When summer comes, school graduates face many questions, because they have to choose an educational institution, decide on their future profession. With the beginning of the admission campaign, many begin to wonder how to find out the average score of the certificate.
Why this indicator is needed and how it is calculated is a topical issue for all applicants.
What is the indicator for
The average score of the certificate is calculated by those applicants who plan to enter a secondary specialized educational institution (technical school, college). Now in Russia there is a rule according to which people are enrolled in colleges without entrance examinations (but there are some exceptions). The selection committee looks only at the average score of the document on education, they do not take into account the results of the Unified State Examination.
In universities, there are completely different rules. Many may not even think about how to calculate the GPA. The fact is that in institutes, academies and universities they do not look at thisindicator. Applicants are accepted only taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination in certain subjects or taking into account the results of entrance examinations conducted for certain categories of persons.

On the lack of entrance examinations in colleges
Entrance tests in technical schools, colleges are not provided for in many speci alties. For example, you will not need to take anything if you choose "economics", "law and social security organization", "tourism", "hotel service". A small test is provided for those speci alties that require certain professional qualities. Tests are held on "nursing", "medical business". In creative speci alties related to design, applicants perform a drawing.
On educational programs that provide tests, creative tasks, special admission rules apply. First, employees of a particular technical school or college look at the result of the entrance test. It can either be "fail" or "pass". In the first case, the applicant is denied admission, not even paying attention to what average grade he has. With a "test" the applicant is allowed to participate in the competition of certificates.

An example of calculating the average score of a certificate
Let's say we have a certificate of education. How to calculate GPA? Take the insert that accompanies this document. Next, we consider how many disciplines we studied for schoolyears. We got 20 items. Next, we take a calculator and add up all the grades that are indicated in the appendix to the certificate, or we consider the total amount in our mind. The final value is 87.
Now we just have to calculate the GPA. As you can see, we have 2 values. Divide the score by the number of items. On the calculator screen, we are shown the number 4, 35. This is our average score of the certificate. The maximum possible value is 5. This is the average score for round A students.

Competition between applicants: equality of average scores
Often, admissions officers are faced with a situation where there is only one budget place, and several people apply for it with an equal GPA. How do I know who will be enrolled? The choice of an applicant for the last budgetary place is carried out taking into account marks in certain subjects.
For example, let's take the Moscow College of the Russian Foreign Ministry. With equal average scores in this educational institution, they look at grades in core disciplines - in Russian, English and history. In other educational institutions, it is recommended to clarify the conditions for admission, because specific specialized subjects are defined for each speci alty.
If the rate is high
Round honors students don't even have to think about how to calculate the GPA. They open the way to different technical schools and colleges. If the average score is 5, then documents can be submitted to any educational institution. On speci alties without additionaladmission tests are guaranteed.
Educational programs with additional tests, creative assignments may not be accepted. However, the likelihood of this happening is very low. Excellence students are always preparing for admission responsibly. “Failure” is possible only if the applicant is too worried. An unsatisfactory result can also be with the wrong choice of profession, a rash step. But it is possible purely theoretically. In practice, a different picture is observed.

If GPA is low
It is impossible to enter prestigious and highly demanded colleges with a low GPA, because after the entrance campaign the best applicants are selected. With poor grades, it is recommended to apply to such institutions that are not in high demand.
There is another option - to go to college not after the 9th, but after the 11th grade. After the 9th grade, many graduates go to apply to colleges. The competition is very high. After the 11th grade, there are fewer students who want to become students of technical schools and colleges. The main part of graduates sets a goal to get higher education.

Advice to applicants
Several years ago, graduates did not think about how to calculate the GPA, did not worry about the grades in the document. Admission to colleges was based on the results of passing exams in general subjects. For example, medical collegesadmission to the "nursing" entrants wrote a dictation in the Russian language. In biology, the exam was carried out by tickets.
Now you don't need to study for exams, but it's worth taking care of grades in order to get a higher GPA for college admission. Therefore, in the 9th and 11th grade, be more responsible for your studies. If you have problems in any subjects, think about the services of a tutor. It will help you learn school material, understand complex topics. Schools often conduct additional classes, electives. You can also visit them.
And one more piece of advice. If your grades are low in 9th grade, then consider continuing your studies at school. In 10th and 11th grades, you can get better grades if you pay attention to your studies and show diligence. If a significant part of the subjects does not lend itself to you, concentrate on preparing for the exam in those disciplines in which you are the strongest. Also choose a speci alty related to these subjects. Having passed the exam well, you will get a chance to enter the university. At any institute, university, academy, they will not even look at your average score, but will take into account the results of the Unified State Examination.

How to calculate GPA is a fairly simple question. Use the above method. You can also define the indicator differently. Multiply the number of triples by "3", the number of fours by "4", the number of fives by "5", then add all the values and divide by the number of subjects studied. As a result, you will receivethe same GPA.