Until the age of three, children spend most of their time next to their mother. It is the parents who during this period are engaged in the education of future members of society. When the baby goes to kindergarten, educators come to the aid of mom and dad. Teachers play an important role in the school period. It depends on the correct interaction of the parties how a person will grow up, how he will relate to others. Conversation with parents is an important form of interaction that helps to identify problems that arise in the family. Together with a teacher or a psychologist, mom and dad do everything for the normal development of the child.
Adaptation to kindergarten
Visiting kindergarten is a new and rather difficult stage in the life of a child and his parents. How well the child goes through the period of adaptation depends on his further development and communication with peers. Therefore, the first conversation with parents in kindergarten should specifically affect the preparation of the baby for a future visit to a preschool. Educators and psychologists should meet with moms and dads a few months beforebefore your child starts kindergarten.

Initially, preschool teachers should find out how independent the baby is. In the nursery group, the child should already go to the potty, be able to hold a spoon. By the age of three, not all children can talk. But to work out the basic skills is the task of parents. That is why a conversation with parents in kindergarten is carried out in advance. If the baby does not yet know how to use the toilet or cannot eat on his own, mom should teach him.
Psychological preparation is also of great importance. The child must know which institution he will attend. Psychologists advise to introduce the baby to kindergarten in advance. You can come to the site in a preschool institution, spend some time here with older children. Parents should also talk to their children. Moms should tell how the child's day will be built when he starts attending kindergarten. Do not hide the fact that the baby will spend time in an institution without a mother.
Mistakes of parents
Some kids quickly adapt to preschool, while others cry throughout the year, just hearing the phrase "kindergarten". And all because in the second case, parents make a number of mistakes during the period of adaptation of the child to a new life. Conversations with parents in the preschool educational institution must necessarily touch on topics related to the baby's daily routine. If a child is used to going to bed at 11:00 pm and getting up at 10:00 am, it will be quite difficult for him to adjust in a different way. With earlyon the rise, the baby will be capricious, and going to the garden will be associated with real hard labor. It is necessary for a future pupil of a preschool institution to set up the daily routine in a few months.
Quick fees are another mistake of modern parents. Moms think that they are doing the right thing if they give the baby the opportunity to sleep a little longer in the morning. However, most preschools need to arrive by 9:00 am. As a result, you have to hastily dress the child. Not only the baby is nervous, but also the mother. At the same time, there is no time left for tenderness, which is so necessary for a child before parting with his parents for the whole day.
During conversations with parents, psychologists recommend giving more time to the child in the morning. This allows you to recharge your batteries for the whole day, both for the baby and for the mother. Tenderness is an important element of the harmonious development of personality.
Working with disadvantaged families
Families with a low social status, whose adult members for a number of reasons do not cope with their duties, are considered disadvantaged. In such cases, children are the first to suffer. If such a baby begins to attend a preschool, it can be easily identified among the rest. The child is untidy, has an extremely high appetite, and is asocial. Often such children are several steps behind in development, do not show independence skills, do not know how to talk.

There are several methods of influencing moms and dads who do not cope well with theirresponsibilities. Not only preschool teachers, but also social services are involved in the work. Conversation with dysfunctional parents is an effective method of influence. Initially, experts promote family values and a he althy lifestyle. Be sure to tell dysfunctional parents what further neglect of the normal development of the child can lead to. If such conversations do not give a positive result, "bad" moms and dads are sent for compulsory treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism, if there are such problems. The last point is the deprivation of parental rights.
Often there are situations when parents lead a he althy lifestyle, but due to circumstances and financial situation, they cannot give the child a full-fledged upbringing. Initially, teachers and psychologists of a preschool institution need to find out what position the family is in. Interviews with parents should be conducted in a pleasant environment. Only in this way can a mother trust a psychologist. There are no hopeless situations. The specialist will tell you how you can improve your financial situation. The law of the Russian Federation provides for assistance to low-income families. In addition, benefits may be available to parents.
The child goes to school
When a baby crosses the age of six, a number of new problems appear. The child begins to actively prepare for schooling. This is where talking to parents is so important. The psychologist tells what points you should pay attention to in the first place. Many mistakenly believe that before going to first grade, a child should learn to write and write.think. In fact, these skills are not so important. Everything can be learned in school. But psychological readiness plays an important role. Coming to the first class, the kid should be assiduous, attentive. It is important to respect the teacher. The child should know who to turn to for help if needed.

As a rule, the conversation with the parents of the younger group of kindergarten touches upon aspects of independence. At school, the child must know how to properly visit the toilet, where to wash their hands and how to hold a spoon. However, if parents have made mistakes in the past, the baby may not have elementary skills in the first grade. Especially often this situation happens when the child did not attend preschool. Therefore, a conversation with parents of future first graders should also touch upon aspects of independence.
Proper motivation to study is the key to success. The child should be interested not in a new toy or going to the circus, but in obtaining interesting knowledge. The psychologist's conversation with parents should touch on the topic of children's motivation before attending school. The specialist will tell you what mom and dad need to do so that the child is happy to go to first grade. And preschool education plays a huge role here. Parents should find out in advance what kind of training program is provided. The kid will be bored and lose interest if he can do more than his classmates.
Help with homework
As mentioned above, independence isrecipe for success. Experts talk about this with parents in kindergarten and elementary school. If you teach your child the skills of independence at an early stage, it will be much easier for him in the future. Proper preparation of homework is of great importance here. It is quite difficult for a kid who had practically no duties yesterday to get used to daily homework. The correct behavior of parents plays an important role. Motivation will teach the baby to new responsibilities.

