In Russian, verbs, like other parts of speech, are subject to inflection. Grammar calls this conjugation, i.e., change in numbers and genders. For example: I go - he goes - they go. Verbs belong to a specific conjugation: I or II. Understanding the basics of conjugation will help you correctly write endings that are not stressed. In this article, we will study the basics and analyze in detail the verbs of the 3rd person plural.
Persons and numbers
Verbs come in three persons, both singular and plural. numbers. Faces show who is doing the action:
- 1st, unit h. - the speaker performs an action and is considered the subject of speech. For example: I go shopping, I listen to music.
- 2nd, sg. h. - talks about the actions that the interlocutor performs. For example: you ride a bike, you drink tea.
- 3rd, sg. h. - speaks of an action that an object or person does not participate in the conversation. For example: she is the best dancer, it happens all the time.
- 1st, pl. h. - the action is done by several people, together with the speaker. For example: we saw off a friend, weboating.
- 2nd, pl. h. - talks about actions related to both the interlocutor and other persons, for example: you are thinking about moving, you are listening to the news.
- 3rd, pl. h. - 3rd person plural verbs describe actions performed by objects or persons not present during the conversation. For example: they burn fires, they fight in battle.
Face. How to identify?
Persons of verbs are determined by question substitution:
1. When the word refers to the 1st:
- what am I (s)doing?
- what are we (s)doing?
2. When the word refers to the 2nd:
- what are you (s)doing?
- what are you (s)doing?
3. When the word refers to the 3rd:
- what is she (s)doing?
- what are they (c)doing?
Conjugation of verbs in Russian. Table

The conjugation is specified by the indefinite (initial) form of the verb (what to do?). Consider which of the verbs refer to I, and which to II.
I | II | |
1 | Exception words (3 pcs.): lay, shave, build up | All verb forms ending in -it (excluding 3 exceptions) |
2 | All verb forms ending in -et (excluding 7 exceptions) | Exception words (7 pcs.): see, hate, watch, endure, depend, offend, twirl |
3 | All verb forms ending in -at (excluding 4 exceptions) | Exception words (4 pcs.): breathe, hear, hold, drive |
4 | Other verb forms |
Verbs 3rd person plural. Examples. Features

Let's consider the modification of verb forms (different conjugations):
Face | I | II |
Unit h: 1st 2nd 3rd |
scream, sing, drown, want shouting, eating, drowning, wanting screaming, singing, drowning, wanting |
cook, twist, see, endure cook, twist, see, endure cooks, twists, sees, endures |
Mn. h: 1st 2nd 3rd |
scream, sing, sink, want shout, sing, drown, want to shouting, singing, drowning, wanting |
cook, twist, see, endure cook, twist, see, endure cook, twist, see, endure |
3rd person plural verbs have endings: -at (-yat) and -ut (-yut). You can ask them questions: "What are they doing?", "What will they do?" These verbs can be used in sentences where the participant of the action is not defined, for example:
- I am advisedquit this job.
- They talk about it on the street.
- This candidate is supported.
Many people confuse the spelling of 3rd person plural verbs. hours (or units) and verbs of an indefinite form. For example: bite - bite, swear - swear, swim - swim. How to know when you need a soft sign in writing, and when not. To do this, ask a question:
- try, get scared (what are they doing?) - these are verbs of the 3rd l. pl. h., there is no soft sign in the question, which means that it is not needed in the word either;
- try, be afraid (what to do?) - these are verbs neodef. forms, there is a soft sign in the question, which means that it is also written in verbs.
To test knowledge of 3rd person plural verbs. h. try to complete the tasks.

Exercise number 1. Conjugate these words:
- shave;
- depend;
- cut;
- stab;
- drive.
Exercise number 2. Put the verb in the form of the 3rd person plural. numbers:
- clean;
- set;
- go;
- sail;
- walk.
Exercise number 3. Which of the verb forms are in the 3rd person plural. numbers:
- watching;
- paint;
- carry;
- throw;
- mow.
Exercise 1:
- shave, shave, shave, shave, shave, shave;
- depend, depend, depend, depend, depend, depend;
- cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut;
- stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab;
- drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive.
Exercise 2:
- cleaning;
- put;
- go;
- float;
- walking.
Exercise 3:
1) look, 4) throw, 5) mow.
So the ways of modifying verbs have been studied. We examined how words are transformed by persons, numbers, what endings form verbs of the 3rd person plural. Examples have been given. Now everyone can easily set the conjugation of any verb.