What is spelling? This question is asked by every person in school. However, it is very difficult to fully understand what this concept contains. Let's try to figure it out.

So, spelling is a set of rules that determine the rules for the transmission of words and sentences in writing using a system of signs. The main function of orthography is considered to be the creation of general rules in the spelling of words for each person in order to make communication understandable to other speakers of a particular language. Since spelling appeared simultaneously with writing, it is writing that influences its basic rules. Spelling in different languages is built according to different principles - according to phonetic, morphological and semantic, but more on that later.
History of Russian orthography

To better understand what the spelling of the Russian language is, you need to learn a few facts from its history. The basis of modern Russian graphics is the Cyrillic alphabet, which was used by the ancient Slavs. According to legend, the Cyrillic alphabet was invented by a Greek missionary in order to preach Christianity in the Slavic countries. Latermanuscripts began to be written in Cyrillic. In the 18th century, Peter the Great came up with a civil alphabet, later, in 1917, a spelling reform took place. Several decades later, in 1956, new rules were streamlined - "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation".
What is spelling: principles of spelling
1) Morphological principle. It consists in establishing a common spelling of specific morphemes, regardless of phonetic differences in their pronunciation. This principle has a high level of meaningfulness. This spelling is considered more perfect and more promising than others. Note that the Russian spelling is built exactly according to the morphemic principle.

2) Phonetic principle. This character of the construction of spelling is focused on pronunciation. Words, according to him, are written as they are pronounced. A common spelling can be achieved through the general designation of specific sounds. If the language is built on the basis of such spelling, it is very difficult to follow the pronunciation of the letter. There is an opinion that each person hears the word in his own way, so if the spelling is based only on the phonetic principle, it is almost impossible to achieve its uniformity.
3) Historical principle. According to him, you need to write as you wrote before, that is, such a principle of constructing spelling can be called traditional.
There is also a differentiating principle, which is to distinguish in writing what is not distinguished in pronunciation. It is used very rarely when distinguishing homonyms or homophones,e.g.
Today you can check the spelling of a text even on the Internet. The system of rules for writing words has long been streamlined, and specialists have created a huge number of programs that can help prevent mistakes. Basic spelling rules can also be found in Russian language textbooks, which may not have been very interesting in school days. Read them again from cover to cover, read this article, and the question "what is spelling" will disappear once and for all.