In what year was the USE introduced? Why was the USE introduced in Russia?

In what year was the USE introduced? Why was the USE introduced in Russia?
In what year was the USE introduced? Why was the USE introduced in Russia?

Modern schoolchildren and their parents know perfectly well what the USE is. Heated disputes and discussions have been going on for several years. Not everyone agrees with the format and results of this exam. But the Ministry of Education remains adamant and is not going to cancel the exam. Let's find out more about when and why this exam was introduced.

When was the USE introduced in Russia?

Many graduates of schools and universities remember those times when exams were taken by tickets and there was no testing. It seems that the exam appeared quite recently. But this is not so at all. To answer the question in what year the USE was introduced, you need to look into the history of the entire education system.

Even in the last century, in the late 80s, the first prerequisites appeared. It was then that they noticed that there was a big gap in the requirements for final and entrance exams. Universities made more serious demands. Therefore, yesterday's student could not cope with the entrance tests.

when the exam was introduced in russia
when the exam was introduced in russia

So, in what year was the USE introduced? The facts show that the first attemptswere carried out in 1997. In some schools, graduates were able to volunteer to participate in testing experiments.

It is difficult to say unequivocally in what year the USE was introduced. The development and implementation of a single exam was carried out gradually.

In 1999, the first developments appeared. The implementation of the idea was not postponed for a long time. And already in 2001 an experiment was organized. It was joined not only by schools, but also by some educational institutions that accepted the USE result as an alternative to traditional entrance tests for schoolchildren.

Several regions were chosen as experimental ones. 30,000 people took part in the first tests. Approximately 50 state universities began to accept the USE certificate issued at school instead of entrance examinations.

single exam
single exam

If we count from the moment the experiment was introduced, the answer to the question in what year the USE was introduced will be simple: in 2001.

Further, a serious campaign was launched in support of the new format of the exam. The population was informed through the media, and conferences for teachers were also held.

In 2001-2008 there was no single list of subjects taken in the form of the exam. Each region formed the list independently.

In 2002, the Unified State Examination was still an experiment, but by that time the number of its participants consisted of 8,400 schools and 117 universities.

In 2003, 18.5 thousand schools conducted final exams in the form of the Unified State Examination, and 245 universities accepted certificates from applicants.

why did you enter the ege
why did you enter the ege

If you talkwe can recall the year 2004 when the USE was introduced as a mandatory exam. It was then that the experiment was considered successful and they started talking about plans for its widespread distribution. At the same time, no one took into account the opinion of the dissatisfied, who sharply spoke out against the exam.

The transitional period dragged on for several more years, until in 2009 amendments to the law "On Education" were adopted. From that moment on, the exam was recognized as mandatory. Even for those who did not plan to continue their studies at the university after graduation.

Now you know when the USE was introduced.

Who introduced the unified exam?

The idea to introduce the USE in Russia belongs to Vladimir Filippov, who served as head of the Ministry of Education in 1998-2004. In his opinion, the USE will not only provide a quality test of knowledge, but also defeat the corruption that flourished under the traditional form of exams, when their result depended on one or more teachers.

Why was the USE introduced

Due to the abundance of teaching methods and school allowances, knowledge testing has become more difficult. Therefore, it was necessary to develop a unified testing system and ensure the same level of basic knowledge with which graduates leave school.

when they introduced the ege
when they introduced the ege

Another important reason for the introduction of the Unified State Examination, as we have already mentioned, is to combat corruption. Previously, with the traditional exam, the result depended on the teacher, which contributed to an increase in the number of bribes. After all, every graduate wanted to get the highest score in the certificate. The results of the exam are evaluated not by the teacher, but by the machine, which is impossiblebribe.

Accessible education

Another global problem that the USE is designed to deal with is related to admission. Previously, the exam had to be taken both at school and at the university. Now it is enough to pass the exam once, get a certificate and present it to the university admissions office.

Now even schoolchildren from the regions can get into a prestigious institution. Previously, they did not have such an opportunity. To enter the university, one had to hire a tutor or attend preparatory courses.
