November 10, 1917, during the revolutionary events, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs issued a decree on the creation of the Workers' Militia.

The concept of the police appeared back in 1903 in the program of the Bolshevik Party, and in March 1917, after the Provisional Government came to power, the policemen took the place of the tsarist police. They were ordinary workers who stood at the machine during the day, and in the evening with rifles went out into the streets to maintain order.
Even V. I. Lenin spoke about the need to create a "people's militia", which meant the full arming of the people.
The First Police of the USSR
In fact, the work of maintaining order was carried out by the Red Guards of the revolutionary guards. The authorities understood that a separate body should keep order within the country. In August 1918, a decision was made to create a militia. This new body lasted the entire period of Soviet power.
The police became worker-peasant and people over the age of 23 could serve there.
The tsarist police authorities simply had to be reorganized, because, according to F. Z. Dzerzhinsky, new people could not bring anything good to the former law enforcement agencies. But this ideology was ignored by the authorities, and the Soviet police of that time consisted ofnon-professionals.
In the turbulent post-revolutionary times, the history of the police was written in blood. In the spring of 1918, the first policemen died in the fight against bandits.
The first weapon that the new law enforcement officers were armed with was a Mauser and a revolver. The Mauser is a well-known powerful weapon that was in use almost until the 50s of the last century.
On October 5, 1918, the authorities issued a regulation on the creation of departments to combat criminal crime. Under the tsarist regime, the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department was transformed into the MUR - the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department.
"Murovtsy" wore a special identification mark on the lapels of their jackets - a crescent moon and "Moor's eye" - an all-seeing eye. Departmental distinction was issued for a certain time.
The main task of the MUR officers was the destruction of armed gangs, of which there were about 30 in Moscow alone.

Uniform and ranks
At first, they didn't think much about external insignia. The policemen were in civilian clothes and wore only red bandages on their hands. In 1923, they reached the introduction of the form. The foot Soviet militia of that time had black uniforms, and the equestrian militia had dark blue. New insignia appeared almost every year. The colors of buttonholes, the signs themselves and their configuration changed.
In 1931, the uniform of the Soviet policeman became gray. The new law enforcement officers had no titles, only positions.
Along with the appearance of ranks in the army in 1936, ranks appeared among policemen. In addition to sergeants and lieutenants,militia directors appeared - the most important ranks. In 1943, shoulder straps were also introduced, and blue became the main color of the insignia.
In 1947, the cut of the uniform changed and the red color appeared. In the famous children's poem by Sergei Mikhalkov about Uncle Styopa, such a policeman is very clearly depicted, who is on duty.
On January 13, 1962, the Soviet Union was shocked by the story of a heroic policeman who, standing on guard, saved a woman and children from a drunken armed criminal. The district policeman Vasily Petushkov himself was mortally wounded and was posthumously awarded the title of hero.

Soviet police and women
Women appeared in the ranks of the Soviet militia as early as 1919. Many representatives of the weaker sex worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the Great Patriotic War. And in peacetime, almost a quarter of employees successfully combined shoulder straps with a skirt.

In fact, women during critical situations act no worse than men. In addition, the peculiarities of psychology make them valuable employees of the internal organs.
The famous writer Alexandra Marinina served in the Soviet police for 20 years, analyzing criminal offenses. She became the most famous retired lieutenant colonel, writing a series of detective novels about the everyday life of internal affairs workers.
To solve problems with personnel training, the authorities opened Police Schools. The police of the USSR became more professional, thanks to constantschools and advanced training courses for district police officers and guards. In order to get into the investigating authorities, it was necessary to graduate from the Higher Police School.

Positive image of a policeman
Starting from the mid-60s, the state has constantly raised the prestige of the police in the eyes of the population. The media and the creative intelligentsia worked to create a positive hero - a Soviet policeman. The police of the USSR became very popular among the people, thanks to exciting films.

Since 1962, a holiday was officially introduced - the Day of the Police in the USSR. The date of November 10 was celebrated before, but more locally. At the state level, on this day, officials and the best artists of the country congratulated policemen.
Soviet people sacredly believed and repeated the phrase that became winged: "Our police protect us!".