Choose a speci alty and decide where you can get it by finding a university that suits you in all respects? It can be difficult for an applicant who is on the verge of getting a higher education to make a choice. It is necessary to form your own opinion about the full range of opportunities in this area. The structure of higher education in Perm is a whole complex of educational institutions, programs and forms of education.
History Pages
More than a century ago, in 1916, a department of Petrograd University was opened in Perm, which became autonomous a year later. It was his faculties that became the basis for the creation of several institutes (polytechnic, medical, pedagogical, agricultural). In 1934, the university acquired the status of a state university.
In the 90s. of the last century, private institutions began to appear in the region, for example, the Institute of Economics and Law. This period was characterized by the opening of numerous branches of metropolitan universities andraising the status of already existing educational organizations. In 2015, in the process of optimization, a significant part of non-governmental institutions and branches were closed.
State and technical universities of Perm, on the contrary, received the status of national research.
Higher education in Perm: list of institutions
Currently, more than 60 thousand people are students of Perm universities. The educational process is provided by about 4 thousand teachers. There are 13 autonomous institutions of higher education in the Perm Territory, 11 of which have the right to issue state diplomas. Among them, one academy, five universities, six institutes, one theological seminary:
- Perm State University.
- Perm Polytechnic University.
- State Pharmaceutical Academy.
- Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University.
- State Medical University.
- Perm State Agrarian Technological University.
- Ural Humanitarian Institute.
- Perm State Institute of Culture.
- Kama Social Institute.
- Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
- Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.
- Institute of Economics and Law.
- Perm Theological Seminary of the Perm Diocese.

University branches
You can get a diploma of higher education in Perm after studying at one of the branches of the capital's universities. Listlocal branches of universities and institutes of other regions is quite extensive. A license to carry out educational activities in the field of higher education has:
- Department of the Russian Academy of NH&GS.
- A branch of the Russian University of Economics.
- Department of the Higher School of Economics.
- Branch of the Russian Academy of Painting I. Glazunov.
- Perm Branch of the Volga University of Water Transport.
- Branch of the Institute of Economics and Law of St. Petersburg.
- Institute of Railway Transport.
- A branch of the Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law.

Distance learning in Perm: higher education
Thinking about your future speci alty, you can choose not only the institution where you can get it, but also the format of education. Correspondence and distance education are quite popular today, especially when it comes to mastering an additional profession.

There are quite a lot of opportunities for getting higher education in Perm in absentia. Only at the Perm Agrarian Technological University there are 19 areas of distance learning at the bachelor's and master's level, at the state university - 14, at the humanitarian and pedagogical university - 10. The leader is the Perm National Polytechnic University, 28 distance learning programs are open here.
Modern information technologies also make it possible to receive distance higher education in Perm. Diplomastate standard based on the results of mastering the curriculum remotely, offer, for example, Moscow International University and Moscow University. The term of study is from 2.5 to 3.5 years. Speci alties: psychology, economics, advertising, tourism, customs, logistics and others.
Postgraduate education
After graduation, the situation often develops in such a way that you need to continue your studies, acquire another speci alty, improve your skills.
University programs allow you to acquire a second higher education in Perm, however, in accordance with the law, such education will be paid. In this case, the applicant chooses the form of the study schedule independently (full-time, part-time or remotely).
For advanced training or retraining on the basis of higher education in Perm, there are a number of centers for additional professional education. These are specialized divisions of specialized universities and numerous independent organizations. Centers: applied and practical psychology; additional education Littera; advanced training of civil servants; additional education "Geomatics", "Granite"; training of accountants; environmental education, modern learning technologies, etc.

Retraining programs of the Research Polytechnic University are associated with priority areas of its activity: automation and control, metallurgy, computer science, geology, architecture, energy, mechanical engineering, metalworking andothers (total 15 programs).
Ratings and reviews
Universities are evaluated by students, employees, employers according to different criteria. This is the material base of the institution, the range of programs, extracurricular activities and much more. In any region, there are official and unspoken rankings of universities. If we talk about higher education in Perm, the leading position here is occupied by the State National University. First place in the list of the best universities in the region and 61 in Russia. The average passing score at admission is 69. It is followed by the Polytechnic University, which occupies the 64th line of the all-Russian rating (the average USE score is 61). Third place belongs to the State Pharmaceutical Academy.
Student feedback on the top three is mostly positive: a well-organized educational process, experienced teachers, active student life, the competition for admission is quite high, but speci alties are in demand on the labor market.
Perm University
Today, about 11 thousand people study at the university, which celebrated its 102nd anniversary. Levels of education of the highest level: postgraduate, master's, bachelor's degree. Training is provided on a budgetary and contractual basis. In addition to the main set (based on the results of the Unified State Examination and on the basis of secondary vocational education), there is a targeted admission of applicants.

The structure of the university includes 12 faculties (126 speci alties). Among them are traditional for a classical university: physics, mechanics and mathematics, chemistry, biology,economic, geographical, philological. Higher legal education in Perm can also be obtained on the basis of the National Research University. Among the speci alties: forensic examination, jurisprudence, prosecutorial affairs, conflict resolution and others.
Students and teachers have the opportunity to do internships at foreign universities and research centers.
Address: Perm, Bukirev street, 15.

Polytechnic University
Another leader in the system of higher education in Perm. For three consecutive years, it has been included in the list of the most popular engineering universities in the Russian Federation. More than 19 thousand students in two hundred speci alties: from technical and economic and managerial to natural sciences and social sciences. The main levels of higher and postgraduate education are presented. The university has 9 faculties:
- aerospace,
- road,
- mechanical and technological,
- construction,
- mining and oil,
- electrotechnical,
- chemical engineering,
- applied mathematics and mechanics,
- humanitarian.
Among the speci alties: information security, materials technology, instrumentation, radio engineering, nanotechnology, weapons systems, technosphere security, business organization, social work, marketing and innovation, linguistics and many others.

The University participates in a number of federal and departmental targeted programs. Established cooperation withlarge enterprises operating in the field of mechanical engineering, telecommunications, metallurgy.
Pharmaceutical Academy
You can get higher education in Perm in the field of biotechnology and pharmacy here. One of the two independent universities of the pharmaceutical profile, popular among applicants not only in the Perm Territory, but also in other regions of the Russian Federation. Approximately 4,000 students are studying in the fields of pharmacy, chemical engineering, industrial ecology and biotechnology.

In the structure of the academy:
- 5 faculties (full-time and distance learning, pre-university training, additional education, teaching foreign citizens);
- 21 department;
- internship, graduate school;
- doctoral studies, dissertation council;
- 8 research laboratories;
- distance education center;
- testing center for standardization of medicines, educational and methodological center for analytical diagnostics of psychotropic substances;
- training and production pharmacies.