One of the most respected law schools in Russia celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2011. The Moscow Law Academy began its history in 1931 as the Central Correspondence Courses in Law. After significant enlargement and several renamings, this educational institution has become an authoritative university that trains highly qualified specialists, one might say, the legal elite of the country.

Alma mater
Moscow Law Academy is a very difficult university, it is one of those blessed places where students find their high future. Here they receive not only fundamental theory and voluminous practice, they are imbued in the academy with the true spirit of the profession. The Moscow Law Academy knows how to educate students to be real lawyers - with strong moral qualities, purposeful, able to discuss, with great love for people and, of course, for their ownwork.
The Law Academy continues the long tradition of education in the field of law and educates true professionals. Of course, this is a merit, first of all, of her professorship and teaching staff. Graduates of all years remember their mentors with reverence: it was not only knowledge, it was a taste for the profession, an off-duty attitude towards each student, the approach to students was almost individual, and the professors were celestials, skillful lecturers, real masters. During its work, the Moscow State Law Academy has released more than 180 highly qualified lawyers into the world, many of them still cooperate with their alma mater.

Now eleven institutes, five branches, thirty departments are engaged in the educational process and research work at the academy. More than twenty directions and scientific schools operate today within its walls. More than a thousand teachers work here, whose team is decorated with a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, more than 190 doctors and 560 candidates of sciences, 33 honored lawyers of the Russian Federation, 16 honored scientists of the Russian Federation, more than 100 honorary workers of the RF HPE.
Moscow State Law Academy simultaneously trains about 17 thousand students. More than 500 graduate students and applicants are trained here. Many specialized institutes coexist in the structure of the academy. This is the International Law Institute of the Moscow State Law Academy, and the Institute of Law, as well as the InstituteProsecutor's Office and the Institute of Forensic Expertise, Correspondence Law Institute and the Institute of Continuous Education, the Institute of Advocacy, the Institute of Banking and Financial Law, the Institute of Energy Law. And one more thing: a student of the Moscow State Academy of Law is not necessarily a Moscow student. A branch of the law academy will issue the same diploma! And the academy has four branches in different parts of our country.

For eighty years, the academy has come a long way from small correspondence courses to the present moment, when it has become a truly flagship of the country's legal education, but it does not want, cannot and will not stop there. Ahead - a lot of work, new achievements and accomplishments. And the address of the conquered heights of jurisprudence is not only Moscow. The State Law Academy named after Kutafin has strong and diverse ties with the whole world, allowing further development.
It is here that there is the largest number of budget places, the widest choice of training profiles for both master and bachelor's programs. The Academy has a fairly strong material and technical base, which allows it to train not only lawyers, but also highly qualified forensic experts.
Getting into this university is very difficult. Despite the fact that about 450 budget places are allocated, the average passing score is very, very high. For jurisprudence in 2015, he was 81.7 for the Unified State Examination. In universities, where there are literally two dozen state-funded places, the passing score is much lower.

Future challenges
In modern Russia, the process of building civil society and the rule of law is underway. The role of law in such conditions increases significantly, becoming one of the main social regulators. There are changes in people's behavior, legal principles are being strengthened. The life of society and the state is changing. The growth of good transformations in society and the level of legal culture in the country are closely interconnected. Therefore, the country needs real professionals in the field of jurisprudence.
The professional consciousness of a lawyer is formed to the greatest extent by higher legal education. Historically established schools preserve and develop the classical traditions and for many decades train ever new personnel who are always in demand both in the scientific community and in the labor markets. Such a historically established school is the Moscow Law Academy. Kutafin. Modern conditions pose such a task to the educational institution as the implementation of the fundamental education of lawyers of an innovative type.

