Proverbs with a verb. 10 proverbs and sayings with verbs in the 2nd person

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Proverbs with a verb. 10 proverbs and sayings with verbs in the 2nd person
Proverbs with a verb. 10 proverbs and sayings with verbs in the 2nd person

Proverbs are luxury, a scattering of jewels in the language, they contain a mysterious meaning, accessible to the initiates. They contain wise instructions accumulated over the centuries by the people and dressed in a short, capacious form. Proverbs can serve as a guide to action for those who seek to live their lives wisely and with meaning.

The role of verbs in proverbs

Proverbs are perceived at all times as advice, so the role of verbs is so important in them - words denoting action. Proverbs with a verb can have a variety of meanings:

An action that will not be performed without certain conditions: You can't sew a boot without a tongue

proverbs with verb
proverbs with verb
  • Action called for: Don't stare at other people's heaps.
  • An action common to all: You can't even run after your tongue.
  • Third Person Action: Pours from empty to empty.
  • An impersonal action: By the way, keep silent so as not to say stupidity.
  • Action on behalf of the speaker: I hear and look, but I won't tell anyone.
  • Action of the subject of speech: Bad news runs, good news underbush lies.

As you can see from the examples, the proverbs use verbs of different grammatical forms. It will be interesting to dwell on each of them in more detail.

Proverbs and sayings with imperative verbs

Imperative verbs indicate the action to which they are called.

Proverbs and sayings with such verbs are perceived as advice, request, order.

For example:

  • For your brother-in-law, don't spare the pie.
  • Know how to say, know how to be silent.
  • Speak and listen to others.
  • Hurry up with good, but evil itself will not hesitate.
  • Swear, don't fight.
  • Speak and look back.
  • If there is no soul, then at least don't write.
  • If they don't ask, don't dance.
  • Smart early, start hard.
  • Keep your horse on a leash, and keep your mouth shut.
  • Don't hide from the priest and the doctor.
  • Experience ask not the old, but the experienced.
proverbs and sayings with verbs
proverbs and sayings with verbs
  • Tell the dog kindly, it won't bite soon.
  • Don't get angry at a rude word, don't soften at a gentle one.
  • Feed first, ask later.
  • Don't hide your failures from loved ones.
  • Know a lot, but do not buy in vain.
  • Not everything that you keep in your mind.
  • Don't be rude to the little one, you won't remember the old one.
  • If you don't like it, don't listen, don't bother lying.
  • Don't be afraid of the knife, but be afraid of the evil tongue.
  • Do not praise in the eyes, do not scold behind the eyes.
  • Hurry up with good, but evil itself will not hesitate.
  • If you want to make friends, learn not to spare yourself.

Proverbs with general verbs

The common meaning is that which concerns everyone without exception. It can be expressed in several ways:

1) proverbs with verbs in the 2nd person singular:

  • You won't hear a good word from a bad person.
  • You can't put a lock on someone else's mouth.
  • You can't escape the rumor, you can't hide.
  • I would give dearly for what was said in the hearts, but you can’t redeem it.
  • You can't catch a bullet, you can't return a word.
  • Sow a habit, grow a character.
  • Whoever you love, you give.
  • A habit is not clothes - you can't throw it off quickly.
  • You can't tell with your tongue, you can't show it with your fingers.
  • As you sow, so shall you reap.
  • If you don't stomp, you won't burst.
  • You can't buy happiness.
  • You will be bad if you forget your parents.

2) 10 proverbs and sayings with 3rd person plural verbs:

10 proverbs with verbs
10 proverbs with verbs
  • When they plow, they don't wave their hands.
  • Animals are lured with food, and humans are lured with a kind word.
  • They don't change horses at the crossing.
  • Admire with the eyes, but love with the heart.
  • Compote is not cooked from sweet love.
  • The fool will be beaten at the altar.
  • Fools do not yell, do not reap, they will be born themselves.
  • The angry people carry water.
  • They scold behind the eyes - they are afraid.
  • Do not indicate in someone else's house.

