Groups of needs in society. Peculiarities

Table of contents:

Groups of needs in society. Peculiarities
Groups of needs in society. Peculiarities

When a person wants something, it means that he is in need. The needs are varied and numerous. Satisfaction of some is physiologically necessary, others - not material - are dictated by the desire to learn something and do good deeds, status ambitions. The study of group needs is important, since the desire to satisfy them can push associations of people according to interests not only for good deeds, but also for negative, illegal actions.

What are needs

A need is an acute shortage of something. It activates the mental and physiological forces of a person to find ways and means to satisfy it.

social group needs
social group needs

Groups of needs are not numerous, but they stimulate the vital activity of a person. For example, the need for food drives one to find or earn money to buy it: looking for a paid job, begging, stealing, cheating, borrowing from a bank. The choice of ways to meet needs depends on the level of moral, physical development, on the circumstances of life.human.

Types of needs

There are two main groups of needs.

Man is one of the representatives of mammals, therefore physiological needs (natural) are the same for all people and animals: food, water, air, warmth, sleep, sex. Without the satisfaction of these primary needs, it is impossible to continue the life of the individual and humanity in general.

what groups of needs
what groups of needs

The diversity of the secondary needs group is explained by the diversity of human interests:

  • in material abundance;
  • in comfort;
  • in public recognition, communication, love and friendship;
  • in satisfaction of cognitive, spiritual interests.

Failure to meet these needs does not lead to the death of a person, but forms a psychological or physical discomfort. This creates specific goals and motives for certain actions that lead to the satisfaction of the need.

A social group is…

A group is an association of individuals interacting with each other. It is formed from people, the unifying factor for which is a common goal and type of activity. For example, self-help groups include people who need third-party support - material, physical, psychological. They unite graduates of orphanages, single mothers, the disabled and others.

main groups of needs
main groups of needs

There are professional associations and interests: lovers of needlework, art, sports, travel, floriculture (circles, clubs, sections). Oftensocial events are organized - holidays, exhibitions, lectures.

In social groups there is intensive communication, exchange of experience. Its members find satisfaction in their needs in participation in socially useful affairs, in recognition, in useful leisure, find like-minded people and friends.

Classification and activities

There are dozens of grounds for classifying social groups: by gender, age, time of foundation, goals, forms of leadership and organization, place of residence, nationality, religion, material condition, and so on.

Group size can be small (from 2-3 people to several dozen members) and large.

Socially useful work is inherent in the so-called pro-social groups. Their ideas, forms of organization, goals, methods of activity do not contradict social tasks and norms of life, but, on the contrary, they introduce a positive element. Members of such a group support government programs, such as nature conservation, and partially solve them at the local level.

The needs met in asocial groups are based on anti-social values and interests: alcoholics or drug addicts come together to use alcohol and drugs. Sometimes they help each other in obtaining funds for their acquisition, provide mutual support within the framework of their morality. Family and community values are relegated to the background.

needs met in the group
needs met in the group

Anti-social groups and gangs are aggressive, theirgoals and activities are demonstratively radical. They can be political (fascist organizations), criminal, declaring outwardly pro-social goals. However, their actions fall under the articles of the Criminal Code, as they are organized and prepared crimes.

Why social groups emerge

Throughout his life, a person is a member of many social groups. In some he falls involuntarily (family, school class, production team), in others he enters consciously. Why? If his personal needs and interests coincide with those of other people, then this brings him closer to them, a mutual interest in communication and pastime is formed. Individual needs become social group needs:

  • need for collective communication and informal contacts;
  • in cooperation for the benefit of society;
  • in mutual understanding, support, help, recognition;
  • in organizing collective leisure;
  • in the exchange of life and professional experience;
  • in the self-affirmation and self-realization of each individual, in public recognition of the significance of the activities of the entire group.

In friendly groups, not only business, but also emotional attachments, a sense of security are necessarily formed. Common goals and objectives stimulate the creative search for ways to solve them.


The social significance of any association of people is determined by what groups of needs it satisfies in the first place (material, spiritual, social), what goals it pursues, what forms andchooses methods of action. Unfortunately, they do not always meet the interests of society and the state, they can be of an anti-social nature. Therefore, internal and external control of the social group is necessary, in whatever form it may exist.

need groups
need groups

Its management and ordinary members must be fully aware of the responsibility for the results of their work. Basic human needs should not be met through socially frowned upon or criminalized activities.
