and the improvement of the life of the ordinary population. Rurik's foreign and domestic policy flourished. It started the history of the glorious family of Rurikovich - the first dynasty of autocrats in the history of Russia.

LifeRurik is the success story of an ordinary person, a stranger who not only seized power, but also managed to keep it in his hands, to strengthen the influence of the state on the political map of the world. It was this prince who laid the foundation for the mighty and strong state that Russia is to this day.