Lost ancient knowledge is increasingly attracting interest in the scientific world. However, to put together everything that was known to our ancestors is almost impossible. The history of mankind was rewritten too much, and the Slavic culture suffered especially from this. What do we know about our ancestors? Yes, practically nothing. Fragmentary information about the Old Slavic pagan deities and the advent of Christianity to Russia, which brought with it many European values that were widely planted among the ancient Slavs, was preserved in memory. The great reformer Peter I made his contribution to the destruction of the memory of ancestors and their knowledge. He tried with all his might to eradicate everything Russian and introduce the main elements of Western culture into society. As a result of these actions, we consider our ancestors to be "dark" people whose knowledgewere limited to information about the start of sowing. However, scientists are increasingly talking about the great Slavic culture, which gave the world extensive knowledge. To understand this, you can study the ancient Slavic calendar Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog. Haven't heard of this? Unfortunately, this is not surprising. But we are ready, together with the readers, to look into those gray times when people lived in complete harmony with the laws of the Universe.

Ancient Slavs: who are they and where did they come from
Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog is one of the most accurate and, as scientists say, correct calendars known in the world. It has something in common with the Eastern systems of chronology, but reveals the processes taking place in the Universe much more deeply. In addition, this calendar allows not only to count the months and days of the week, but also to get acquainted with some moments from the history of the ancient Slavs, which shed light on the mystery of their origin.
We won't dive deep into the facts reflected in the Krugolet, but even a superficial glance allows us to get important information about where our ancestors came to Earth from. Surprisingly, the ancient Slavic calendar Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog contains information about all the important stages in the history of the Slavs, because the chronology is based on several important dates.
The most significant of them is the arrival of the ancestors of the Slavs to Midgard (planet Earth). Initially, the settlers settled only one continent - Daaria, which was supposedly located in the Arctic Ocean. It is interesting that three moons revolved around Midgard at that time,creating a special field, ideal for spiritual growth, living on the planet of intelligent beings. The further destruction of the two moons - Lely and Fatta, caused the Great Flood and climate change. These two events are also reflected in the ancient Slavic calendar. They also had their own timing.

Interestingly, even this superficial information completely changes the idea of the history of human civilization as a whole. And if you carefully study the Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog, the story appears in an even more incredible light. Now in the scientific world, such a term as " alternative historical development" has been adopted, which is applied to all facts that do not fit into the generally accepted theory. Someone considers this to be fiction, but it’s worth a little “digging”, as interesting information arises in front of a curious seeker that requires separate study. For example, the word "calendar" (and this is what we are talking about in our article) did not come to us at all from the Roman or Greek language, although this is how it is commonly considered in the modern world. Think we're wrong? Let's find out.
Calendar - a gift from God Kolyada
In ancient Slavic mythology, there were three gods who came to our planet and gave the greatest wisdom - knowledge. Each taught the people different things. For example, Kryshen brought fire to people. But Kolyada saved humanity from spiritual extinction - he brought all the ancient knowledge together and told people how to calculate months, days and weeks. He transmitted information about the passage of time andits essence, as well as the division of the world into Nav, Rule and Yav. Thanks to this knowledge, people got a kind of collection left by Kolyada as a gift, that is, a calendar.

