One of the main things that professional philologists and just those who love their native language appreciate in people's speech is purity. After all, you must admit that it is much more pleasant to hear during a conversation not oversaturated with obscene expressions and spoiled by extraneous words borrowed from foreign languages, but pure, literate and correct vocabulary. The so-called defiling of the tongue may also include an accent to some extent.
Why does the accent appear?
When a person wants to learn the language of another country at school, college or on his own, the first thing he does is spend a lot of time studying vocabulary and grammar, which is very useful. However, phonetics, that is, correct pronunciation, is given very little time in many schools, which is unfair to the language being studied. After all, people just speak the language, that is, they put their soul into it, and not just build sentences grammatically and spelling correctly. Each language has its own mood, its own spirit, its own intonation, its own sound, which are difficult to fully understand - that's why this or that accent appears in a person who has just arrived in a foreign country.
Discrimination against the Ukrainian language

The most interesting thing is that in society for some reason it is tacitly believed that the Ukrainian accent in Russian pollutes it to a greater extent than, for example, German in English. After all, when they hear such words as "sho" or "who", they think that a person came from a remote village. Perhaps these are subjective subtleties, but the Ukrainian accent gives the Russian language a touch of vernacular and rude, which is rather strange, since the origins of these two languages are very similar, and the Ukrainian language itself is considered one of the most melodic in the world.
Origin of the Ukrainian language

You can talk about the peculiarities of the origin of the Ukrainian language for a long time, but we need only basic facts. Ukrainian belongs to the Slavic language group, it was formed as a result of the division of the Old Russian language into three: Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian. That is why these languages are so similar.

But although a Belarusian and a Ukrainian can easily understand each other and a Russian, a native speaker of Russian will hardly understand a Ukrainian. Yes, the Russian language is different from its relative languages, so the presence of a Ukrainian accent in speech always stands out and spoils the impression.
Variety of dialects in the Ukrainian language
Interestingly, some Ukrainians may notice a Ukrainian accent in the speech of their own compatriots and at the same time claim that their ears curl intotubule. This is because Ukrainian itself has many dialects of its own. We can consider the features of some accents of the Ukrainian language.

If a person living in Western Ukraine, for example, in Transcarpathia, arrives somewhere in Kharkov, he will be surprised at the presence of inscriptions in the city in Russian and people speaking Ukrainian mixed with Russian, that is, Surzhik. And a Kharkiv resident, in turn, may not understand at all what language a resident of Transcarpathia speaks - the dialects in Ukraine are so different. This is due to the fact that Ukraine has many neighboring countries, from whose languages the inhabitants adopt the peculiarities of the pronunciation of words and the manner of speech itself.
Signs of Ukrainian pronunciation in Russian
To understand what a Ukrainian accent is in Russian, you need to determine how these two languages differ from each other in pronunciation.
By the way, do not confuse such two concepts as surzhik and accent - they are different things. Surzhik is a partial borrowing of words from another language with a distorted pronunciation. That is, the following phrase can be considered a Surzhik:
That yikhnya wine, Schaub yikh vedmed for crushing this.
As you can see, both vocabulary and grammar of two different languages got mixed up, and it turned out to be such an incomprehensible mess. Surprisingly, such corrupted and crippled speech is very common on the territory of Ukraine, and those who speak pure Ukrainian are becoming fewer and fewer.
So, the Ukrainian accent is a little different, these are some differencesin speech that relate to a purely phonetic level. The most common feature of the Ukrainian pronunciation is, of course, the specific pronunciation of the sound [r]. By the way, the Ukrainian language has a Russian sound [r], it is written as ґ, and the Ukrainian r is pronounced similarly to [x]. This feature is very noticeable in speech and hurts the ear.
Also, in the Ukrainian language, emphasis is placed on the pronunciation of the sound o in words. If a Russian can say "karova", then a Ukrainian should say "cow". The clear pronunciation of the sound [o] in Russian words makes the speech absurd.
In Russian, the sound [h] is considered soft, and in Ukrainian - hard, that is, it is pronounced with great noise and pressure, and in words with the letter u it is heard clearly, like this: [shch].
Speaking of intonation, it can be noted that Ukrainians speak more melodiously, raising their voice at the beginning of a sentence and lowering it towards the end, which gives the speech an interrogative sound.

How to get rid of Ukrainian accent?
If you moved to live in Russia for some reason or just stay there for a while and don't want people asking you questions like "Oh, are you from Ukraine?" or "How-how did you say? Shaw?", then you should do the following things.
Familiarize yourself with the above signs of the Ukrainian dialect and try to find them in your speech. Next, you need to adhere to the main rule of any business that you want to learn - practice all the time. Read literary works in Russian, andlisten to them better, watch movies and, most importantly, communicate more often with native Russian speakers who will help you understand the intricacies of pronunciation and intonation.