Outdated and old-church words are not so common for a modern person. As a rule, this happens in well-established phrases that are familiar to the ear, and therefore do not cause problems with understanding. Exactly until you start to think about the meaning of individual concepts. One of these "stumbling words" is now the outdated word "perpetually". What does this adverb mean? Let's try to figure out its meaning and introduce a new word into our vocabulary.
What does "nicely" mean?
The adverb "always" can now be found mainly in church texts, and in them it has the meaning "always". At the same time, the adjective “prisny” formed from this word has not only the meaning of “eternal”, but also “true”, and can even play the role of a noun meaning “like-minded” or “minion”, which is most often found in fiction, where adds expressiveness to the speech of the characters.

Synonyms for the word
Outdated, obsolete words, and, especially, Church Slavonic, as a rule, there are not many equivalents in modern Russian. The word "permanently" has the main modern synonym - "always". Also, as a replacement for this archaism that is relevant for our contemporary, such words as "continuously" and "constantly" can be used. In any case, the most general meaning remains unchanged, associated with the constancy of any action in relation to which this adverb is used.
Examples of usage
A full understanding of the word and its use is impossible without giving examples, especially if it is not widely used. Consider several options from different works:
- And everyone is blind. And in each - a demon. So it was always, and so it is today (Rock opera "Jeanne d'Arc").
- The sun has given birth to the truth, Ever Virgo! The womb is ever virgin. Source of fresh animal drink. Always living abodes. (Min. Aug. 22. - In this example, from church texts, the whole range of meanings of the word "everyday" is presented).
- From now on and forever and ever, man will be an ordinary phenomenon of nature.

In conclusion
The vocabulary of the language is constantly changing: some words go away, become obsolete, remaining only in stable expressions and ancient literature, some come to replace them, gradually entering our lives, and this process is eternal andcontinuous. But in any case, the expansion of vocabulary is an integral element in the development of any self-respecting intelligent person.