List of African countries and their features

List of African countries and their features
List of African countries and their features

Africa is the largest continent on the planet, which in terms of size and population ranks second after Eurasia. This part of the world occupies 6% of the Earth's area and more than 20% of the entire land area. The list of African countries consists of 62 units. Conventionally, this mainland is divided into four parts - Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern. These borders coincide with the borders of the states that are located there. Some of them have access to the seas and oceans, others are located inland.

Geographic location of the continent

Africa itself is located, one might say, in the center of the planet. From the north it is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, from the northeast by the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. The eastern part bathes in the waters of the Indian Ocean, and all the western coasts, among which there are both resorts and industrial cities, plunge into the waters of the Atlantic. The relief, as well as the flora and fauna of this continent are very diverse and mysterious. Most of it is occupied by deserts, in which the incredible heat lasts all year round. However, in some regions, mountains covered with eternal snows rise. List of African countriesimpossible to fully imagine without some of the natural features of each of them.

list of african countries
list of african countries

Countries and cities

Now we will look at the largest and most famous countries in Africa. The list with capitals as well as the languages used is given below:

  • Algiers - Algiers - Arabic.
  • Angola - Luanda - Portuguese.
  • Botswana-Gaborone-Setswana, English.
  • Guinea-Conakry-French.
  • Zambia - Lusaka - English.
  • Egypt - Cairo - Arabic.
  • Kenya - Nairobi - English, Swahili.
  • DRC - Kinshasa - French.
  • Libya - Tripoli - Arabic.
  • Mauritania - Nouakchott - Arabic.
  • Madagascar - Antananarivo - French, Malagasy.
  • Mali - Bamako - French.
  • Morocco - Rabat - Arabic.
  • Somalia - Mogadishu - Arabic, Somali.
  • Sudan - Khartoum - Arabic.
  • Tanzania - Dodoma - Swahili, English.
  • Tunisia - Tunisia - Arabic.
  • South Africa - Cape Town, Pretoria, Bloomfont - Zulu, Swati, English and many more.

This is not a complete list of countries in Africa. Among them are also very poorly developed territories that are part of both other African and European powers.

african countries list with capitals
african countries list with capitals

Northern region closest to Europe

It is generally accepted that the most developed regions of the African continent is the North and a small part of the South. Yetthe rest of the states are in the zone of the so-called "safari". There can be traced an unfavorable climate for life, a desert relief, as well as the absence of internal waters. Now we will briefly consider what the countries of North Africa are. The list consists of 6 administrative divisions, which include: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Sudan. Most of this territory is the Sahara desert, so local thermometers never drop below 10 degrees Celsius. It is also important to note that in this region all countries at one time or another were under the rule of European powers. Therefore, the locals are well acquainted with the Romano-Germanic family of languages. Today, proximity to the Old World allows North Africans to establish business relationships with its representatives.

developed countries of africa list
developed countries of africa list

Other very significant regions of the continent

As mentioned above, not only in the north of the mainland are the developed countries of Africa. The list of all the rest is much shorter, since it consists of one power - South Africa. This unique state contains absolutely everything that you can imagine. At the height of summer, the peak of the influx of tourists from all over the world can be traced here. People come to the region to look at the unique shores, as well as to swim in the waters of the Indian or Atlantic Ocean. Along with this, fishing, boat trips, excursions to local museums and attractions are very developed in the region. Along with this, local residents are actively engaged in the extraction of diamonds and oil, which are in the bowelsthis region are concentrated in huge numbers.

list of north african countries
list of north african countries

South African cities that amaze with their beauty

Sometimes there is a feeling that the very center of world civilization is concentrated not in Europe, not even in America, but in the very south of the African continent. Here grew up such world-famous cities as Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, East London and Port Elizabeth, formerly British colonies. Today, these are places of concentration of skyscrapers, chic parks and museums, which are buried in tropical greenery, as well as in purple jacaranda. The territory of the cities is inhabited by both white settlers, who have settled here for a very long time, and the historical owners of these lands - black Africans. You can talk about these charming places for hours, since they are the best countries and capitals of Africa. The list of southern cities and resorts above will allow you to better navigate in this area.

african countries and capitals list
african countries and capitals list


The cradle of all humankind, the birthplace of minerals and jewels, unique natural wonders and luxurious resorts that contrast with the poverty of the local population - all this is concentrated on one single continent. A simple enumeration of names - a list of African countries - cannot fully reveal all the potential that is stored in these lands and on their surface, and in order to get to know these territories, you need to go there and see everything with your own eyes.eyes.
