What is preschool education?

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What is preschool education?
What is preschool education?

Let's talk about what preschool education is. The guys are not able to cunning, cunning, they sincerely show their emotions. It is in kindergarten that you can see how one fallen kid is surrounded by peers who are trying to help him.

Teacher's task

Moral education in early preschool age involves the formation of respect for nature, people around. To do this, many preschool institutions are developing environmental programs, in which children not only get acquainted with the outside world, but also learn to take care of wildlife. Preschool education is based on play activities. Each group forms its own living corner, in which flowers, plants, and an aquarium with fish are placed.

The teacher establishes a special schedule, according to which each kid takes an active part in caring for plants and animals. The guys responsibly approach the assignments that the teacher gives them.

moral education
moral education

Love for the native land

In order to understand what active citizenship education is in preschool age,we note that this process begins with a respectful attitude towards their grandparents. Only in this case, you can count on achieving the goal.

Education of preschoolers in this direction involves a number of activities. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

The teacher offers the kids a task - to tell about the family heirloom, which is passed down from generation to generation by his relatives. Such a project allows several generations to be involved in joint activities at once, to form a respectful attitude towards family traditions in the younger generation.

Features of preschool education
Features of preschool education

Active citizenship

In order to understand what the upbringing of a small citizen is, let us dwell on the educational activities of a preschool educational institution carried out in this direction.

At the age of six, children develop a sense of self-esteem, a desire to seek justice. They get the first experience of communicative communication, the skills of public defense of their position.

Not all parents understand that such upbringing is important at the age of 5-6. During this period, the teacher is trying to involve kids in environmental activities that contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude towards wildlife among preschoolers.

Children at the age of six are ready to fulfill the specific instructions of the teacher. It is important for the educator not to miss this moment, to think over the system of his work. For example, as a promotion, you can offer cleaning of a personal plotfrom leaves. Joint activity contributes to the formation of communication skills in preschoolers, allows the teacher to form an active citizenship in their pupils.

In order to instill in kids love for their native land, respect for people of other nationalities, educational programs will include meetings with veterans, combatants who tell kids about what, in their understanding, is love for the Motherland.

Among the features characteristic of preschoolers, we highlight imitation. It is difficult for children to identify the correct options for adult behavior, so they try to completely copy the attitude towards people around them, customs, culture, traditions that exists in their family.

In order for negative life experience not to be fixed in the minds of preschoolers, the teacher must protect the child from situations and subjects of imitation that carry immoral behavior.

It is important to teach a child simple truths: kindness, respect for the older generation, a culture of behavior, friendliness.

How is preschool education carried out?
How is preschool education carried out?

Having received such skills, the child, as he grows up, will comprehend his actions and behavior. For him, this will become the norm.

The importance of moral principles in the education of preschoolers

For their strong fixation in the mind of the child, the teacher in kindergarten is obliged to teach children with concrete examples. For the child to show interest in the learning process, it is important to maximize the use ofplay technology, involving children in similar activities.

Theatrical performances, joint staging of fairy tales, watching cartoons - all this contributes to the formation of positive emotions in the younger generation.

Features of preschool education
Features of preschool education


Currently, there is a serious update of the content of educational and developmental activities in preschool institutions.

The issue of morality is necessarily included in the system of work of teachers, they are expressed in the organization of creative activity, physical labor. For example, in the course of creating individual or collective applications, original compositions from natural materials, children learn to respect wildlife, a positive attitude towards surrounding phenomena is formed.