Proverbs and sayings with estimated face value

Such statements condemn some people andpraised by others. These are proverbs and sayings with verbs of the present tense or future tense, 3 persons singular or past tense, singular and plural. In such syntactic constructions, the subject of the action is necessarily present or implied:

Proverbs with present and future verbs. units ch. 3 l.
  • Without a grandmother, grandfather lies, and with a grandmother, he runs.
  • Not the good hostess who beats beautifully, but the one who cooks porridge.
  • For patience comes salvation.
  • If he loves, he will not destroy.
  • The tongue won't dry out from an affectionate word.
  • Not everything is good for what they say.
  • Not the host's guests, but the host thanks the guests.
  • The tongue sharpens the honey, and the ice on the heart.
  • He calls a friend, but he steals.
  • Courage will conquer strength.
  • The blind see the truth.
  • A smoothie hides under words like a snake under flowers.
  • Who says less, he will do more.
  • It will work if it finds hands.
  • Big things start small.
  • Whoever storms with his tongue, he will fight a little.
  • Mumbles, mutters, doesn't want to hear anything.
  • Fetinya talks, but everything about botvinia.
  • Says she will give birth.
  • In the hands of others, a piece is large, as it turns out in your own hands, it will seem so small.
  • He won't go into his pocket for a word.
  • What you don't get, you will pull with your teeth.
  • The eye sees far, but the mind sees even further.
  • Good things are remembered for a long time, and bad things are always remembered.

Proverbs with the past tense verb. unit, m.p. and pl.

  • Started off smoothly, ended badly.
  • Judged, rowed, but forgot about the case.
  • He who talked a lot, he did not take off his head.
  • If we knew where you dined today, we would know whose song you are singing.
  • From empty to empty Lily - nothing was decided.
  • Lied yesterday, stolen today.
  • Yesterday we fought, today we made up.
  • With whom they bowed, they scolded.
  • I got married without me.
  • Where I was born, there I came in handy
  • Worked hard but achieved nothing.
  • Throwing back and forth and not getting anywhere.
  • Just got up and already tired.
  • The bug is small, but did not let sleep.
  • The law that the horse turned where he wanted to go.

10 proverbs with impersonal verbs

Proverbs with impersonal verbs talk about the state of the external world or the internal state of a person:

  • It's good to sing in chorus, but you need to speak separately.
  • Don't be ashamed to be silent if you have nothing to say.
  • Tolerate - fall in love.
  • The earth is full of rumors.
  • To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.
  • 10 proverbs and sayings with verbs
    10 proverbs and sayings with verbs
  • To live richly, you need to love work.
  • Keep the word - do not run downhill.
  • Clever speech is nice to listen to.
  • And I want, and pricks.
  • You can't buy talent, but you can develop it.
  • Gifts to accept - you will have to give.

Proverbs,associated with the verb "to be"

All life is being, the presence or absence of something in the world. For this reason, proverbs with the verb "to be" or its forms are formed in a huge number in the language:

  • Either rain or snow - either it will or not.
  • Without work there will be no good.
  • Be near the king - walk along the edge.
  • If there was a horse, there would be a collar.
  • Proverbs with verbs ending in tsya
    Proverbs with verbs ending in tsya
  • It would be a swamp, but there will be devils.
  • Be a bull and on a string.
  • If there is something, then there will be a cauldron.
  • If it works, it will work.
  • Where there is work, there will be happiness.
  • And the old woman is a mess.
  • Love is evil, love a goat.
  • There is no harm without good.
  • Don't break eggs, there won't be scrambled eggs.
  • There was a thunderstorm, there will be sunshine.
  • proverbs with verbs in the 2nd person
    proverbs with verbs in the 2nd person
  • If I had a grandmother, I'm not afraid of anyone.
  • Martyn is good if there is Altyn.

Proverbs with return meaning

The speech uses proverbs with verbs ending in -tsya, which are reflexive and denote actions aimed at oneself:

  • An eagle will not be born from a chicken.
  • There is no bird in one feather.
  • Where thin, there it breaks.
  • A hungry chicken sees grain in everything.
  • The earth is adorned with flowers, and man is adorned with labors.

Proverbs about God

Folk ideas about justice have long been associated with ideas about God as the highestmanifestation of order and harmony. For this reason, there are many proverbs in the language that provide moral support in difficult life circumstances, there is no irony in such proverbs:

  • God knows everyone and commands us.
  • Don't pray to all the gods, don't take on seven things.
  • We all walk under God.
  • God loves the righteous, but the devil is tricky.
  • Everyone is about himself, and the Lord is about you.
  • Without God there is no road to the threshold.
