Abolish - what does it mean? When is it used?

Abolish - what does it mean? When is it used?
Abolish - what does it mean? When is it used?

The complexity of the Russian language for learning lies in the presence of tricky terms that have come down to our days from ancient times in an unchanged form, but at the same time enriched with figurative meanings. So now young people have to be interested: "What does it mean to abolish an institution?" Otherwise, they will not understand the meaning of this phrase. And it's just a matter of closure. But has it always been like this?

Original concept

Philologists build an etymological line to the adjective "idle", which is written together with the prefix y-. It has many interpretations:

  • obsolete: empty, not filled;
  • a idle person;
  • a busy person;
  • a phenomenon born of idleness.

Research shows the most ancient form as the primary source. To empty a barrel or a glass is what it means to “abolish”, which was relevant many centuries ago. Today the situation has changed somewhat. How is this verb deciphered now?

Acceptable Meanings

Formerly Russianspeople could empty any container and designate their action with the term under study. In this sense, the word “abolish” can still be used today, but it is unlikely that any of your contemporaries will be able to understand your statement. The remaining versions will be much more common:

  • official - cancel, destroy or ban;
  • book - make something unnecessary, superfluous, get rid of it.
Trying to abolish nuclear weapons
Trying to abolish nuclear weapons

When it comes to schools, bank branches, other institutions, as well as various regulatory documents, the first option applies. In the second case, a good example would be serfdom, which the authorities of the Russian Empire W. with the subsequent liberation of the peasants.

Regional value

According to Dahl's research, there is an original interpretation in Siberia. Within its framework, the word “abolish” means that a person is trying:

  • be bothered;
  • beware.

When a citizen tries to free up time for an important matter or, conversely, to protect himself from an extra load of problems, but he fails, they say: "You will not be abolished at any time."

Contracts canceled regularly
Contracts canceled regularly

Appropriate usage

The word is still relevant today. It can be heard on news broadcasts, during negotiations at a commercial enterprise or in bureaucratic offices. Society constantly generates new ideas, which means that old ones also need to be abolished. This is necessary to avoidelementary conflict between rules and regulations, clear land from an old factory to build a modern factory, etc.

In everyday speech, this word is a rare guest. Much more often, Russian-speaking citizens in the 21st century use the verbs "close" or "cancel" - terms that are clear to all listeners. But if you need a beautiful synonym, want to enrich your vocabulary, feel free to include the colorful word "abolish" in it.
