GBPOU "South Ural Multidisciplinary College" (SUMK): address, speci alties

GBPOU "South Ural Multidisciplinary College" (SUMK): address, speci alties
GBPOU "South Ural Multidisciplinary College" (SUMK): address, speci alties

Choosing an educational institution is a dilemma for many high school graduates on the threshold of adulthood. For some, the first step will be going to college. This is a kind of test of freedom, when you yourself will need to be conscious in obtaining knowledge. Teachers of the South Ural Multidisciplinary College of Chelyabinsk are unlikely to babysit individual students, monitor their affairs, their attitude to learning. SSUZ teachers are more likely to become curators of student groups, help each of them to unite and find their own niche within student self-government. The official address of the South Ural Multidisciplinary College: st. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, 1.


Education in demand

Teachers and students of SUMK speak warmly about their favorite and one-of-a-kind educational institution. SouthThe Ural Multidisciplinary College is very necessary in the domestic system of training specialists of the medium professional level. Founded in 2012, the institution has produced more than twenty thousand top-notch specialists in the first five years of successful activity. The fact that over a relatively short history of existence, the educational institution has become one of the best in its field, speaks volumes. This is the merit of the leader, Alexander Bolshakov, and the entire team.

Alexander Bolshakov - director of the YuUMK
Alexander Bolshakov - director of the YuUMK

The college has modern facilities:

  1. Workshops - about 1 dozen.
  2. Computer classes - over 2 dozen.
  3. Laboratories with equipment - more than 4 dozen.
  4. Libraries - 4 rooms. Each of them is equipped with a reading room, a media zone, Internet access is possible, electronic versions of publications are available, there is “ConsultantPlus” equipment.

The high status of the institution and the quality of training of specialists are noted by the metallurgists of the region and all enterprises where graduates work.

The structure of a huge college

GBOU "South Ural Multidisciplinary College" established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk region. The institution was formed in 2012, when several educational institutions were merged into a single training mechanism. Today, these are four areas of training for specialists teaching specific professions - four separate complexes:

  • transport and technological;
  • construction and entrepreneurship;
  • metallurgical;
  • legal.
  • Legal complex YuUMK
    Legal complex YuUMK

Speci alties and professions

The Chelyabinsk college trains specialists of secondary vocational education and professional workers. Everyone is guaranteed employment at the Metallurgical Plant or in related industries and divisions. Speci alties and areas of training are listed on the SUMC website. The choice is very wide. You can master the professions of a crane operator, a locomotive driver, a welder, an auto mechanic, a master of finishing, construction and decorative works, and others. You can learn speci alties:

  • information systems and programming;
  • ferrous metallurgy;
  • equipment with automation tools for technical processes and production (by industry);
  • mechatronics and mobile robotics (by industry);
  • cooking and confectionery;
  • construction and operation of buildings and structures;
  • Students of the Multidisciplinary College
    Students of the Multidisciplinary College
  • land and property relations;
  • law and social security organization and others.

Extracurricular activities

Studying at the South Ural Multidisciplinary College is not only tedious study couples and intense sessions. The leisure of students is full of interesting activities. There are sports sections, electives. The college has 6 sports halls, 4 gyms and 2 sports grounds - there is a place to fulfill sports needs, relax after a hard study and improve your he alth. In winter time for the leisure time of college studentsThere are downhill and cross country skiing. Bicycles at other times of the year. There are 6 assembly halls for stage events, KVN competitions, creative meetings. Scientific and practical conferences and seminars are one of the components of educational activities in the college. They can be held in one lecture and two conference rooms. Students actively participate in competitions of professional skills and technical creativity.

Modern IT-technologies at SUMK
Modern IT-technologies at SUMK

Special day at SUMC

When Open Days are held in the multidisciplinary college of the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk, there are always a lot of people. These are high school students and their parents from the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions, from Chelyabinsk itself, as well as from Ozersk, Miass, Magnitogorsk, Satka, Troitsk. During the tour, the participants of the event visit the SUMC Museum, the exposition on the work of the search brigade "Landmark", visit student audiences, laboratories, workshops, get acquainted with the work of demonstration stands. School graduates receive important information about training opportunities in one of the educational complexes of the institution: construction, legal, transport or metallurgical. Also, the guys have a chance to evaluate the living conditions in the dormitory of the South Ural Multidisciplinary College, to visit its buildings. As part of the event, conversations are organized with the children, where they receive comprehensive answers to questions related to admission in the new academic year.

College Admission Conditions

How to get into college
How to get into college

To the Multidisciplinary CollegePersons who have completed 9th or 11th grade are accepted. It provides for the budget and commercial enrollment of students. Training is conducted both in the daytime and in the correspondence department. Entrance tests and exams are not carried out. Experiences of this kind are excluded. But in the case when the number of planned budget places turns out to be less than the number of applications submitted, the certificate will decide everything: the arithmetic average of all grades (average score). In the list of incoming applicants, places are determined in strict accordance with the success of mastering the school curriculum.

The student enrollment plan is adjusted annually, as reported by the website of the South Ural Multidisciplinary College. Citizens of Russia entering an educational institution need to bring a certificate, passport, medical documents (certificate, vaccination card), 4 photos (3x4) to the Admissions Committee and fill out an application form.

Reviews about SSUZ

Based on students' feedback on the work of the Chelyabinsk College, a verdict is made that young people like to study here. Reviews have varied over the past five years.

Dormitory of the legal complex YuUMK
Dormitory of the legal complex YuUMK

Students from other cities like the living conditions in the dormitories and their sufficient number: 5 dormitories. The educational organization does not overcharge for accommodation: for two years this figure is in the range of 4–4.8 thousand rubles for five months of using the hostel. Students of all years speak positively about the teachers of the South Ural Multidisciplinary College, emphasize the great professionalism of many teachers, theirgood personal and organizational qualities.

As a disadvantage, some students indicate the not very high level of education here. Perhaps this is due to the poor academic performance of individual students, because of which teachers simplify the curriculum a little. In any case, the college management promptly responds to comments and strives for the best performance in the work of the institution.


After graduation, the lives of many graduates will change dramatically. The path to the profession will begin - movement along a narrow path, which in the future may become a wide road leading to the cherished goal. Good luck, graduates!
