Capturing the edge of the continent of North America, occupying the entire mainland of South America, the adjacent islands, this part of the planet was called Latin America in the distant historical past to designate dependent territories of European colonizers. The list of Latin American countries (and their capitals) includes 46 states and independent territories that have much in common in history, culture and economy.
Almost all countries in the region have access to the oceans, washing the territory from all sides. This circumstance contributes to free access to the world trade space - the export of manufactured products and raw materials makes up the main part of the economy of each state.

In two dimensions
The countries of Latin America on the map are located in the equator zone, which divides the territory geographically into the northern and southern hemispheres. Proximity to the equator allows for plenty of sunlight and heat, which makes it possible to harvest tropical fruits and crops all year round throughout the territory called Latin America. The region is home to many exported crops.

Combination of exotic and ancient heritage
Despite the territorial remoteness from the rest of the world, the entire list of Latin American countries and their capitals are invariably attractive to tourists from all over the globe.
So, the list of Latin American countries with capitals:
- Argentina (Buenos Aires);
- Antigua (St. John's);
- Bahamas (Nassau);
- Barbuda (St. John's);
- Belize (Belmopan);
- Brazil (Brazil);
- Barbados (Bridgetown);
- Venezuela (Caracas);
- Guyana (Georgetown);
- Haiti (Port-au-Prince);
- Honduras (Tegucigalpa);
- Guatemala (Guatemala);
- Grenada (St. George's);
- Grenadines (Kingstown);
- Guiana (Cayenne);
- Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo);
- Dominica (Roseau);
- Colombia (Bogotá);
- Cuba (Havana);
- Costa Rico (San Jose);
- Mexico (Mexico City);
- Nicaragua (Managua);
- Nevis (Baseterre);
- Paraguay (Asunson);
- Panama (Panama);
- Puerto Rico (San San Juan);
- Peru (Lima);
- Salvador (San Salvador);
- Saint Kitts (Baseterre);
- St. Vincent (Kingstown);
- Saint Lucia (Castri);
- Suriname (Parambarino);
- Uruguay (Montevideo);
- Chile (Santiago);
- Ecuador (Quito);
- Jamaica (Kingston).
The evergreen moist forests growing in these countries are striking in their magnificence. Among the diversity of the animal world there arerepresentatives of rare breeds found only here: American ostrich, lama guanaco, sloth. The number of species of birds and fish is in the thousands.
Favorable climate, unusual black sand beaches, mountain ranges, majestic volcanoes, the power of waterfalls, coffee-scented air, a riot of greenery at any time of the year attract exotic lovers here. But there is another reason for the attraction of these places. The entire list of Latin American countries and their capitals is the focus of original traditions and cultures, archaeological sites, and the remains of colonial architecture.

The birthplace of tango and Maradona
Unlike neighboring countries, Europeanized Argentina has not preserved traces of ancient Indian civilizations on its territory. Her attraction lies elsewhere. Here, boundless steppes, thickets of forests, mountain peaks coexist; huge metropolises contrast with the colorful pastoral settlements in the desert south of the country. Popular rumor says: “If the Lord decided to settle on Earth, He would choose Argentina to realize this desire.”
Argentina, Buenos Aires - these words have been inextricably linked since the economic recovery of the capital. With more than forty percent of the country's population today, Buenos Aires ranks among the most beautiful cities in the world. This is a city of wide avenues, skyscrapers, elegant embankments, beautiful parks, spacious squares.
In the minds of football fans around the world, the names Argentina, Buenos Aires have long become a single entity. It is here that you can touch the nation althe traditions of the Argentines, to their greatest passion - football.
Another visiting card of the country is Argentine tango. Here you can get acquainted with the history of tango, enjoy the bewitching, sensual movements of a dancing couple.

An unusual holiday country
Another country in South America - Brazil, which occupies the largest part of Latin America by area, a country of advanced technologies and leading positions in the economy, impresses from the first moment, first of all, with its exceptional atmosphere.
Contradictory, unique Brazil captivates from the first moment with the brightness of the surrounding world, the land of red color, the aroma of flowering plants, the vast expanses and the goodwill of the local population.
The country's natural treasure - Iguazu Falls, Sugarloaf Mountain, the Fernando de Noronha archipelago - a marine reserve, famous world-famous beaches, gentle warm sea. The mysterious, mysterious Amazonian jungle, called the main "lungs" of our planet, is invariably attractive - 50% of the Earth's oxygen is produced by plants growing in its jungle.
The fauna of Brazil is incredibly diverse - more than 600 species of mammals. Among them are rare individuals that are not found anywhere else: a dog-sized rodent - a capybara, an anaconda water boa, a tiny marmoset monkey.
Brazil's most significant architectural structure is the 38-metre-high statue of Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado Mountain. Architectural treasure - the capital of Brasilia, layoutresembling a huge butterfly. Almost every building is a monument in Ouro Preto, the main architectural heritage of Brazil.
Ah, carnival, carnival, carnival
The most colorful, most incendiary carnivals in the world are associated with the name of Rio de Janeiro - a magnificent, unforgettable, slightly crazy hospitable metropolis of Brazil during the carnival days from the abundance of people.
The entire list of Latin American countries and their capitals boasts an abundance of attractive places.

In the heart of the Caribbean
Sandy beaches combined with clear blue water and stunningly beautiful surroundings - what could be better for those who want to relax from the hustle and bustle of big cities? The island nation of Puerto Rico (USA), located in the Caribbean, is a paradise for nature lovers.
Opportunities for active interaction with the ocean wave are provided by the surf center. The wave height in the ocean spaces can reach 15 meters in some periods of time. Recognized as one of the best waters in Puerto Rico for its colorful reefs and clear waters, Puerto Rico's coastal waters are the perfect place for diving.
The pristine nature of the islands enhances the feeling of paradise with the diversity of flora and fauna of nature reserves and national parks.
Lovers of antiquity have the opportunity to get in touch with the spirit of the times of ancient centuries. Many famous historical sites are located in Puerto Rico. One of the popular places is the castle, located on the territory of old San Juan, built in 1589, 50years after its founding.