Psychologists say that children do better with any task during the daytime. Therefore, the preparation of lessons should not be left for the evening. In addition, if you do everything in a timely manner, you can have time to take a walk with friends or go to the rides in the park. This is one of the elements of motivation. Don't forget about marks. If you do your homework well, you will be able to get the coveted five. And this is an opportunity to stand out, to be the best student in the class.
In the early stages, mothers help their children do their homework. The baby will not be able to cope on his own. If you let everything take its course, the child will begin to lag behind. As a result, there will be no interest in learning at all. A conversation with parents in the first grade should touch on the topic “How to teach lessons with a child?”. Moms and dads need to be patient. You have to spend several hours studying. In no case should you do homework for a small student!
If the child is insecure
As a rule, by the third grade guysare already divided into interest groups at school. Teachers can easily identify leaders or, on the contrary, insecure guys. Some children may not have friends at all, they are lonely and withdrawn into themselves. These guys often lag behind in their studies. To clarify the situation, the teacher first of all conducts a conversation with the parents. The family is the benchmark. If there are problems (for example, parents get divorced), the child will suffer first of all.

The teacher should delicately find out from the parents what the situation at home is. The teacher or psychologist tells how the child behaves within the school walls. Adults work together to find solutions to problems. There may also be a situation where everything is in order at home, but in the classroom the child remains withdrawn. This may be due to the rejection of the baby in the team. Perhaps the little student has bad character traits (greed, cunning, selfishness) that prevent him from finding friends. Such problems will also have to be de alt with by interacting with parents. In childhood, moms and dads are the authority for kids. They will be able to explain what not to do.
Conversation with parents of difficult children
The older the child becomes, the more problems may arise in his upbringing. Yesterday, a sweet girl with bows, today - a gloomy teenager who knows a lot of bad words and refuses to fulfill requests. Why do children change so dramatically? Psychologists say that individual conversations with parents will help solve the problem. To find the answers you have todig deep enough. In childhood, a person absorbs, like a sponge, not only good, but also bad. If in the past the family had to go through a difficult period, it is possible that this will affect the child's behavior in the future.

A separate category includes teenagers from dysfunctional families. Most often these are children whose upbringing moms and dads are not involved in at all. The guys are looking for attention on the side, they have sexual contact early. Conversations with dysfunctional parents are simply necessary. If problems are not de alt with in a timely manner, the life of a teenager will be ruined. Attention and love - that's what parents should give their children. In this direction, a conversation with a psychologist should be conducted.
Psychology of a high school student
Children who study in high school are already adults, mature personalities. The interaction of parents with adolescents has a number of nuances. The future position of the student in society depends on how correctly moms and dads behave. The psychologist should conduct a conversation with the parents "Child and parent". An important element of the relationship with the student is trust. If everything is done correctly, the children will tell their parents about their joys and failures. Moms and dads, in turn, will be able to direct the energy of their son or daughter in the right direction. Thus, it will be possible to avoid getting the child into bad company, early pregnancy.
Conversations with parents at school should be conducted on an individual basis. At general meetings,address only general issues (achievement, future activities). To resolve individual issues, the psychologist will have to make an additional appointment.

Gifted children deserve special attention. The teacher should also talk to the parents of such children. Often, mothers and fathers do not notice the talents of their children, sending them to learn a profession that is not interesting to the child. As a result, a high school student is disappointed in his parents, misses the opportunity to develop in the chosen direction. Moms and dads should perceive their children as adult participants in society. They have the right to choose their own path in life.
Career Guidance
Conscious choice of profession - success in the future. Psychologists believe that a person should work in an area that is of great interest. This way you will be able to receive a stable income and grow professionally. While a member of society is not an adult, decisions for him are made by parents. Unfortunately, it often happens that mothers and fathers try to realize their ambitions through a child. Parents say that you need to go to study as a lawyer, journalist or dentist just because it is prestigious. This does not take into account the interests of the child himself.
When it comes to career guidance, timely conversation between teachers and parents of high school students is of great importance. Experts urge moms and dads not to interfere with children making their own choices. Parents can only help with unobtrusive advice. And in order to quickly decidechildren in an educational institution can pass a special test for career guidance. It is desirable to do this in the 9th grade so that the child still has time to deliberately make a decision.
Preventive conversations with parents should be held at any age. The more closely teachers interact with moms and dads, the better it will be possible to establish the process of raising children. When planning a conversation, the teacher should clarify when it will be convenient for parents to visit the educational institution. A number of issues can be considered at the general meeting. Some problems are solved only on an individual basis.
Conversations with dysfunctional parents deserve special attention. Such mothers and fathers often refuse to attend school at all. In this case, social workers are involved. The interview can be conducted at home forcibly. If the recommendations of the teacher and psychologist are ignored, the question of deprivation of parental rights arises.