Dushka - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

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Dushka - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Dushka - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Today we have a wonderful word in the networks. It is beautiful both because it has good content and because it evokes indirect, but still associations associated with Russian classical literature. But, as always, not only hoary antiquity is assumed, but also a relatively recent past. In other words, today we are talking about the noun "darling", and this should be interesting.


Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

A. P. Chekhov had a wonderful story on the topic - "Darling". About how these words similar in sound and spelling differ, later, but now we will analyze very briefly the work of the Russian classic. For those who have not read, we remind you: in the center of the story is a girl who has absolutely no beliefs, values, except for the basic ones. One might even say that it is meaningless. But each new man replaces her inner core. She immediately begins to think like him, talk like him. In other words, it turns into the wife that many dream of. Who doesn't want a life partnerlook into your mouth? Naturally, A. P. Chekhov does not share the enthusiasm of most men, which is why such an ideal-anti-ideal is called "darling". But this is the interpretation of our respected classic.

It is noteworthy that the explanatory dictionary, of course, does not agree with him. Therefore, let's give the usual meaning of the word "darling": "The same as darling (in the second meaning)." Surely the reader thought that we made an inaccuracy or a typo, maybe even committed a forgery when we tried to pass off one word for another? Now, we hope, he understands why we started with A. P. Chekhov? Because it's a very good start. And the interpretation of the word "darling" in the second meaning is: "Dear, pleasant person (mainly about a woman or child, usually in circulation)". And darling and darling are synonymous concepts.

The subtle difference between "darling" and "darling"

Shot from the film "Tootsie"
Shot from the film "Tootsie"

Dushka is a treatment that can be awarded to both a man and a woman. At least, this is what language practice tells us. A darling is a compliment directed exclusively to women, although after A. P. Chekhov it is already hard to believe that this characteristic is a positive property. Yes, sometimes education hurts: the world becomes too complicated. On the other hand, you absolutely don’t want to turn into Olenka-darling, so you need to develop your own view of things in order to understand exactly the difference between where you start and where the beliefs of another person are. Of course, no one says that it is bad to dissolve in a loved one, although, in all honesty, you can dissolve infeeling, but not in another person. Darling in Chekhov's interpretation is a boggart, devoid of his own essence, and darling is just a nice person. Thank God, Chekhov did not work on the object of today's research.

If we talk about the most vivid image that embodies the subject of conversation, then the old film Tootsie (1982) comes to mind. By the way, in the Soviet box office the tape came out under the name "Cute", and this is extremely important for us.

It is also important that the true darling (and this is amazing) is not a woman, but a man who, thanks to his heroine, radically revised his outlook on life.

By the way, the hero of Robin Williams, Daniel Hillard, also received a similar transformation in the film Mrs. Doubtfire (1993). Apparently, to a person who has two psychologies at once, something like this opens up. However, we chatted. Time to move on to the substitutions.


Mrs. Doubtfire in the chair
Mrs. Doubtfire in the chair

The word is good, but forgotten, so analogues will not hurt. The list follows:

  • cute;
  • handsome;
  • charm;
  • honey;
  • charming.

Probably the reader will have a question: "Should these words be applied to both sexes?" Not us, but language practice says yes. Since the synonyms for "darling" are positive words, they can be safely used.