If you are ready to challenge this theory, then we can give some more interesting facts in support of our version. Despite the fact that the word "calendar", according to the generally accepted opinion, came to us from Ancient Rome, in its original meaning it had nothing to do with the chronology. After all, the Kalends, the first days of the month, the Romans used in order not to miss the next date of payments on loans. Therefore, translated from Latin, the word "calendar" means "debt book" or "loan". It is interesting that linguists still cannot translate the term literally, because when a word is divided into components, it takes on a completely different meaning. Therefore, it was customary to simply consider the calendar as coming from those ancient times when Latin was the living language. The Slavic version seems more logical and consistent, doesn't it?
Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog: characteristics (general) and difference from the modern calendar
In order to understand how the ancient Slavs perceived time periods, it is necessary to completely reject everything that we know about the chronology familiar to us. Kolyada dar - the Daari Krugolet Chislobog - is a multi-level system of basic concepts about the processes taking place in our Universe. Interestingly, scientists have proven that this system is not only the mostcorrect, but also healing the human body. After all, existence according to the calendar allows you to tune your biorhythms on the same wavelength with nature and the outside world. A person becomes a part of a huge organism that functions according to the ancient laws of the Universe.
The first thing that catches your eye at a cursory glance at the Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog is the number of seasons. Our ancestors had only three:
- autumn;
- winter;
- spring.
At the same time, the full alternation of these seasons was measured not in years, but in years. Surprisingly, in this case, the words "chronology", "chronicle" and "chronicler" fall into place. This indicates that our genetic memory does not allow us to completely abandon the knowledge of our ancestors. After all, we are even interested in age, using the phrase "how many years" and not "how many years." The Slavic-Daarian Krugolet of Chislobog means counting epochs not in centuries, but in special periods - the Circles of Life, which include one hundred and forty-four years. Scientists believe that this approach to counting time allows you not to "lose" days, hours and minutes. After all, for long millennia, the Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog has not lagged behind even a single second, which confirms its accuracy.
The summer of our ancestors consisted of three hundred and sixty-five days, but only fifteen years were like that. Every sixteenth summer was considered sacred, and was four days longer. Interestingly, each month in it lasted exactly forty-one days.
There were months in summernine, that is, three for each season. In ordinary summers, the months could be forty or forty-one days long. This depended on their serial number, the even ones always had forty days, and the odd ones forty-one. Every summer begins with the autumnal equinox. It was a great holiday for the Slavs, it was preserved in historical sources under the name "New Year".
As you might guess, the week was also significantly different from the usual for a modern person. Nine days of the week were recorded in the Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog. And each of them had its own name and purpose. This rule was strictly observed by all Slavs without exception. For example, on the ninth day it was customary to rest and visit. At this time, no one tried to start work. Each of the days of the week on the calendar was marked with a Slavic rune, thus transmitting more information and the true meaning of the name of the day.
In the days of the ancient Slavs there were sixteen hours, but they did not begin at twelve o'clock at night, but at half past eight (winter time) or at half past nine. Each hour also had its own name, characterizing its purpose.
Due to the fact that the Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog was extremely simple and understandable for the Slavs, calculations on it never took much time. A person lived in harmony with nature, and a certain table was compiled for each month, taking into account an even or odd characteristic. People only needed to remember what day of the week summer begins, and the whole time calculation scheme immediately becomes as simple as possible.
Slavic-Daryan Krugolet Chislobog included a kind of astrological horoscope. It consisted of sixteen constellations, or halls, as the Slavs called them. The full passage of Yaril through all the halls takes 25920 years, this period is marked on the calendar as the Day of Svarog, or the Svarozhich circle. It had a very deep sacred meaning, which we will talk about a little later. It is interesting that the solar system, according to the ancient Slavs, had not nine planets, as it is now, but twenty-seven. Most of them are now just an asteroid belt left over from the devastating war of the gods.

What does the Old Slavic calendar look like?
The ancient calendar of our ancestors was arranged in the form of a circle. By the way, a similar structure was noted among the Maya Indians. This form of the calendar is considered the most convenient and correct, because according to ideas about the world, human souls also make a cycle. They move from Reveal (the world of the living) to Nav (the world of the dead) and are reborn, returning to life in a different guise. Yarilo also bypasses all the palaces and makes the main cycle, which is identical to the earthly days - morning, afternoon, evening and night.
If for the first time in front of you is the Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog, the interpretation of dates, runes and halls must be started counterclockwise. Thus, absolutely all actions and calculations were carried out according to the calendar, such a rotation of the time circle was called "s alting".
Ancient calendar: when it was lost
In Russia, the old chronology was finally canceled in1700 by decree of Peter I. At his command, the country took the Gregorian calendar as a basis, the time of the new year (and not summer) was the first of January. However, such changes were extremely undesirable for the people, people did not understand why they should switch from a convenient and familiar system of counting years to a foreign and extremely difficult to perceive. But no one could argue with the tsar, so communities of Old Believers remained in remote villages, who continued to live according to the precepts of their ancestors and preserved the ancient Slavic calendar.
Over time, these people became less and less. In modern history, interest in Krugolet Chislobog woke up several decades ago. It was during this period that a scrupulous study of the history of the ancient Slavs began, which has already managed to present scientists with a lot of surprises.

