Legal knowledge is needed not only for professional activities, but also in everyday life: registration of transactions, property, vehicles, protection of one's legal rights, conclusion of contracts with employers, obtaining medical assistance and educational services - all this is not enough without legal nuances, and if you don’t know them, you can suffer morally, materially and even physically.
Modern applicants are already aware of this by the time of admission and choose speci alties that are closely related to rule-making. In the Altai Territory there is a specialized university that trains specialists in the legal and law enforcement sphere - the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. What is an educational institution, what features should be taken into account when applying?
General information about the organization

The institute began its work together with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 0410 dated 1957-29-06, then it was decided to open an educational institution of a legal orientation in the city of Moscow. Barnaul, Altai Territory, but at that time the institution had the status of a special school. She was engaged in the training of personnel for senior officers.
In 1994, the educational institution became a branch of the Ryazan Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, well, the institute went on an independent voyage in 1998.
The main regulatory authority over the institute is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Head of the university - Sergey Konstantinovich Buryakov, police colonel.
All teachers who teach specialized disciplines are active police officers, have titles.
Reviews about the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and its teachers are always distinguished by warmth and gratitude from graduates, because they receive a good knowledge base from a practical point of view, in the “real action” mode.
BUY has its own symbols, which are the basis of the badge of cadets.
Each student has their own uniform, which must always be in order and clean.
What majors can I get?

Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia trains in the following speci alties:
- Law enforcement activities.
- Jurisprudence.
- Ensuring national security.
Each speci alty has its own specializations and narrow profiles, for example, within the framework of jurisprudence, you can choose profiles (depending on the level of education):
- Activityauthorized district police authorities.
- History and theory of law and state.
- Forensics.
- Criminal trial.
- Operational investigative activities.
- Criminology and criminal law.
- Forensic activities.
- Criminal enforcement law.
The following profiles are available for the national security legal training program:
- Inquiry.
- Preliminary investigation.
Within the framework of law enforcement training, there is a profile: the activities of the district police commissioner.
Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: faculties and structure
The institution has fifteen departments and four faculties:
- Training.
- Distance learning.
- Training of police officers and investigators.
- Retraining and advanced training.
Training, accommodation and activities of cadets are carried out on the territory of a common campus, which has everything necessary for a full life: educational and administrative buildings, a sports complex, barracks, a bathhouse, a canteen, a library, a photo lab, warehouses, garages, a medical unit and other buildings.
In addition, there are training grounds where students practice the necessary combat skills.
In the educational buildings there are computer classes, specialized audiences, the institute is connected to the Internet, so cadets can freely conduct a full-fledged educationalprocess without leaving the campus.

Scientific activities of the university
An important feature of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is its active research work. Over the past year alone, 23 events of the international, all-Russian and city levels were held on the basis of the educational institution.

The scientific association of cadets is more than 300 people. The teaching staff does not lag behind, which constantly publishes new methodological manuals, monographs, collections, textbooks that are relevant today. Colossal work is being done, because the legislative sphere of Russia is dynamic and develops almost daily, and this places a great responsibility on the teachers of the institute.
Extracurricular activities

In addition to studying within the framework of the curriculum, students of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are active in sports and creative activities both within the university and outside it on a city, regional and Russian scale.
The institute has teams for the following sports:
- Volleyball.
- Hand-to-hand combat.
- Athletics.
- Full football.
- Cross-country skiing.
- Ice Hockey.
- Boxing.
- Swimming.
Constantly held and creative contests, in whichyou can show your vocal, dance, acting skills.
How is the admission campaign going?

Admission to the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia takes place in accordance with the admission rules adopted on the basis of federal regulations, they can be found on the website of the educational institution.
The organization provides training for undergraduate, specialist, middle-level specialist, as well as postgraduate programs. Admission is conducted only by competition for places paid from the state budget. Full-time or distance learning is possible.
Those wishing to enter the institute must apply in advance to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to apply (before March 1). Further, the applicant receives a recommendation, as well as a referral to the medical commission, according to the results of which the applicant will be recommended or he will be refused.
Then they pass entrance tests in the form of the Unified State Examination and internal exams. Mandatory for each applicant will be a physical data check.
As a result, according to the results of all tests, the best applicants are selected, who, in accordance with the available budget places, are enrolled in the 1st year of study.
Address and contacts
University address: Altai Territory, Barnaul, Chkalova street, 49.
There is a 24-hour telephone line for those who want to get help on the admission campaign.
E-mail address: [email protected].
In case citizens want to file an officialappeal, you can create an electronic application through the official website of the institute or send it in writing to the address of the organization.