Trubchevsk Agrarian College (Trubchevsk, Bryansk region): address, speci alties, director

Trubchevsk Agrarian College (Trubchevsk, Bryansk region): address, speci alties, director
Trubchevsk Agrarian College (Trubchevsk, Bryansk region): address, speci alties, director

Today, many people strive for quality education. If you are also aiming for such an education, pay attention to the Trubchevsk Agrarian College. A few more years - and this school will celebrate its age-old existence. Over the years, thousands of specialists have graduated who are now working in the Bryansk region, and some graduates have left their native region and are successfully working in their speci alty in other parts of our country.

About the college

The Agrarian College in Trubchevsk is a small educational institution, which is a branch of the Bryansk State University. The suz has a rather long period of existence. It originated in Kursk, but shortly before the start of World War II, it was transferred to Trubchevsk.

Today the Trubchevsk Agrarian College is located at the address: Bryansk region, the city of Trubchevsk, Volodarsky street, 14. The college consists of 3buildings. The main building was built in 1970. Later, other buildings were built - agronomic and veterinary. At the moment, the college has 73 classrooms and laboratories. All rooms are properly equipped. Most of the offices have laboratory back rooms.


Director and faculty

The director of the Trubchevsky Agrarian College is now Sukonkin Alexander Nikolaevich. In 1998 he graduated from the Bryansk State Agricultural Academy with a degree in economics and management of agricultural production. The existing education allows Alexander Nikolayevich to competently manage an educational institution and teach students the discipline related to accounting.

There are 21 full-time teachers in the college. Two of them have advanced degrees. One person is an honored teacher of the Russian Federation. In order for students to receive modern knowledge, specialists periodically undergo retraining and advanced training programs.

Now consider the speci alties.

Director of an educational institution
Director of an educational institution


One of the speci alties of the Trubchevsky Agrarian College is "veterinary medicine". It was from her that the development of the educational institution began. It is known from the history of the college that it developed from a veterinary technical school, formed in 1928 with the aim of training veterinary assistants.

If you love animals, want to help them, then "veterinary medicine" is the speci alty thatwill suit you. In college, they teach a lot of things, from the preparation of disinfectants to the autopsy of dead animals. Theoretical knowledge and basic practical skills are given to college students. In order for students to consolidate their skills, to more fully master their future profession, the college has concluded contracts with some enterprises for internships. These include the Bryansk Meat Company, the Klintsovskaya District Veterinary Station for the Control of Animal Diseases, the Mister Dog Veterinary Clinic, and others.

College Advantages
College Advantages


Cynology is a rather young and unique speci alty in the secondary school. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that in the regions of the Non-Black Earth region, no other college is engaged in training cynologists. In the Agricultural College of Trubchevsk, the educational process is built with high quality. The secondary school has a training ground. The college also owns its own veterinary clinic, which contains different breeds of dogs.

From the foregoing, we can conclude: practice-oriented training in colleges. And this is right, because in practice, students receive the skills that a specialist should have. A rather interesting story in one of the interviews was told by the former director of the college, Valentin Petrovich Parachev. Once a student from Moscow transferred to the college. She studied for six months as a cynologist at the Metropolitan College. The saddest thing was that this student was not familiar with the practical side of her future profession. In Moscow, only mannequins were used in training, but with live dogsstudents never worked.

Speci alty "Cynology"
Speci alty "Cynology"

Hunting and fur farming

In the considered college of Trubchevsk, Bryansk region, the speci alty “hunting and fur farming” is quite interesting. On it, qualified teachers of the college prepare future hunters. The task of students in the future is to be engaged in environmental protection, rational use and reproduction of game animals, procurement of meat from wild animals, furs, products related to hunting.

Initial skills college students receive in practice. It is held in the classrooms and laboratories of the secondary school, the anatomical and pathological museums, the Trubchevsky District Society of Hunters and Fishermen. In the future, students are sent to the state reserve "Bryansk Forest", Trubchevskoye forestry and other organizations.

The building of the Trubchevsk Agrarian College
The building of the Trubchevsk Agrarian College

Information systems (by industry)

You can enter the Trubchevsk Agrarian College for "information systems (by industry)". This is a modern, demanded and well-paid speci alty. Why is she like this? The thing is that today information systems are an integral part of the modern world. They are in all companies, in all enterprises.

Students studying in this speci alty will have jobs in the future related to the development, operation and modification of information systems. Students will engage in crash debugging, explainusers how to use the software correctly, etc.

List of speci alties
List of speci alties

Other speci alties

There are other speci alties in the Trubchevsk Agrarian College - these are “economics and accounting (by industry)” and “land and property relations”. Applicants are advised to pay attention to the first speci alty. Economists and accountants are in high demand, as all organizations need them. Studying in "economics and accounting" in an agricultural college is also attractive because one cannot do without gaining practical knowledge. During their studies, students visit various enterprises - Desnyansky Pishchekombinat LLC, Molochnoye LLC, Trubchevskaya MTS Agro Municipal Unitary Enterprise.

Another major in college is "land and property relations." Re altors, appraisers, specialists of land committees, specialists in technical inventory and cadastral registration are trained in this direction.

"Economics and accounting (by industry)"
"Economics and accounting (by industry)"

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Trubchevsk Agricultural College has both full-time and part-time forms of education. You can study full-time on "information systems by industry", "land and property relations", "cynology", "economics and accounting (by industry)", "veterinary medicine". Colleges invite you to distance learning in such areas as “hunting and fur farming” and “economics and accounting (by industry)”.