Today in the reflection of the ancient Slavic calendar
Of course, the knowledge of the ancients is not completely lost. And now scientists have been able to restore not only the appearance of the calendar of our ancestors, but also almost completely deciphered it. Therefore, it is easy to answer the question, what year is it now according to the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog. Do you want to know? We are ready to help and tell you everything we can about 2017.
According to the calendar, the current year is seven thousand five hundred and twenty-fifth from the Creation of the world in the Star Temple. This event was reflected in many ancient chronicles. It is believed that it was in this summer that the Slavic warriors signed a peace treaty with the people of the Dragon and delimited their territories. Bottom lineThe agreement was the construction of a huge wall, which everyone now calls the Chinese.
You need to know that every summer our ancestors had their own special name and color, as well as the element. For example, the current summer passes under the element of fire and has a scarlet color. The Slavs called it the "Fire Scroll". According to the description, there will be many fires and droughts this summer. Water will begin to actively evaporate from reservoirs and people in different parts of the planet will face a shortage of drinking water, and death from thirst will become more frequent. Our ancestors claimed that in such a summer, an invasion of insects is possible, which will devour the crop.
The current month of April was called eilet, during which it was necessary to start sowing and carry out absolutely all work related to the land.
It is not known how accurate the predictions of the ancients are. But now you can compare them with the characteristics of the past summer. According to the Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog for 2016, it was held under the name "Star World". This summer, great discoveries in the field of astronomy and other sciences were to be made. During this period, many people received a powerful impetus to intellectual development and felt paranormal abilities in themselves. The color of the past summer was red.
Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog: deciphering the names of the months in summer
Slavs paid great attention to the names, because each letter carried its own specific meaning. In addition, almost all the information hidden in the calendar was bestowed by the gods, which means it contained a huge energy message.
As we have already specified, summerstarted on the autumn equinox. It was the realm of ouseni, its first month was ramhat. Its name can be translated as "divine beginning".
Followed by three winter months:
- aylet;
- baylet;
- gaylet.
The first winter month was considered a period of collecting the gifts of the earth, the second Slavs considered a time of rest and snow-white radiance. But the name of the third revealed its essence - the period of winter blizzards and cold. During this period, the Slavs saw off the goddess Mara, who ruled the world in winter, and welcomed the spring Vesta.
Next, spring began:
- daylet;
- eylet;
- valet.
After the first month of the awakening of nature, the time of crops came, and then the period of winds. After spring, autumn began again, it was already the end of the calendar summer. The months of halet and tailet involved harvesting and summing up the results for the entire summer. The next month was already the first of the coming new summer.
Nine-day week
Each day of the week among the Slavs by its name alone reveals what it carries in itself. Let's look at all the days in turn:
- Monday;
- Tuesday;
- 3rd party;
- Thursday;
- Friday;
- sex;
- week;
- eight;
- week.
The names from Tuesday to eight are clear to everyone - this is a listing of days by serial number. But the name "week" comes from the phrase "no deeds", because during this period it was supposed to rest from the works of the righteous. The Slavs were predestined to have fun, sing songs and spend time with friends and relatives. Monday was the next day after the week, hence the name. Interestingly, our ancestors clearly observed the alternation of work and rest. For example, it was necessary to rest and fast on the trite and the week.
A day sixteen hours long
Be aware that our ancestors' hour was a little longer than sixty minutes. It lasted approximately ninety minutes, therefore, in order to calculate the daily flow of time without errors, you will definitely need our information.
We have already said that the day started at 19:30, and each hour had its own name and purpose:
- Dinner.
- Vechir.
- Tie.
- Polich.
- Tomorrow.
- Zaura.
- Zurnitsa.
- Nastya.
- Svaor.
- Morn.
- Morn.
- Obestin.
- Lunch.
- Give.
- Utdayni.
- Poudani.
Of course, these names "cut" a little to the ears of a modern person, but for our ancestors they were the most correct and simple of all that could be in the world. For example, utdayni is the time when all daily activities are completed, and zaura is the hour when dawn appears in the sky. Such harmony with nature allowed our ancestors to develop spiritually and not separate themselves from the planet.

