Ecological and economic feasibility study of the technology project

Ecological and economic feasibility study of the technology project
Ecological and economic feasibility study of the technology project

What is the business case for a technology project? What is it about and what is this task? In school institutions, the general justification for a technology project is divided into environmental, economic and technical components. In this article, we will consider environmental and economic types of justification.

By all standards, students' creative work on technology is a necessary part of school education. Such activities should contribute to the development of aesthetic taste, develop the ability and skills of technical literate thinking in an environmental and economic aspect, and contribute to the development of students' creative abilities. This will help them develop logical thinking in the field of project activities, learn to analyze the subject and the algorithm of actions, individually identify the main ideas and continue it.independent reflection.

Project - what is it? Justifications

A creative project is a reasonable creative activity aimed at achieving and fulfilling a goal, solving a specific problem, despite some environmental, economic and other physical limitations. With this, everything is clear. When drawing up a business case for a technology project, there is a limitation that it is impossible to exceed the limit (cost) up to a certain limit. The designed product must be effective and expedient, have some novelty. In environmental terms, the product must be harmless and without dangerous consequences for humans. There are also other limitations of a general physical nature.

Students at technology lesson
Students at technology lesson


When drawing up an environmental and economic justification for a technology project (creative or playful), it is important to consider that it should contain the following items:

  • idea history and theory;
  • selection and justification of the project;
  • idea analysis and drafting;
  • tools and fixtures, safety;
  • technological map of the execution algorithm;
  • feasibility study for the project;
  • environmental justification of the project;
  • analysis of the project as a whole;
  • advertisement of the designed product.

The task of the economic justification of a technology project is the formation of an expedient budget, its savings. Also rational(economical) achievement of the goal. And compliance with regulatory environmental requirements for occupational he alth and safety.

Economic justification of the project
Economic justification of the project

What are the projects

Basically, projects are usually divided into such types as:

  • practice-oriented project;
  • research training project;
  • information project to collect statistical data;
  • creative and playful (role-playing).

The economic justification of a technology project is directly included in all types of educational educational. They are primarily aimed at developing the ability to master the outside world on the basis of scientific analysis, which is the main goal of general education.

Justification by class

In this context, the economic and environmental justification of a technology project does not require one-line skills, like professionals. It requires logically oriented thinking and mastery of the following knowledge:

  • justify the purpose of the activity and take the risk of creating an author's product;
  • collection and processing of information on the Internet, archives and the like;
  • to master projective and technical activities, learn the skills of professional work;
  • give an ecological and economic assessment of the technology and the product of personal labor;
  • carry out technological processes in a safe manner;
  • find your professional interests and inclinations, which will help in the future to work in the workforce.
Presentation of your project
Presentation of your project

Example in grades 5-6. Nuances

Such a business case for a technology project in grade 5 can be done using the example of decorating a simple mirror or research topic "Where do butterflies come from". For example, decorations on a mirror in a certain algorithm can be applied using spray paint methods through a stencil (airbrush spray technology) or use the multi-color sgraffito method using several durable stencils. In the content in paragraph history (methods), you can consider other ways of decorating, to make an objective analysis of ideas. In addition, the development of sketches of the drawing is obligatory; description of materials (cardboard, glass, paints and fixing varnishes, hard brush for stuffing sgraffito, etc.); equipment for the technological process (airbrush, compressor); ecological and economic substantiation of a creative project on technology for decorating a mirror. The work also needs to show the sophistication of the finish (design) and the usefulness of the thing.

mirror decoration project
mirror decoration project

Determining the cost of a product

Determining the cost of a product includes the cost of materials that are used for work, the cost of equipment, the electricity bill spent on the operation of PCs (personal computers), lighting and other costs that make up the cost of the product, as well as the costs for advertising.

The economic justification for a technology project in grade 6 can be calculated using an intuitive formula: P=S + P (V). Where is C-price, C - the cost of the product, P - profit (the remainder of the proceeds), B - the time for which the product was made. The cost also includes other costs: C1 - the cost of cardboard, glass; C2 - the cost of paints, varnish; C3 - the cost of the airbrush, compressor; C4 - the cost of electricity, external sources; C5 - the cost of fixing materials (linseed oil, varnish, glue.). All this is summed up, highlighted and economically justified taking into account the environmental aspect. Is the mirror decoration and design technology project feasible or economical.

How to calculate the cost
How to calculate the cost

Creative technology project

A creative technology project (for example, the research project "Where do butterflies come from") is aimed at the cooperation of a teacher and a student. In such a bundle, the types of work are immediately combined: in pairs, individual, group and collective. Working on the topic, you can get a specific result, which positively affects the self-esteem of the guys. At the initial stage, it is necessary to conduct a study of how insects (butterflies) arose in general, their structure, physiology, genotype. What butterflies exist in nature, how they eat, how they transform into beautiful creatures from cocoons, what do the patterns on the wings mean and so on. You need to know the basics of zoology, biology, ecology and other sciences, how they are perceived by naturalists in their artistic and mythical versions. After the work done, you can proceed to the practical stage, make an application with butterflies, mold them from plasticine, construct them from paper, or simply draw a picture. And then alreadyjustify the project economically and environmentally.

Labor lessons at school
Labor lessons at school


The use of project technology in their work meets all the standards of general education. Besides, it's very interesting! So, the economic justification of the project on technology, mastering the skills of such work, acquired in practical, open or environmental lessons will help to make quick and correct decisions in everyday life. This approach is distinguished by sound humanism, respect for the individual and a positive impulse, as a person's self-esteem increases. This activity is aimed primarily at personal development, at solving problems that have arisen and solving environmental problems in our lives, as well as at adapting children to modern society and the world.
