The human speech apparatus is a very limited system in its capabilities, so different nations interpret the same sounds in their own way. Because of this, situations often arise when concepts from different languages are heard in the same way, but they mean completely different things. Depending on the context, there are different answers to the question, what is "pis", so read carefully and listen to the text.
Non-standard definitions
Perhaps we are talking about the abbreviation of IPR. It is found in law, engineering, political science, and a host of other disciplines. It is impossible to list them all, but experts in each of the areas will immediately name acceptable transcripts:
- intellectual property right;
- postulated initiating event;
- personal information system, etc.
There is also a colorful interjection-call, which helps young children to relieve the bladder. There is an optionwith a soft sign at the end - "pis". However, in most cases, all of the above options are not suitable. What is it then?

Peace, love, hippies
Young people often use the word “pis”. In the meaning of peace as the absence of hostilities, armed conflicts. The greeting comes from the English word "peace" and gained popularity among hippies in the wake of anti-war protests. In communication, it breaks down into three meanings:
- "Peace!" – as a universal wish.
- "Good luck!" – instead of saying goodbye.
- "Hello!" – upon meeting.
The closest domestic analogue is the phrase “Peace to your home!”, which was one of the first to be uttered, used at parting, and also included in solemn wishes. True, the traditional phrase looks heavy and has long gone out of the everyday lexicon.
Often a borrowed version is accompanied by a symbol of raised index and middle fingers, which form the letter V. "Pacific" was developed as part of the movement for nuclear disarmament. According to another version, the original fingering symbolizes victory or "victory" in World War II, and it sold out thanks to the efforts of Churchill. It was also adopted by the "flower children" movement - hippies, and now means a person's desire for peace and love.

The word is informal. It is better to explain to the older generation in advance what “pis” is, otherwise the grandmothers will remember the interjection and point you towards the toilet. You should not use it in official communication, only if you want to demonstrate your openness, and you are conducting a dialogue with young listeners.