Various teaching methods (including language) allow teachers to conduct rational and effective teaching of schoolchildren and students. Second generation federal educational standards include a section on this issue.

History Pages
During the existence of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Syria, there was a lively trade between countries, there were cultural ties, so even then the first methods of teaching a foreign language appeared. Particular attention was paid to the Latin language, which for fifteen centuries was considered the basis of European culture. Owning it was considered an indicator of a person's education. To teach this language, the translation method of teaching was used, which was subsequently borrowed in the study of German, French, and English. The natural method of teaching solved the practical problem of teaching speaking skills.

What are teaching methods
Teaching method is an essential component of the learning process. Without the use of certain methods andmethods, it is impossible to achieve the set goals, to make the process meaningful and of high quality.
In domestic pedagogy, the term "teaching method" implies not only general education, but is also used to consider individual sections - theory and practice.
Modern teaching methods are a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon. By them it is customary to mean options for achieving the set goal, a set of operations and methods of theoretical or practical mastering of reality, solving specific problems depending on the taught academic discipline.
The teaching method is a system of purposeful actions of the teacher, organizing the practical and cognitive activities of the student, which ensures the assimilation of the content of education.

The importance of methodological techniques
It is thanks to pedagogical techniques and methods that the interaction between the student and the teacher is carried out, various educational tasks are solved.
Many domestic scientists are convinced that the teaching method in teaching any academic discipline is the main instrument of a teacher's professional activity. This implies not only the organization of the teaching work of the teacher and the educational and cognitive activity of the student, but also the relationship between them, as well as activities aimed at achieving educational, developmental, educational learning goals.
In order to activate cognitive activitypupils, the teacher acts as a mentor, with the help of which the student comes from ignorance to knowledge, from a complete lack of knowledge to a solid base.
From the content-logical side, teaching methods at school are those logical ways, thanks to which students consciously acquire skills, knowledge, and skills. At present, they can be considered a form of movement, the realization of the content of education.

In connection with the appearance of various names, the methods of teaching disciplines should be divided according to certain characteristics and components. Among the main features by which they are divided into separate groups are:
- Presence (absence) when teaching the initial stock of knowledge. This group is characterized by the use of mixed, transfer, direct teaching methods.
- The ratio of theory and practice in the formation of speaking skills. In this group, consciously comparative, practical teaching methods are used.
- The use of specific mental states of students studying any academic disciplines. It is supposed to use relaxation, auto-training, sleep state.
- Alternative (suggestive) and traditional (standard) technologies for teaching academic disciplines.
In addition, the methods and techniques of teaching a foreign language are divided into two groups according to the method of organizing educational activities. Management of mental activity can be taken over by a teacher or by themselves.students.
Basic Teaching Techniques
In didactics, teaching methods are distinguished according to the specifics of the activities of students and teachers. This is:
- work with educational literature;
- story;
- demonstration experiments;
- instructions;
- conversations;
- exercise;
- lectures.

By source of knowledge acquisition
FGOS of the second generation allow the use of visual, verbal methods by a teacher of any academic discipline.
For example, when studying chemistry, it would be best to use a combination of visualization and laboratory experiments. Thanks to problem-based learning, cognitive interest in the study of this complex but interesting science is motivated.
In geography lessons, the teacher actively uses visual tables, and in history he offers the children a video describing historical events in order to build a logical chain with his students.
Thanks to the modeling of problem situations in social studies lessons, children receive information about social and public relations, independently solve specific tasks proposed by the teacher of this academic discipline.

Analytical Method
It was used in France, in England, in Switzerland, but in Russia it was practically not used. Vocabulary was the basis of this method of learning. To create a sufficient vocabulary, rote memorization was carried outstudents of original literary works in their native and foreign languages, then a line-by-line literal translation was used, the meaning of what was read was analyzed.
The Swiss Alexander Chauvann was convinced that it is possible to start full-fledged education only after schoolchildren have developed skills in their native language, as well as other academic disciplines related to the choice of a future profession: mathematics, physics, biology, geography, chemistry.
It was he who proposed the parallel study of native and foreign languages, based on the connection of several academic disciplines. Instead of an abstract study of grammar, this approach involved the analysis of various situations, the accumulation of vocabulary. Only after the student had formed a sufficient vocabulary, the teacher proceeded to explain the theoretical foundations.
In a modern school, the forms and methods of teaching are divided according to the degree of activity of schoolchildren into explanatory, search, illustrative, problematic, research types. They are used by teachers of different subjects, trying to synthesize several methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.
According to the logic of the approach, methods, in addition to analytical, are also divided into deductive, inductive, synthetic.

Hamilton Method
James Hamilton based the educational process on the use of original texts, as well as on the use of interlinear literal translation. This approach has been applied inteaching literature, Russian, foreign languages.
First, the teacher read the text many times, then it was voiced by the students, then individual phrases were analyzed. The specificity of the teacher's work was that the initial text was repeated many times, both collectively and individually by each student.
Grammar analysis was carried out after the teacher understood that the students read the text consciously, they fully understood its meaning. The emphasis was on the formation of oral speech skills.
Jacoteau Technology
Jean Jacoteau believed that any person is able to achieve his goal, because he has good natural data for this. He was sure that any original text includes the necessary linguistic facts, having learned which, the student will be able to master the grammatical basis of foreign speech, understand the theoretical foundations of any subject of the scientific and humanitarian cycle.
In psychology, a similar method is called an analogy, in a modern school it is used in the lessons of chemistry, biology, geography, mathematics.
Features of the pedagogical process
For a long period of time, the process of learning at school consisted of three stages:
- mnemic part, involving the rote memorization of the proposed sample;
- analytical part, consisting in the analysis of the acquired information;
- synthetic part, which was to use the acquired knowledge in relation to the new material.
In order to secure newknowledge in the learning process, written and oral exercises, stories, laboratory and practical work, analysis of individual fragments of text, dialogues were used.
The lexical-translational method has become a more progressive option for teaching schoolchildren the language and other academic disciplines, so it is still in demand today.
Mixed method
It was quite actively used in the 30s of the twentieth century in our country. Its essence was the development of speech activity, in which teaching to read was singled out as a priority. The teachers of secondary schools were given the task of educating a patriot of their country, able to communicate in several languages, knowing the basics of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography.
Methodists were convinced that it was necessary to subdivide the material into receptive and productive types. At the initial stage, a “practical” study of the material on an intuitive level was implied, due attention was not paid to its understanding.
At present, among the numerous methods and techniques used by teachers of general education schools, the system-activity communicative method is one of the most progressive. It is used by teachers of various academic disciplines and consists in using the scientific material considered in the lessons as a means of socialization, interpersonal communication.
New state federal standards implemented in educational institutions are aimed at shaping students' desire for self-development,self-improvement, therefore, teachers actively use in their work the technologies of personal learning, individual approach, project and research activities, the technology of creating problem situations.