The Moscow State Law Academy of O. E. Kutafin is located in a picturesque corner of Moscow, in one of its historical places. The village of Kudrino, where this university is now located, has been mentioned in chronicles since 1412. At the moment it is Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street, between the metro stations "Barrikadnaya" and "Mayakovskaya". The exact address of the university: Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street, house9. In the 15th century, there were possessions of Dmitry Donskoy's cousin, Serpukhov Prince Vladimir the Brave, and later a monastery was located on these lands, which fell into disrepair only in the 18th century, and the lands were given over for development.
In 1901, the architect Nikiforov built a three-story house for the Moscow real school. This building is still intact, it now houses an educational building. In 1987, O. E. Kutafin became the rector, and in the next year the academy (at that time - the institute) finally received a full-time faculty. In 2012, the FSBEI HPE was renamed from the academy to the university.
Student Brotherhood
Moscow Law Academy named after Kutafin in 2014 became the winner in the competition of programs for the development of the activities of HPE student associations. The purpose of this event is the development of student self-government systems, as well as increasing the role of students in the modernization of higher education. Many universities under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation took part in the competition.
The commission that worked at the competition determined the participants after the results appeared and the evaluation of the submitted programs. The winning universities received additional subsidies from the federal budget. The activities of student associations are implemented according to special development programs and are managed by a specially created body - the Coordinating Council. In addition to the leaders of ProBono (Student Legal Aid Center), the Coordinating Council consists of the leaders of circles, student councils of all institutions and elected responsible for the activities provided for by the programdevelopment.

Integration processes
The priority direction of the development of the academy is international activity. Today is actively forming the unity of the entire world space, integration processes are intensifying. In addition, the Moscow State Law Academy. Kutafina strives to provide students with an education of such quality that it will be recognized abroad. Directions implemented in international activities are as follows:
1. Joint master's programs implemented in foreign languages and the possibility of obtaining a double diploma.
2. Studying at the academy for international students.
3. Invitation of foreign scientists to teach students of the academy: lectures, seminars, participation in conferences.
4. Internships and practice for teachers, graduate students and students abroad.
5. Conclusion of bilateral and multilateral agreements with foreign higher educational institutions and scientific organizations.
International activity programs
1. International Master of Sports Law with the University of Limoges (France), the University of Lleida (Spain), Edge Hill University (UK), the Center for Sports Law of the University of Milan (Italy).
2. Master's program in topical issues of energy law in cooperation with the Technical University (Berlin, Germany).
3. Master's Program (English) "Russian and International Systemsright".
Besides this, the academy maintains close ties with many universities in Asia, Europe and America. Here, agreements are applied regarding cooperation in educational and scientific work with foreign colleagues. The strategic milestones of the Academy in international cooperation is the further building up of ties.
And this is an increase in the number of foreigners studying at the academy - interns, graduate students, students, an increase in the number of joint programs of innovative properties, double or multiple diplomas with foreign universities. The number of international projects, seminars and conferences should also be increased with the involvement of more teachers and scientists. The number and quality of publications abroad, the citation index in foreign journals also need to be increased. Thus, it is possible to ensure the competitiveness of the academy in the global scientific and educational space.

Pre-university training
Many applicants have become full-fledged students of the academy after the Pre-University Training Center. Education provides comprehensive training in the entire cycle of disciplines present at the entrance exams, and, in addition, those who have completed the training participate in the Moscow State Law Academy Olympiad. The most problematic and difficult sections of disciplines are taught almost individually.
Pre-university training adapts students to the lecture-seminar university system, note-taking skills and independent work appear, thuslays the foundation for future studies at the university. Students of these courses are professionally oriented, improve their general culture and legal.
Training Information
The educational process of the Center for pre-university training is provided by highly qualified teachers. More than 70 percent of them have academic degrees and titles, most of them have written their own textbooks for universities and teaching aids for additional education. Many have experience taking subject exams, all teachers are fluent in high teaching technologies.
Classes are one- and two-year forms of study, part-time and last two/four semesters. Engage with students through a lecture-seminar model of learning. Consultations and control works are carried out. In the same way, those who have certificates before 2009, but take traditional exams, and not the USE, can study at the Pre-University Training Center.
To future masters, foreigners and "Olympic reserve"
The center also prepares students for admission to the master's program in the theory of state and law, plus, upon completion of the course, students can pass a comprehensive exam in the master's program of their choice. Classes have both lecture and individual, consulting form.
The center also works with younger schoolchildren - they are prepared for the Olympiads by law, and the winners and prize-winners receivebenefits for admission to Moscow State Law Academy. Here, key topics of the main branches of law are studied, tasks and competitions of past Olympiads are analyzed, recommendations are given.
For foreign citizens, there is Russian language training in the courses - advanced and entry-level groups. There is also individual training, which takes into account the level of knowledge of the Russian language. Also, foreign lawyers are trained in Russian business language (the language of jurisprudence). Teachers have 100% academic degrees and extensive experience working with foreigners.