Svarog circle
At the beginning of the article, we mentioned the Svarog circle, which was closely connected with astrology and religiousbeliefs. For a full circle, Yarilo passes sixteen halls (analogues of constellations), which affect the character and fate of a person. Our ancestors claimed that the souls of dead people come from the Svarog circle. There they await their time in the halls. Each of them is divided into nine halls, where the souls of men and women sit separately at nine tables.
It is interesting that the hall already endows a person with its own characteristics, but each one still has its own divine patron, who adds certain qualities and leads him through fate. All palaces and patrons are listed in the Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog. It is possible even now to calculate the date of birth of a modern person according to these data. Therefore, at a minimum, you will need all sixteen titles:
- Virgo.
- Left
- Eagle.
- Horse.
- Finist.
- Moose.
- Tour
- Fox.
- Wolf.
- Busel.
- Bear.
- Raven.
- Snake.
- Swan.
- Pike.
- Boar.
It is worth considering that each hall has its own tree and rune. The ancient Slavs always planted the trees indicated on the calendar around their houses. They carried the energy that nourished the family and protected it.
Elements of the Svarog Circle
We have already specified that the ancient Slavic calendar has the shape of a circle, on which several more circles with symbols and runes are applied. The patrons of the palaces are depicted on the outer circle, followed by the names of sixteen hours of the day. On the next circle were always depictedthe runes of the halls, then the elements and the weekly circle. The image of a person was always placed in the center of the calendar.
Elements have always been related to the characteristics of summer, their number can already be easily predicted - nine. Our ancestors knew that it was possible to determine what the next summer would be and what they needed to prepare for, at a glance at the Daari Krugolet Chislobog. The elements had their own color and names:
- Earth.
- Star.
- Fire.
- Sun.
- Tree.
- Heaven.
- Ocean.
- Moon.
- God.
To more fully characterize the element, the Slavs used runes. Unfortunately, the meanings of many of them have already been lost, so modern scientists are not always able to correctly interpret the meanings of ancient symbols.

How to calculate your date of birth according to the Old Slavic calendar?
Slavs paid great attention not only to the date, but also to the time of their birth. A lot of fate depended on this. It is quite difficult for a modern person to calculate the date of birth using the Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog. This will require certain mathematical abilities, because you will have to translate almost the entire familiar chronology system into something new and unusual. Without a certain experience, you can easily make a mistake and attribute another patron to yourself.
But there is a solution to the problem, because recently the Daari Krugolet Chislobog has been of great interest in society. A program that allows you to convert the dates of the Gregorian calendar to Krugolet is alreadylong ago created and propagated. It can be found on many sites that tell about the great culture of the ancient Slavs.
Using the program is very easy: you just need to enter your date of birth and press the button. At the same moment, complete information will appear in front of you in accordance with the Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog. Everyone who has tested the program for themselves is surprised at how accurate their characterization of their personality is. This information makes many people continue to study not only the calendar itself, but also all sources that mention the alternative history of our ancestors. And there are still a lot of secrets and mysteries left in it.