Often in sentences they use the phrase "in everyday life", as well as the same root "household" and "inhabitants". The first expression is so familiar and stable that few people can be surprised by it. But also few people, even thinking, will answer the question of what life is. It is one of those words that are taken for granted but not always understood and articulated exactly.
Synonymous with life - everyday life, which still does not quite explain what life is. So what is included in this definition?
The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary says that everyday life is a sphere of non-productive social life. This means that it does not include the production of goods, but consumption, usually the satisfaction of human needs, from the simplest material to the spiritual (including culture and art).

B. S. Bezrukova in her "Fundamentals of Spiritual Culture" described the term as anyhuman activity that can be attributed to his daily life.
A good general definition of what life is was given by Ushakov. This is the daily routine of a particular social group.
What does it refer to?
Unofficial pastime is referred to everyday life, more often - home and family than social, although many definitions of this term include the latter. This is due to classification. After all, life can be both rural and urban, both individual and family and public.
Currently, the question of what life is can be given two answers - similar in meaning, but still having different semantic and emotional coloring.

Culture and life
Some paragraphs in history textbooks have this heading. And this is not accidental: it is in them that they tell about the structure of society, mores, customs and traditions. Historians consider life from the point of view of the daily way of life of all social groups. He interacts closely with culture, given that it is the reproduction of spiritual goods by a person, and everyday life is their consumption.
Household items - those improvised means used by people in their daily lives. They include household utensils, household appliances, furniture, clothing and more.
All these objects become a connecting concept between the term considered in this article and culture. Why? Because they simultaneously perform the functions of both the first and second. Used in everyday life, they are directly related to everyday life, but also expressand cultural heritage of nationalities and ethnic groups. So, many household items of antiquity belong to arts and crafts. They very accurately reflect the spirit of the era to which they belong, being history in themselves.
Negative coloring of the concept of everyday life
Modern life for some reason is not associated with cultural heritage, and it is not painted in neutral tones of history. This word is pronounced with notes of discontent and fatigue. There is a new variation of what life is: a characteristic of family life, in which there is no longer a place for love. They say "mired in everyday life", "life stuck" and "life kills feelings." Routine is synonymous with this term. But, based on the above definitions, this is wrong, because everyday life is everyday life, and whether it will be routine or not, the choice of each individual person.

Daily life does not replace existence, it only becomes part of it. The problems of household duties and responsibilities are trifles, which, although it is impossible to get rid of, are not capable of absolutely spoiling life. And besides, as history correctly shows, life is inextricably linked with culture and art, which means that a priori it cannot be monotonous, monotonous and routine. Although you can’t argue with the modern world either, and if such a meaning is stuck to the term, it’s not so easy to get rid of it.