Saratov Military Institute - the focus of future military personnel and defenders of the Fatherland. How did the history of this well-known educational institution throughout Russia begin?
Historical information
The Saratov Military Institute boasts a long history, during which it changed not only its name, but also its organizational structure and quantitative composition. The only factor that could not be influenced was the high level of teaching and training of professional personnel. The official history of the Institute began in May 1932 (previously it was called the 4th School of the Border Guard). Already in 1934, the first commanders who graduated from the infantry department were released. Three years later, the school was reorganized into a military school, which in 1973 was already the highest, and in 1997 it became a military institute. Starting from the first graduates, to date, the institute has released more than 36,000 trained officers. In 1938-1939, students of the institute fought against Japanese samurai near Lake Khasan, and in 1940 against the White Finns. Pupils of the institute brought their educational institution a lot of fame fornamed length of time.

The first incursions of Adolf Hitler's troops courageously took on the students of the institute D. Rakus and A. Lopatin. Both officers became posthumous Heroes of the Soviet Union. In total, 20 cadets of the Saratov Military Institute received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during this war. For strength of mind, many were awarded orders and medals. In their native educational institution, the names of these people are engraved on a memorial plaque in gold letters. During the war, the institute continued to train young children, there were 23 graduations in total. About 6 thousand officers went to the front.

In 1947-1949, cadets and officers of the Saratov Institute actively fought against nationalist formations in the B altic States and Western Ukraine. In August 1996, the educational institution was named after F. Dzerzhinsky. The war in Afghanistan could not pass by the graduates of the Saratov School. Many cadets and even teachers were participants in the military conflict. Also, graduates of the institute participated in the operation to eliminate the consequences after the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Unfortunately, students and teachers did not always agree and often fought on opposite sides of the barricades (Yerevan, Baku). From 1993 to 1995, officers of the Saratov Institute ensured public order in Vladikavkaz. Thousands of graduates of the institute were engaged in the issues of ensuring law and order in the Chechen Republic. Some of themdied and became heroes for their homeland.
Today, the Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops graduates specialists who know their job perfectly and serve worthy in different parts of Russia. Many cadets are promoted to generals. Institute graduates are one of the main pillars of the Russian Federation in the fight against terrorism and crime, ensuring the rights of the population in "hot spots". In 2002, the Saratov Military Institute received a commemorative Pennant of the Minister of the Interior for a huge contribution to the education and training of qualified military personnel. In 2008, the educational institution received the Battle Banner. In 2012, the guests of the institute were an invited commission of the internal troops of Belarus and a delegation of the French gendarmerie. In 2015, the name "Red Banner" was returned to the educational institution. In May 2017, the Saratov Military Institute turns 85.

Basic information
Saratov Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a federal state military educational institution of the Russian Federation. The founder and owner of the educational institution in one person is the Russian Federation. The functions of the founder are assigned to the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops. The institute works every day from 8.00-18.000 (13.00-15.00 break), except weekends. There is an information site of the Institute on the Internet.

Saratov Military Institute VV offers applicants to study at the following levels of higher education:
Speci alty
Training time - 5 years full-time. To enroll in this level of study, you must provide a document on secondary general (special) education. Male citizens of the Russian Federation who have not yet been in the state military service (16-22 years old), people who have completed military service and men who carry out military service according to the contract can enter. Admission of applicants is carried out on a competitive basis. According to professional selection, applicants must pass a full medical examination and be fit to carry out their duties for he alth reasons, pass a psychological test and be morally stable, pass a physical fitness exam and successfully pass the EGE.
Bachelor's degree
Training time 5 years, extramural. The training program includes military internships, classroom and self-study. 5 main departments are engaged in training.

Technical base
The educational and material base of the institute is constantly being improved. The head of the military institute decided to gradually modernize the training process for future development. For the rational organization of the learning process, the Saratov Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs uses buildings and premises, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 67,089 square meters. m. To date, the institute has 66 classes for teaching specialized subjects, 4 halls forlectures, 2 laboratories, a printing house, a center for automated control systems and a television studio. To ensure a progressive learning process, more than 600 pieces of computer equipment and about 15 multimedia projectors are used. The Saratov Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has a field training and material base, which is located at a distance of 25 km from the educational institution itself. It includes a training shooting range, a central control center, a shooting camp, a hall of the UPD department, a training center, an engineering camp and a camp for tactical change of units. There is also an artillery and grenade launcher town, and places for radiation, chemical and biological protection. There is also a psy lane, a grenade throwing area and a communications field.

Admission of applicants
Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia invites everyone to study. The choice of a professional occupation is the most important decision for every person, but for a man this step predetermines his whole future life. It is very important to find an occupation in which one could realize one's potential, benefit the Motherland and society. The profession of an officer is not suitable for everyone, because it requires many qualities, such as responsibility, readiness, self-control. This work will require a lot of time and effort, and will also make a man obliged to defend his homeland. A military man stands firmly on his feet, he is always sure that he can protect himself and his loved ones.
Saratovthe military institute of internal affairs guarantees its graduates full security, a diploma of graduation, driving training, guaranteed employment and a decent level of remuneration. Service in the ranks of the Russian army will require excellent he alth, deep knowledge and a high level of physical fitness from a young man.